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posted on April 12, 2001 05:25:55 AM new
LOL, everyone was fighting it out over the bat. I won it!

Yes Netta, today is the day. Mom was telling me tonight that he is having problems at the nursing home too, so he may be moving to another one soon. I hate it when they don't treat him right!

~^~ Hippy wannabe ~^~
posted on April 12, 2001 05:35:48 AM new
Mouse are you saying that you bid on that thing and won it. LOL too funny.

I hope all goes well today, I understand how hard it is when you want to make sure that your dad is treated well, and you find out he isn't been treated with dignity or respect. I have seen that happen a few times now, when an elderly sick and frail person is in a nursing home and they are not given the respect due to them.

posted on April 12, 2001 05:40:51 AM new
I should have gone to the last page of loosecannon's thread and I would have know that you won the auction. hahaha

Doesn't it give you the hebbies just looking at it, I would have nightmares if that was in my house. LOL hahaha

posted on April 12, 2001 05:51:49 AM new
Well, like I said in the thread I'm not sure what I'm going to do with it yet. But I actually like the darn thing! LOL

Oh I could tell you horror stories of what happened to my grandfather in a nursing home! When I found out about it all, I was furious!! Part of the problem with Grandpa was hat he was in a residential type home and he'd started to deteriorate. But rather tell the family that his care was beyond what they could provide, they said nothing. Even my grandmother either didn't notice, or didn't know. When he had another stroke and died in the hospital is when everything came to light.

Needless to say that stuff is in my mind when it comes to Dad. We're lucky in that Dad has most of his facilities and can tell us what goes on, Grandpa didn't. I guess what happened is the roomate Dad had the first few days spread a lie about Dad, that he was predjudice. That is absolutely untrue and the roomate was a man of color. I never met him, but Mom said he had an attitude. My guess is Dad somehow upset him (or roomate took it as such) and that's what started it. Now the nurses aren't treating Dad right. We won't put up with that crap! Dad was 2 hours overdue for his breathing treatment yesterday and called Mom. Mom had to call the nurses station to get their a$$ in there to do it. That is a very bad thing, he was having serious problems breathing.

~^~ Hippy wannabe ~^~
posted on April 12, 2001 05:56:16 AM new
Mouse I am really sorry for all your troubles with your dad. I hope it gets better for you all very soon. It is so unfair when things like that happen.

I have to go and pick the boys' up from the movies now, if you are still here in a half hour, I will talk to you then, if not I will see you later. Chow for now. LOL

posted on April 12, 2001 06:00:53 AM new
Chow for now? LOL, you must be spending too much time with the boys!

I should wander off back to bed. Have a good day everyone!

~^~ Hippy wannabe ~^~
posted on April 12, 2001 06:05:13 AM new
Hi All, I've finally done what I had to do and can have some fun!
There's times when a blokes just got to do what a blokes got to do.

Bob, Downunder but never down.
posted on April 12, 2001 06:27:38 AM new
Anyone still around, cause I am back from the parcel pick job I just had. LOL

posted on April 12, 2001 06:28:59 AM new
Hi nettak, just been sitting here playing solitaire!

Bob, Downunder but never down.
posted on April 12, 2001 06:34:43 AM new
Hello Bob, I am just wasting time after I picked the boys' up and came home again, now I have to wait and see that some of my other son's guests do no leave under there own steam. I am hoping that someone is going to come and pick them up and that I do not have to drive them home.

posted on April 12, 2001 06:37:36 AM new
nettak, My two have both gone out for the night. We know where they are but you still worry.
Niether of them will be back until tommorow.

Bob, Downunder but never down.
posted on April 12, 2001 06:39:16 AM new
I wonder what happened to Pharlap tonight, one moment she was here and the next she had vanished. Maybe she got cut off and could not get back in, although she has to work tomorrow, so she may just have decided to call it a night.

How are relations with you chainsaw welding neighbour Bob?? Have you spoken to him yet?

Did you rescue your plants or did you lose some of them?

posted on April 12, 2001 06:43:00 AM new
You know Bob, I have friends that tell us we pander to our kids' too much, and maybe we do. But I don't think it is pandering to them to want to make sure that they are safe and protected. As a matter of fact I do not think I will ever change in that respect, I will always be protective of my kids'.

Mind you the ones' who tell me that I am too soft or that I pander to much to the kids', usually do not have children or there children are only babies. Wait until there turn comes and they have teenagers. I think they will worry just as much as I do.

posted on April 12, 2001 06:44:22 AM new
I ended up giving a lot of stuff away to neighbours. We've already started replanting with things that will grow in the changed conditions.
Finally got the last possum last night. The trap went off at 2 in the morning and he didn't like it. He was a big one and kicked up a hell of a din when he realised he couldn't get out!
As for dopey next door, I'm pleased to say I haven't seen him.

Bob, Downunder but never down.
posted on April 12, 2001 06:49:22 AM new
Bob, I just had an idea. You couldn't put that cute possum in dopey's roof. ROTF

It is sad that your garden was ruined. It would break my heart to have my garden destroyed by someone else's stupidity.

I just think after all the hard work and love that you would have put into making your garden, it is a terrible thing for someone to do to you. He must have realised that the trees shaded your yard and garden, and I feel he could have at least told you what he was going to do.

