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posted on April 17, 2001 04:54:49 AM new
You know Bob this kid is headed for trouble I can see it coming, but his mother will not admit that he may need straightening out, she thinks that he is just perfect. Well I have news for her, no 16 year old boy is perfect.

He has been cautioned by the police for riding a motor bike on the road with out the correct license ect, and he had no headlights and the bike was not registered either. Now his mother thinks it is just teenage hijinx and seems to think that my son and Kazanne's son are the worst in the world, and that they lead her boy astray, well I think she is the one who needs the wake up call, because one day something is going to happen to that boy and it will be too late to turn back the clock.

posted on April 17, 2001 05:01:24 AM new
Castor oil - EEEWWWWW!!!! I want to give birth, not throw up

Ready to roll, mouse but the uncooperative child has decided to make me wait it out until ANZAC Day, I think (BTW Anzac Day is April 25). So I've still technically got a week to go but I'm thinking tomorrow sometime would be nice - it would have been my maternal grandmother's birthday.

The kid's been in a holding position for a couple of weeks now but expecting cooperation is probably wishful thinking


posted on April 17, 2001 05:06:21 AM new
Well Michelle I think your grandma's birthday is a great idea. Why don't you go out for a bumpy ride somewhere just to help the little darling along a bit.

My mother used to give us castor oil, when she thought we needed it, and it seemed we needed it a lot. I have never forgotten the terrible taste and Eeeeewwwwwwwwwww is about right.

posted on April 17, 2001 05:11:52 AM new
I've got the hungry's! Must be all that fresh air today.
I'm going to sign off and fix a sandwhich or three.
See you all tommorow.

Bob, Downunder but never down.
posted on April 17, 2001 05:13:47 AM new
LOL gravid, that's funny! When we were on the plane coming back from M.C., they had us fill out the forms then. That way when we landed it would be quick to get through customs. We didn't buy enough to have to pay anything.

One of the most vivid memories of that trip was the day at the airport trying to get home. Our airline didn't have a regular counter, so we had to hunt fot it. Then we stood in line forever. When we finally got to the clerk, we found out about the fee to leave the country (I forget what it was called). So I asked her how much in dollars and how much in pesos. The pesos were a better deal, but we didn't have enough left. (I didn't want to come home with a lot and have to exchange them.) So off we go to the other side of the airport to an exchange office, lugging 3 carry-ons, one of which weighed a ton as it had all of our carved onyx in it.

So I exchange barely enough in traveler's checks to get the pesos. Go back and stand in line forever again. I get up to the counter, hand her the money and she tells me it's not enough. Huh?? Turns out she transposed the numbers. By this time I told DH to stay put with the bags so it would be faster. So I run back to the other end of the airport again to exchange more travelers checks for pesos and run back to the check in counter. We finally get our bags checked and the gate number, by this time I'm dying for a cigarette. So I find a place to have one and we're thinking we had plenty of time. But I never changed my watch over and forgot to add an hour!

So off we go to the gate. We get to the screening point and they decide to have a look in the bag that had all of our souveniers. They're slowly unwrapping each little thing (that was carefully wrapped and packed so they wouldn't break) and were showing them to each other and commenting! DH and I look at each other like, "this is not happening!" We started helping them to speed it up and they finally got the message that we were in a hurry!

We finally get to the gate with about 10 minutes to spare. There was a duty free shop right there and I had forgotten that I wanted to make sure I got a bottle of Kaluha before I left. DH asks me to get him a specific bottle of tequila I'd never heard of. The store was huge! I asked a clerk to help, but her English was as good as my Spanish. I kept trying to tell her it was a black bottle, but she kept saying blanco. I knew that didn't mean black and for the life of me I couldn't remember the word. I finally did and she took me to it. So I check out and again run back to the gate.

I was trying to show him the bottle to make sure it was the right one, because there would be no taking it back. He shushed me to hear the announcements. Turns out they were announcing the boarding of our flight, I'd just made it! Oh, and it was the right tequila. I swear that day we thought we were never going to get out of that country! We were very glad to come home after a week.

~^~ Hippy wannabe ~^~
posted on April 17, 2001 05:20:48 AM new
Goodnight Bob

God lord Mouse it certainly sounds like you had an adventure and a half, I would have been having a heart attack.

