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posted on April 17, 2001 02:42:06 AM new
Sorry, my tummy was saying it was lunchtime at 2am.

Ok, where were we? Oh yes, floods. Yes Gravid, that's what they're worried about. I've actually seen the flood plain map for our house, I won't argue that it's not there, or at least when the map was drawn. Somewhere I was reading that a lot of people have flood insurance that no longer need it because the landscape has changed so much since it was declared a flood area. That's what I had in mind when I said something about challenging it. But then again, I don't want to get stuck in that 100 year flood with no coverage either! At least the flood insurance is federally controlled, so we don't get gouged on the premiums.

~^~ Hippy wannabe ~^~
posted on April 17, 2001 02:56:44 AM new
It is funny that the conversation has turned to flood insurance, I was only talking about such a thing this afternoon.

All policies used to has flood insurance included in them and then bit by bit the insurance companies phased it out. Now it would cost us an arm and a leg to get flood insurance, we live next to a river and even though we have never had water sitting on our land when we get bad rain, our land is termed as partly flood zone. Back in 1974 Brisbane had a major flood and the land that my house sits on was flooded, but then so was everything else throughout a quarter of the State. Our insurance company has just sent us something about flood insurance and I haven't had a chance to go through it properly, but I intend to read it and maybe if it is reasonable I will again have cover against flooding. I have to admit that it would take a load off my mind, I worry about flooding.

posted on April 17, 2001 03:13:43 AM new
I have to get some invoices done for Greg's deliveries tomorrow, so I will be gone for a short while. I have to concentrate on these as they are for the restaurants and they will know if I make a mistake. If when I am finished, I will pop back and see who is around.

posted on April 17, 2001 03:20:41 AM new
Me again!!!Can't stay myself, just thought I'd pop in and see who was here and what topic you all talking about.
The boys have just left here NETTA, they tell me they are all sleeping at your place.
Don't want to miss ALL Saints tonight, I did last week.
Nothing exciting has happened in my little world today, so...I can't contribute much.
Catch you all a bit later.

posted on April 17, 2001 03:21:35 AM new
When I was a kid, we had a lot of flooding one summer. I think I was all of 2 years old, but I sure remember it. Our house never got flooded, thank goodness, but our backyard was a lake and the water was about 2 inches from coming into the house. I remember it so well partly because that was the year we got the first cat I knew.

Mamacat (a stray) had 2 boys and 1 girl in our yard. It would rain some, and mamacat would move the 2 boys, but not the girl. So Mom or my brother would go out and move the baby girl to mama. After doing this a couple of times, she moved them out of the yard and we couldn't find her. Sure enough she'd left the girl behind. So my brother went out into the 'lake', into the pouring rain to rescue that poor little kitten. I remember standing at the back door very worried about the kitten and my brother. The kitten was all of 3 weeks old at the time. So we bottle fed her and after we raised her, she helped raise me. (By the way her name was Matilda.)

~^~ Hippy wannabe ~^~
posted on April 17, 2001 03:31:10 AM new
Ok you two, I should be here lurking for a bit yet. Pop back in when you can!

~^~ Hippy wannabe ~^~
posted on April 17, 2001 03:38:03 AM new
hi mouse, if you're still lurking, put that sandwich down!
Good to see you're getting geared up for listing.

Bob, Downunder but never down.
posted on April 17, 2001 03:38:22 AM new
Thanks for the warning about the boys', it is the first I knew about it, my son did not tell me everyone was coming over and staying the night. I wonder what the little darling have planned for tomorrow. LOL God forbid, I don't really want to know.

When the big flood was on here in 1974, I was only in my teens and I was actually down south with my younger sister on holidays. We had to have needles before we were allowed to come home in case of diseases. We were staying with an older married sister and she made sure that we had our needles. I remember them well.

When we came home I started work not long after and one of my first jobs was cleaning all the mud off the office files. I was working for an insurance loss adjuster. We had to set up office in his lounge room, which as it turned out was only a couple of streets away from our house. My mother went and checked them out first, because it was unusual circumstances they understood why mum wanted to make sure the job at his house was on the up and up. My dad was a fairly influental business man and he had contacts all over the place, so he could make sure that my boss was the real deal as well.

I could never get away with anything back then, because everywhere I went someone knew my father, or had at least heard of him.

Not one of us could get away with much, because it was always the same, someone would recognise us and tell dad, especially if we were up to something that we should not have been. LOL

posted on April 17, 2001 03:41:29 AM new
Hello Bob, what have you been up to?

