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posted on April 15, 2001 05:18:27 AM new
I've got the kids here dropping hints that they'd like to use the computor for a while. They reckon if I don't get off soon they dob me in for chatting up lovely ladies on the net!
See you all tommorow.

Bob, Downunder but never down.
posted on April 15, 2001 05:19:46 AM new
Night Bobby Boy

posted on April 15, 2001 05:21:29 AM new
A hard life my foot. I think you get it pretty easy Bob me boy.

Pharlap just think of all that vegging out you will be able to do on your days off.

I just emailed Rocker to wish her a happy easter, and send her a link to the Who Stays Up The Latest? After all it was her baby to start with. I haven't talked to her for about a week, or it could be a bit more, I have lost track of time,or.......I may have just lost my mind altogether. LOL

posted on April 15, 2001 05:23:33 AM new
Goodnight Bob, have the kids' been reading over your shoulder?

posted on April 15, 2001 05:27:49 AM new
Actually - not too much veging out.

I'll be getting off my butt this week and going to a couple of RL auctions - one on Tuesday night and one Thursday morning. I will no longer be a RL auction virgin

I have something interesting planned for Tuesday during the day but my lips are sealed at the moment... don't want to jinx anything As soon as I can I will fill you in on what's going on...

posted on April 15, 2001 05:30:50 AM new
Good for you. You are going to be initiated into the world of RL auctions. I am so proud of you, you are now going to be a big girl. LOL Have you still got Bob's handbook of rules. Now just remember not to go overboard on your spending, and to look at everything before you bid. Try to get there early so that you can check everything out.

posted on April 15, 2001 05:33:22 AM new
I'll be going to the viewings for both so I can be prepared/work out how much I want to spend etc...

The one on Tues has an 11% buyers premium!!! That's a bit rich... something to keep in mind when bidding also...

Be back in a sec... need to go to the loo...

posted on April 15, 2001 05:35:49 AM new
Is that an 11% on top of the 10% GST we have to pay? Because if it is, that is really steep. They may only charge one lot not both.

posted on April 15, 2001 05:39:18 AM new
It says it includes GST. Even so, the other one only charges 6%

posted on April 15, 2001 05:43:35 AM new
I usually only have to pay the GST at the auctions I attend, I have never had to pay an extra premium. Maybe I have been lucky so far.

What sort of things are you looking for, or shouldn't I ask. LOL

posted on April 15, 2001 05:46:44 AM new
I'm funny like that - there's not one particular thing I look for... just whatever jumps out to me as special. You know that feeling you get in your gut when you just know that something should turn in a good profit...

I do have a soft spot for books and sporting memorabillia though (horse racing mainly of course!)

posted on April 15, 2001 05:50:54 AM new
With me it is usually china.

We got our leather lounge from an auction. We went looking fot white boards, which we did indeed get, but we spotted the lounge and we knew what it was worth, and ended up getting it for $450 and it would have cost us about $3,000 to buy it anywhere else, it was like new and in excellent condition.

At the end of the Auction we had people come and offer to buy the lounge off us, but they had no chance of getting it, and if they were so stupid not to bid while they had the chance that is there problem.

posted on April 15, 2001 05:53:56 AM new
When I get my own place I think I will probably end up buying a lot of things at auction to furnish it. Some of the auctions I see listed in the paper have everything including whitegoods...

posted on April 15, 2001 06:01:20 AM new
I just had to change my Mouse over, for some reason it was playing up, my daughter will not be impressed, I have put the trackball roller one on and she hate it.

Did you know that there are special whitegood auctions just especially for your household goods, like washing machines, dryers, ovens, fridges ect. they are really great, some of the stuff only has a small scratch or dent on it and works perfectly and a lot of them have full warrenty with them. That is the way to go if you can.

Some of the furniture sales are also great, but the ones to look out for are the ones that have only the odd piece of furniture in them,the people who go to them usually do not go to them for there furniture and you get it for a steal.

posted on April 15, 2001 06:03:28 AM new
Well Pharlap I am feeling pooped tonight so I will call it a night.

Goodnight. See you later.

posted on April 15, 2001 06:04:06 AM new
Well, it's been great chatting but I'm having trouble keeping my eyes open...

I'm afraid I'll have to call it a night.

Have a good night and I'll talk to you tomorrow

posted on April 15, 2001 09:17:20 PM new
Hi gang, anyone about yet? Linner (lunch/dinner) with Dad was great. My brother and nephew came along too. We ate, took pictures and Dad even made a few jokes (like he was ready for his free sample of Viagra now! ) Oh, and I remembered the camera this time so we have memories to last forever.

But alas the Easter Bunny did not come to my house this year. Either I stayed up too late or he left it all in Australia.

So what did you do?

~^~ Hippy wannabe ~^~
posted on April 15, 2001 09:28:34 PM new
Hello Mouse I can't believe the Easter Bunny missed your house....I now I spotted him in an arroyo nearby covered in chocolate...could be the weather got too warm for him? I also can't believe that you are here and I am still up. We went for a long drive today up along the coast, I needed and ocean fix...stopped and had fresh seafood while overlooking the ocean up in Gloucester. Lovely day, sunny fairly mild about 54 degrees. Very pleasant.

Sounds like you made your Dad feel pretty happy today. That is great that you all got together. How is he progressing?
Netta thanks for asking about my niece, she did have a healthy baby boy, he is just over 4 weeks old and absolutely precious...she is doing fine if not a little weary but all is well. Her mom was out with her for a weeks stay and helped her get some rest and of course held her newest grandbaby.