I didn't know you were a smoker, do you still smoke? Just my sticky nose wanting to know. LOL

I am glad you ended up with the right bottle of booze, that would have been the last straw if it had of been the wrong sort.

Well I am off to the land of nod very soon, so I will say goodnight to everyone. See you all later.

posted on April 17, 2001 05:31:29 AM new
Beleive me Netta, I was having a heart attack underneath! I just needed to keep it together so we could get out of there. Remind me someday and I'll tell you the story of the night before we left. We almost went to jail!

I thought I'd told you I was a smoker? I know it's a horrible habit and I should know better considering what shape Dad is in from it. But I'm a chicken when it comes to quitting, I've never even tried. The bad part is since I've been at home, I'm smoking even more than ever. Speaking of smoking and Mexico...The first couple of days we were there, DH swore people were staring at us as we'd walk down the street. I figured it was either because of me because I'm very fair skinned and light brown hair, or that I'm a couple inches taller than DH. So he kept trying to figure it out. He finally figured out that it was only when I was smoking. So I started paying attention. I never saw a woman smoke on the street there, just the men. The only place I saw a woman smoke was in a bar. Oh, and they don't approve of shorts either. Men wear pants, women mostly wear skirts and pantyhose and the younger ones occasionally would wear pants.

~^~ Hippy wannabe ~^~
posted on April 17, 2001 08:03:43 AM new
You will be amused - You could have gotten the same effect by wearing a miniskirt with net stockings and a jeweled halter top and tamie faye makeup. Don't ask me to explain it but they associate public smoking with ah.... professional companionship. Cultural thing - probably reinforced by being taller.

You have to pay to get out of the country?
Why don't the countries who have people sneaking out do that? People would rather pay $20 or $30k to the government and get a reciept and no hassle than to a smuggler and be at risk.

posted on April 17, 2001 08:05:48 AM new
Good morning all

Just popping in to say hi

[email protected]
posted on April 17, 2001 03:09:14 PM new
good Morning everyone, I'm just popping in to say hello too. Not much to talk about at this time of morning. Had a shocking nights sleep, I ate a very very hot curry last night and I think it upset the tummy a bit..
If I remember rightly, someone on here asked about Asian grocery stores!! We have heaps of them over here - you can get Japanese, Chinese, Malay, Singapore, Thai plus others.
I do all my asian grocery shopping at them, and they're not expensive either. We eat a lot of asian food, not only good for you but very easy to prepare. I prefer Malay most of the time, and Indian food. Nothing like a good hot curry to sort you out!!
The suburb where I live is nicknamed "Chinatown", mostly asians and the aromas from their kitchens is bliss, I often feel like inviting myself over to their place.
Well, gotta go - be back later. Hi Netta and Hepburn, hope you got my email Hepburn?

posted on April 17, 2001 05:10:41 PM new
We have a lot of asian markets. I was in line at one a couple months ago and the old fellow who was selling numbers at the end of the counter looked up and saw me with my short hair - and I am real big, and he about had a heart attack. I am sure he thought I was with the vice squad. I just held up my tea and smiled at him with a little bow,and boy did he look relieved. He does a real good business. At the end of the day he has a stack of slips 3 to 4 inches high.
I am usually the only flat eyed person in there. In fact I have never found anyone there who would admit to speaking English. And when I tried to give my fish order in Chinese I have no idea what I said instead but they repeated it to everyone and they were laughing so hard they were crying. I went back to pointing.

posted on April 17, 2001 06:10:24 PM new
Well Gravid, our asian markets these days are full of non asians, of course there are the asians as well. Asian food here is very popular. We don't have to take numbers though - just push the trolley around and go to the checkout. I have found it hard to ask questions about a particular item that I'm looking for - they don't seem to understand english very well, but they understand the dollars.
I was in my element when we went to Bali a few years ago - the food was fantastic and very cheap. We went in a large group, most of them only wanted to eat normal food like steak and fish etc, they even had a Kentucky Fried Chicken store. The only people that didn't get sick were the ones who ate the same food as the Balinese. Didn't drink their water though - that's asking for trouble. Even ice cubes in a drink over there can make you sick.
I'm getting very hungry talking about all this, gotta go and have some lunch.