I wonder where Pharlap is tonight? Hot date or work.......hmmmmmmmm. I bet she chooses the hot date. I would that is for sure.

Oh sorry, we already have a hot date.....his name is Bob. LOL

posted on April 17, 2001 03:50:48 AM new
nettak, I have been out all day whacking that little white ball all over the place!
Today was a glorious autumn day, warm and mild and just a little zephyr of a breeze. We played at one of the mountain courses today which has been established for years and years. A lot of the trees are in their full autumn colours right now and they look magnificent.
Honestly nettak, the green fees are only $16.00 a day and yet in these surroundings you feel like a millionaire.
You don't have to be wealthy to feel like a million dollars on a day like today!

Bob, Downunder but never down.
posted on April 17, 2001 03:57:32 AM new
Bob you are very poetic today.

Your golf game sounds lovely, I have to admit that I can never see the sense in chasing those little white balls all over the place, but hey whatever turns you on. LOL

posted on April 17, 2001 03:59:50 AM new
I have had one of those days where everything seems like it is too much trouble. I just could not be bothered doing too much, and everytime I started doing something the phone would ring or someone would turn up, for a pick up or something. Oh well I should not complain, it all means money and I like money. LOL

posted on April 17, 2001 04:03:19 AM new
nettak, I was waxing lyrical a bit but I'm feeling very mellow this evening.
I get as much pleasure from just being out there in the fresh air as I do from the actual game, although if I play well, that's a bonus!

Bob, Downunder but never down.
posted on April 17, 2001 04:10:20 AM new
One of the spin offs of travelling about a bit is that there is always good places to look around for stock.
I called in at a small junk type shop up in the country today and bought some lovely folio sized books about Japanese woodblock prints.
I've just been checking them out and one at least is listed as being worth a couple of hundred or so. Makes the trip very worthwhile!

Bob, Downunder but never down.
posted on April 17, 2001 04:12:17 AM new
I'm still here, just wandered off for a bit. Your day sounds very lovely Bob! Want to take me with you next time?

Ok, what are needles? Do you mean shots or immunizations?

Oh, our time share info arrived in the mail today. I did say that DH and I are staying in a nice hotel next Saturday night, didn't I? So I won't be here! Anyway, some of the choices for the airfare were Hawaii and several Mexico destinations. We're thinking of choosing Mazatlan. We'd like to go to Hawaii, but the catch is that we have to stay in one of the hotels on the list from 5-10 days depending on which we choose. Plus we get a bonus of 2 nights stay at one of like 6 hotels. One of them, in Mazatlan, is on the same list for the airfare deal. So that's how we came to that conclusion! Besides, it's cheaper to stay in Mexico than Hawaii and we've been to Mexico before.

I'm excited about next weekend and really excited about going back to Mexico. I just hope we don't have more money problems and don't end up taking advantage of it!

~^~ Hippy wannabe ~^~
posted on April 17, 2001 04:13:02 AM new
and just how much drinkies have you had to make you mellow young man..... LOL

Seriously though it is always wonderful, when you have a day doing something you enjoy and it is especially nice when your enjoyment continues into the evening. It just goes to show how much you love your game of golf.

Most people say that it relaxes them, but I do not think a lot of them get the same sort of enjoyment out of the game as you have just described to me. It is a rare and wonderful thing when you can find something like you have for such a small amount and it just makes you so totally happy that you want to share it with everyone. I can almost see the grin on your face and the laughter in your voice.

posted on April 17, 2001 04:14:10 AM new
nettak, To see where I've been today here is a link to the golf club and surrounding area.

Bob, Downunder but never down.
posted on April 17, 2001 04:17:21 AM new
nettak, The secret to hitting a golf ball a long way is to mark it with the initials DB for deadbeat and whack it!
Guaranteed to go for miles!

Bob, Downunder but never down.
posted on April 17, 2001 04:18:58 AM new
In Rocker's words. WOW WOW WOW!!!

That looks fantastic Bob, I can understand why you like going there, the greenery looks very lush, and speaking of lush, was that you holding the beer at the BBQ area.

posted on April 17, 2001 04:20:05 AM new
mouse, If I ever get to your part of the world we'll go to Scottsdale and play those fabulous desert courses you have over there!