Some people do not think of anyone but themselves.

edited because cute has an 'e' on the end.
[ edited by nettak on Apr 12, 2001 06:50 AM ]
posted on April 12, 2001 06:50:14 AM new
My oldest boy is 21 and a volounteer firey with the CFA. He's just spent most of tonight at a bad road smash about half a mile from here cutting drunks out of their car.
They hit a parked car with passengers in it and they had to be cut out too.
I'm just thinking that Hepburn should have been there to help. None of them apparantly were wearing seatbelts.
sorry to be morbid but this sort of thing makes my blood boil.
No one was killed but at least three of them might prefer it to the injuries they received. It was an absolute mess.
Bob, Downunder but never down.
posted on April 12, 2001 06:55:07 AM new
I was pretty ropeable last week but there's not much I can do about it.
I'm getting used to the idea of creating something else now and I'm looking forward to it in a funny sort of way.
The remodelling has already started and in a year or so it'll look good.
I'm looking at it as an opportunity and a challenge!

Bob, Downunder but never down.
posted on April 12, 2001 06:55:18 AM new
Well thank god for people like your son. I hate drink drivers', it is my biggest peeve in life. My sister died as a result of a driver in another car taking tablets and drinking on top of it, and my grandmother died as a result of a drink driver not having full control of his vehicle.

I am very proud of the fact that I have always drilled my kids' that it is the worst possible thing that you can do, to drink and drive and none of them will even drive down our driveway if they have had a drink, even one little one.

If they have friends over, and they are drinking, there mates all know my rules and they either sleep here or they get someone to pick them up.

I agree with you on the seat belt issue.

posted on April 12, 2001 07:00:08 AM new
nettak, the dog's curled up by the side of me. She's sound asleep and having a doggy dream. It's comical to hear her giving lttle helps in her sleep. Every so often her feet are twitching away ninety to the dozen. I reckon she's chasing Easter Bunnies!

Bob, Downunder but never down.
posted on April 12, 2001 07:03:32 AM new
So are you going to make your new garden completly different to what it was, I am going to have to take out some of my plants in what was my rainforest area. I have to move some of them completely and I am in two minds as to what to do with them, whether to start a whole new garden section on the other side of the property or if I should just replant in a different section of my garden. The trouble I have is that I have this huge Moreton Bay Fig and a lot of things will not grow under it, so I am having to remove some of my little palms and ferns ect.

posted on April 12, 2001 07:04:58 AM new
nettak, I was watching the news this morning and looking at all that big surf you've got up your way right now.
Get the board out and hang ten!

Bob, Downunder but never down.
posted on April 12, 2001 07:06:17 AM new
Our dog 'Jake' snores like a human, it is funny to see other people's reations to it when they first hear him snore. LOL He also runs in his sleep, he will be lying down and his legs are going ten to the dozen and I am sure he thinks he is chasing birds or maybe the easter bunny.

posted on April 12, 2001 07:08:58 AM new
Bob when I saw the news last night and they said that we were going to have record swells, I said to Greg that I bet there are some morons that will still go out in it, even though it would be a death trap.

Then today sure enough, a lot of morons went out in it and some very nearly drowned.

But Bob I have to tell you, that is not my scene, and they might think that I was a whale or something and harpoon me. LOL haha

posted on April 12, 2001 07:10:47 AM new
I'm going to put in a lot of Grevilleas and other flowering natives and maybe a few banksias etc. It'll be good for the birds.
With your Moreton Bay fig check out your local nursery for Hosta's, Clivea's and Strothophillum's. They will all grow well in shade, don't need much water and are all hardy. The cliveas are espiecally good in dry shady spots under trees.

Bob, Downunder but never down.
posted on April 12, 2001 07:13:21 AM new
Happy Easter mates, I can't believe you are still on the board. Did you see my Ogden Nash Platypus and Porpoise poems a few days ago....one was for Bob cause it had golphin in it. Watch out for those killer peeps, even as a little kid I never liked 'em. Used to bite of the head of one and leave the rest for my Dad. Didn't want the Easter bunny to think I wasn't greatful.
Netta be sure to get a mature Cliviea the ones we have here have to be at least 8 years old before they bloom. I bought on for indoors and it took another 4 years even tho the nursery assured me it was at least 7 years old...cost an arm and a leg and then never was much for show.
[ edited by zilvy on Apr 12, 2001 07:15 AM ]
posted on April 12, 2001 07:14:59 AM new
Hi zilvy, Are up real early or still up very late?
Either way it's good to see you!

Bob, Downunder but never down.
posted on April 12, 2001 07:16:01 AM new
I will check them out and see what I can get. We could not take the tree out even if we wanted to, because it is heritage listed. Did you know that they list trees? I didn't until we moved here, it is listed because it is one of the original trees planted here when this was all cane farming land 100 years ago.

We planted about 150 native plants on our property and we attract a lot of birds, we also have a lot of fruit trees that we planted, we put in 14 mango trees and god knows how many Paw Paw trees, as well as a killer passionfruit vine, I always end up giving our clients heaps of passionfruit.

The passions are the sort that you can just open and eat, they are not sour like a lot of them are, these are fantastic.

posted on April 12, 2001 07:17:30 AM new

Bob, Downunder but never down.
posted on April 12, 2001 07:18:05 AM new
Hello Zilvy, it is good to see you. We are not usually here at the same time.

Did Mouse email you, I asked her to and asked her to give you my email. I will send you some tim tams ect. for you to sample.

posted on April 12, 2001 07:21:56 AM new
Hello Bob it is 10:15 AM and I have finished breakfast, made hubbies lunch and dinner (he works from 1 to 9:30 today, taken care of the cat and done a couple loads of laundry and now will write checks and make a run to the PO. It is raining today and I had hoped to get out in my gardens to start cleaning up now that the snow (by the way that is a 4 letter word) has melted. Will try for tomorrow, supposed to be better.
We have quite a collection of Hostas in our shade garden and I think I mentioned at least 250 types of Hemeracalus (sp?) daylilies. I love to garden but have had lots of physical problems for the past 3 years and really haven't been able to do much. It is great mental therapy working in a garden....gets rid of all your problems. Sounds like you have a real challange...good on you for taking it as such. Enjoy!!

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