Just saw what Mouse had written earlier about smoking. I'm a smoker too, a pretty heavy one at that - in Bali, it's the same, never saw the women smoke - I kinda felt outa place, but the urge to smoke was too great for me and I smoked on regardless.
[ edited by Kazanne on Apr 17, 2001 06:15 PM ]
posted on April 18, 2001 12:28:53 AM new
I did not explain very well - The old fellow at the market was selling bets - like the lotto but illegal. If it was the hispanic or anglo neigborhood it would have been some teenager selling them but with the Chinese it is the retired guys. I think that makes a whole lot more sense. He appeals to a wider market because you see house wifes and young girls buying from him that would be intimidated to deal with a rough looking young guy or a middle aged bookie.

It is 3 in the morning here and no Austrailian s posting a big long chat. I hope nothing big is distracting them on the other side of the world there.

I am one of those fussy non smokers who need to stay away from it. It does not bother me when I am in it, but about 3 hours later all the old tubes will snap shut and I will have an asthmatic attack. A friend warned me never to vacation in eastern europe but you might feel at home. He said that everyone smoked even the little kids in the shops and theaters and just everywhere. He said that at the end of the visit it would not have surprised him to see the dogs go by smoking.
Fortunatly for him he has no sensitivity to it. He enjoyed the adventure but even though it was cheap he liked the west better for other reasons.
My nephew went to Russia a couple times for his company and now he would quit rather than go back.

posted on April 18, 2001 12:36:25 AM new
Moderators - I don't know if it is you or a routing problem but the first time I click on anything there at AW tonight it says it loaded but the page is blank.
Problems with the last number in a thread not being an active link until you reload it also/ Maybe that's why the Australians are not posting.

posted on April 18, 2001 01:35:42 AM new
Hi gravid, nice to see you 2 days in a row. I didn't seem to have any problems with AW tonight. Who knows?

Anyone about yet? I'm still doing laundry, but all of my other chores are done and I've played with the dog. Now that I play frisbee with him, he will mope around until I play with him everyday. Ya think he likes it??

~^~ Hippy wannabe ~^~
posted on April 18, 2001 01:44:46 AM new
Aussie #1 up to bat...

posted on April 18, 2001 03:40:55 AM new
Wow, am I really here? Did I make it this time?? Sorry gang, isp didn't wanna let me on

Hiya Pharlap! Are you still about?

~^~ Hippy wannabe ~^~
posted on April 18, 2001 04:29:49 AM new
Hi pharlap, Is everyone asleep tonight?
Did you go to your real life auction last night? If you did let us know how you got on.
I'm just back from my regular Wed. night auction.
Very lean pickings tonight!

Bob, Downunder but never down.
posted on April 18, 2001 04:35:12 AM new
Aha, someone is awake over in Aussie land! Hiya Bob.

~^~ Hippy wannabe ~^~
posted on April 18, 2001 04:41:14 AM new
Hi Mouse, Pharlap and Bob, I am just popping in to say hello. But I will not be here for very long tonight.

posted on April 18, 2001 04:47:43 AM new
hi nettak, hi mouse, Just been having a browse on eBay. Trying to see if I can snipe a bargain or two!

Bob, Downunder but never down.
posted on April 18, 2001 04:55:17 AM new
Hello Bob, did you get a bargain tonight? I wonder how Pharlap went at her auction. Hopefully she got something good to take home with her.

posted on April 18, 2001 05:04:11 AM new
nettak, I only bought two things tonight. I'm still not sure how well they'll sell.
One piece is a massive Orrefors crystal bowl which is signed and numbered. It should be a very desirable piece but the postage may stop it.
The bowl by itself weighs in at 10lb. so it'll cost a fair bit to post anywhere.
The other item is a terrific serving bowl. It's a continental piece with a silver plated rim. The bowl is decorated with three raised and moulded leaping salmon, the tails of which form the feet of the bowl. It probably dates from the 1880's and is in perfect condition. That one could be a real winner.
Here's hoping!