[ edited by zilvy on Apr 15, 2001 09:31 PM ]
posted on April 15, 2001 09:39:04 PM new
Zilvy! We're finally here together! Sounds like you had a lovely day. Oh how I could use an ocean fix. I try to go at least once a year, it helps calm the soul so much. I did get to see it in Dec. when we went to Catalina Island. We loved it there and are ready to go back! A psychic told me a long time ago I'd end up living on one coast or the other, I'm still waiting!

It was in the mid 80's here today and is supposed to get almost up too 100 by mid-week. Ugh. I hate summers here. I've lived through 29 of these damn things, I've had enough!

I'm not too sure about Dad. He seemed rather depressed today. I asked Mom has he been like that since he fell or before. She said since the fall, but she thinks it's the pain. But he did start to perk up after a bit and like i said started making jokes. He's always after me to bring the camera, I think he wants to make sure we have memories of him up til he's gone. I'd forgotten it, but came back for it. So we took some family pics. I think that made him happy.

~^~ Hippy wannabe ~^~
posted on April 15, 2001 09:44:18 PM new
Hello Ladies, I hope you are both having a lovely evening.

I am just popping in for a very quick visit as it is only 2:45pm and I have washing up to do and then clothes to hang out.

Mouse, I am sorry that the Easter Bunny did not come to your house. Maybe he is thinking of your figure. LOL I wish he had of thought of mine for me. ROTF I bet Santa will be kinder to you.

Zilvy, that is very good news about your baby great nephew. I will bet he is a spoilt little darling. There is just something about having a baby around that brings out the spoiling side to most everyone. Have you seen him yet?? I bet if you haven't, that you are just dying to cuddle him and snuggle up close with him. I love that clean baby smell.

Well it is back to my washing up and then off to hang the washing out. A woman's work is never done.

I will be back in an hour or so. See you then hopefully.

Forgot to add that I am glad you had a wonderful day with you dad Mouse, treasure every minute you have.

[ edited by nettak on Apr 15, 2001 09:46 PM ]
posted on April 15, 2001 09:53:55 PM new
Mouse I'd love to live near the ocean. We tried to buy a cottage way back when we first got married but they played games and raised the price...a year later they approached us with the price we had offered them and we had just bought our first home so we couldn't afford the cottage too. The plan had been to buy the cottage and rent it out for the first two years to help pay for a good down payment on a first year round home. Always wished that had worked out. Never had another chance at a reasonably priced place.
Nettak I won't get to see this little darling, I live on the East coast and he and his family live in Texas. So it will be photos and video tapes. Thank goodness for those at the very least. Certainly doesn't replace loving them in person but it's the best I will be getting.
How soon is your sister due? Any day now?
[ edited by zilvy on Apr 15, 2001 09:54 PM ]
posted on April 15, 2001 10:16:38 PM new
Here I am

Still at work and let me tell you it has been deathly quiet! They won't send me home yet though. I don't know - I'm trying to save them money and make myself happy at the same time but no go

Easiest money I've ever made though - must say that!

posted on April 15, 2001 10:25:40 PM new
HiPharlap I bet they get upset if you
take a nap though? I can remember being at the office at the end of a very long day on the road with 5 demonstrations of equipment systems. I had to call the Home Office they put me on hold and played something soft and slow...when they finally came back on (after 5 minutes) they scared the bejeesus outta me and the worst of it was I didn't have a clue as to what I wanted to ask them. After that I always made notes...just in case.
They say those short naps can be refreshing but I think it only works if you are awakened with a "nudge" not someone yelling in your ear.

posted on April 15, 2001 10:28:00 PM new
Don't worry Zilvy - I've already asked for a pillow and doonah and got the 'no' response

posted on April 15, 2001 10:29:27 PM new
Bummer Pharlap. You tried!

That's too bad Zilvy I'd be happy to be withing an hour of the ocean. We almost moved to Seattle a couple years ago, but the timing was off. Somedays I wish we'd gone ahead and done it...

~^~ Hippy wannabe ~^~
posted on April 15, 2001 10:30:23 PM new
Here's a little humour for you it's an outtake from a long email I just received.


My neighbor works in the operations department in the central office of
a large bank. Employees in the field call him when they have problems with their computers.

One night he got a call from a woman in one of the branch banks who had this question: "I've got smoke coming from the back of my terminal. Do you guys have a fire downtown?"

posted on April 15, 2001 10:33:37 PM new
If you ever get the chance to live near the ocean then all I can say is go for it!

I had breaky at the beach with my family on Easter Sunday morning before going to work. We just went to a bakery and bought pies and sat and watched the surfers and the sunshine on the water... perfect! I love the simple things in life

posted on April 15, 2001 10:38:49 PM new
Yeeeeee Ha!!! Have just been told I can leave in 5 mins

posted on April 15, 2001 10:39:37 PM new
There really is nothing like the ocean. We took a wonderful vacation in the Virgin Islands one year. We chartered a yacht, 36 or 38 footer, another couple joined us. My husband was the skipper...my gal friend and I did the cooking....except for some wonderful meals on shore. We even roasted a chicken on night. Thank goodness there were two of us...it gets pretty hot below decks when the oven is on.
Anyway the really wonderful part was the great nights sleep with the boat gently rocking and the waves gently lapping the hull and the halyard gently clanging against the mast. My idea of heaven. Many vacations on or near the water...My idea of heaven.

posted on April 15, 2001 10:40:58 PM new
Zilvy - I swear you must be a water sign like me???

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