Bob, Downunder but never down.
posted on April 17, 2001 04:22:00 AM new
nettak, LOL. Shssssh!!
Bob, Downunder but never down.
posted on April 17, 2001 04:23:52 AM new
Evening/morning everyone

If I remember correctly, pharlap was going to her first RL auction tonight, wasn't she? With another one on Thursday morning?

Maybe she'll pop in later to brag about her fabulous finds.


(yep - I'm still here, waiting impatiently...)

*edited because I forgot it's morning for mouse

[ edited by MichelleG on Apr 17, 2001 04:25 AM ]
posted on April 17, 2001 04:24:09 AM new
Bob there is nothing I like more than to look at shops, especially second hand shops in small county areas, you can get some fantastic things at those places. You know what I really miss, remember when they used to have the clearing sales at old farming areas, I just loved going to those. Now I know that some places still have these sales but they seem to be few and far between now, because most goods are sold in big lots to auction houses and the like.

Mouse If you go to Mexico or Hawaii I want a prezzie.

Yes needles are shots, but we usually do not call them shots, we call them plain old needles or hurties.

posted on April 17, 2001 04:29:06 AM new
Thanks Michelle, you are right, I had forgotten about Pharlap going to her first RL auction, and I reminded her to take Bob's list of do's and don't's.

Can you jog on the spot to help the little one on it's way. A big dose of castor oil can do wonder as well.

posted on April 17, 2001 04:31:02 AM new
Speaking of lush at the golf club reminds me of the lady golfer who was always at the golf club while her husband always stayed at home. She was very lucky and often came home with raffle prizes.
She came home one day with a lovely fur coat, which she said she had one in the club raffle.
A week later she came home with a colour tv, again won in the club raffle.
The next week, before going to the club, she asked hubby to run her bath for her. When she went to get in the tub there was barely half an inch of water in the tub.
When she complained to hubby he replied,
"Well dearest, you wouldn't want to get your raffle ticket wet would you!"

Bob, Downunder but never down.
posted on April 17, 2001 04:32:24 AM new
Michelle!!! How nice of you to pop in. Do you feel like you're about to burst yet? Hang in there!

Ok Netta, what kind of things do you collect? I for instance collect shot glasses from places I've been as well as tie-tack type pins. (You know, the ones that are metal with enamel usually that has a second piece to hold the pin on?)

I'm sure it will be some time before we can take the trip, like late fall or even early next year. We'll have a year to take it.

And speaking of shopping, Mexico is great for that! We saw so much when we were in Mexico City, and it was cheap in comparison to here. But we were on a tight budget and couldn't get much. DH won the airfare for that one, we just paid hotel and food. And I had to talk him into even entering the drawing!

~^~ Hippy wannabe ~^~
posted on April 17, 2001 04:37:58 AM new
Damn what was the name of her club, they sound like pretty good prizes to me. LOL haha

I am not here for much longer, the boys' have just arrived home, well two of them anyway, the other one is still on his way, he is too slow for them so they left him behind to ride on his own. Charming children I tell you.

The one they left behind had to go to court today, he is 16 and got caught twice, that is two days in a row for not having a train ticket. To cut a long story short this little #*!@ got off with just a little bad boy slap on the wrist and that was all. Do you really think it is going to teach him a lesson , I don't he will probably do the same thing next week and expect to get away with it. We wonder why the young ones get into so much trouble at times, the courts seen to encourage them to do wrong. Then when they do wrong in a years time, the court will ask why.

They should have at least given him community service or something.

posted on April 17, 2001 04:45:50 AM new
nettak, One of mine did the same thing a year or two back. It cost him $300.00!!
The trouble is that it is too easy most times to get away with it and of course they'll never get caught. (Or so they think).Plus their mates will be on their back for being woosey if they all don't but a ticket and your boy does.
They need a wake up call. I know my boy certaintly got one!
Bob, Downunder but never down.
posted on April 17, 2001 04:48:47 AM new
Just a few years a go before he died my Dad went to Mexico with my step - Mom. At the border coming back the customs officer asked if they had bought anything in Mexico. My Dad told him "Son we went in the outdoor market and this woman bought one of every little trinket and carving in sight. I had to stop her from buying a saddle and we don't even own a horse. The whole back of this motor home is stuffed with them."
The fellow just said "I didn't hear a thing." and waved them through. He had no desire to wade through all those little packages to try to collect duty.

posted on April 17, 2001 04:51:08 AM new
gravid, Good to see you.
Who says honesty doesn't pay!

Bob, Downunder but never down.
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