Bob, Downunder but never down.
posted on April 18, 2001 05:08:56 AM new
They sound really great Bob, you are right though the shipping cost will be a killer. But if someone wants an item badly enough they will pay the shipping no matter what it ends up being.

posted on April 18, 2001 05:09:08 AM new
Hi Netta! Get my email?

Here's hoping they do well for you Bob!

~^~ Hippy wannabe ~^~
posted on April 18, 2001 05:13:27 AM new
Hello Mouse, I got one earlier and replied.

I feel really wiped out tonight, so I am not going to be here for too much longer.

Pharlap must have given up and gone to bed.

posted on April 18, 2001 05:15:02 AM new
The auction tonight was generally hopeless. Most of what was on offer was very mediocre and for the best part chipped and cracked.
Most of the time the auctioneer was lumping four or five lots together and letting it go for peanuts.
It may sound cheap, but crap is crap, no little what you may for it and for the work involved in listing, just wouldn't give you a return.

Bob, Downunder but never down.
posted on April 18, 2001 05:25:14 AM new
Yes I know where you are coming from Bob, I have been to auctions just like that, and you feel like it has been a total waste of time and effort even going.

But sure as anything if you did not go, you would miss the bargain of the year and some little twerp would end up with it for a giveaway price.

I had a pretty sh*tty day as well and I was not even going to come in and post tonight, but here I am. Sometimes you need this place to take your mind off the bad things in life.

My husband told one of our suppliers off tonight for trying to rip us off with the weight of our delivery. We have been down that track before and we just will not tolerate it happening again. This guy was so taken aback that we had found him out in his little lie, that he could not even think fast enought to try and deny it. Anyway to cut a long story short, we deducted the extra from his payment and only paid him what we thought the delivery was worth. He is not a very happy chappy, but who gives a fig, not me. We are now looking for a new supplier, it is a good thing we always have another on the back boiler.

[ edited by nettak on Apr 18, 2001 05:27 AM ]
posted on April 18, 2001 05:37:41 AM new
nettak, Some years ago a friend of mine had an interest in a very large scrapyard.
He discovered that the yard was being ripped of by a very cunning supplier.
When suppliers delivered scrap it was by the truckload. The truck and load were weighed on the weighbridge on the way in and weighed again on the way out when the load had been dropped off, the difference being the weight of scrap that had been delivered to the yard.
My mate noticed that every time this particular scrappy made a delivery it was always on a wet, rainy day so of course being an open air yard no one was particularly keen to go out and watch him unload.
One particular day my mate seemed to notice something very odd and decided to keep a very close watch with binoculars from the office window.
It turned out that this particular scrappy had a concealed water tank beneath the bed of his truck which held about 500 gallons of water. The tank was full when he drove into the yard, emptied out during unloading, and the scrappy was being paid each time for the weight of 500 gallons of water!
It was never established how much that scrappy ripped the yard off but he was taken to court and fined a bundle!

Bob, Downunder but never down.
posted on April 18, 2001 05:51:42 AM new
Your mate was lucky to have found out about this guy's little extra in the weight department. Sometimes it can go unnoticed for years before you realise what is happening.

We had another supplier who ripped us off and we did not find out for sure for ages, even though we suspected it for a little while, he always had the correct weight when he delivered in the summer months, but when winter came and we were too busy to double check, he started to rip us off. One day my husband decided to get them to unload in a different spot in the depot and as the wood was spilt he loaded it in the bucket of the loader and tipped the bucket full into the truck and went and put it over the weigh bridge down the road. We estimate on that particular load we were down by about 6 ton, now I know you probably think we should have realised, but the fact of the matter is that when you are having 30 ton delivered at a time and usually you have at least 1 truck load coming in everyday and being dumped side by side, it can be hard to pick up that all is not right.

Anyway we challenged this supplier and he ran like a dog with his tail between his legs. These suppliers are not to be trusted, and I mean none of them, they will all try it on at some stage or another.

They are stupid to themselves because we can black ban them with the other businesses around, we are one of the biggest and most others do listen to what we have to say.

They kind of dirty in there own yard , because no one will want to do business with them once they rip one off, everyone fears they will try to rip them off and will not deal with them, so in the long run they kill there own business.

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