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posted on April 22, 2001 06:06:24 PM new
Zilvy Thanks for that. I used to write a lot of poems, I spent a lot of time on my own on the farm and writing poetry seemed to fill in the blanks. My kids often use my poems to write for their girl/boy friends. (they never tell them that their mother wrote it, of course)

posted on April 22, 2001 09:00:27 PM new
Well, as luck would have it I have had problems with my keyboard, I heard that the new ones encompassed more than the one I had so I went shopping...I was counting on getting one of the ergonomically shaped boards but when I found this one I new it was meant to be mine. I has an auto correction key with the unlikely title of.............

[ edited by zilvy on Apr 22, 2001 09:02 PM ]
posted on April 22, 2001 09:04:37 PM new
I definately need that one, order one for me.

posted on April 23, 2001 01:09:34 AM new
Hi gang!

Well, a lot has happened in the past 2 days. First I want to deeply apologize to Pharlap for disappearing the other night just as I was about to do her a favor! I lost my connection and still can't get on my regular isp. I got lucky and found a freebee disc in Mom's "coaster" pile and that's how I just finally got on, whew!

Update on Dad: Just as we'd made the descision to go forward with plan A and he seemed to be on an upswing, we got a phone call from the nursing home today. He was not doing well and they'd called the ambulance. He's in the ICU now and is back on the ventilator. He's not doing too well, they're having trouble stabilizing him. They were going to take him to the 'good' hospital, but their ER was closed (too full). So he's at the one that discharged him not even 3 weeks ago, obviously too soon and without finding the real problem. The plan now is to get him stabilized and then transferred to the good hospital. We're also in contact with the good doctor as well. Keep your fingers crossed and say your prayers for us!

Yesterday, we had our time share deal and again resisted temptation. We had a lovely evening of dinner out and then staying in a nicer hotel. No phone, no pager, no parents, no pets, just us. It was a nice break (of course this was when we thought Dad was doing ok). Our reward was to be 2 roundtrip airfare tickets to Mazatlan. We didn't realize until this morning that we got 2 sets of air tickets! So now we need to decide where trip #2 will be, we're thinking either San Diego or Colorado. So we're much looking forward to those vacations! That is, as long as Dad is ok.

So, what have I missed??

~^~ Hippy wannabe ~^~
posted on April 23, 2001 01:38:57 AM new
Mouse Being new here on this thread, I really don't know all the facts about your fathers health. Sounds like you needed the break and am glad you had a good time, I hope the second one is just as good and that you will be able to have the break without misfortune.

posted on April 23, 2001 01:41:40 AM new
Hello Mouse welcome back, we missed you.

I am glad that you had a wonderful break away, even if it was only for such a short while. At least it gave you the chance to recharge you batteries for what is ahead with your father. This is a pretty rough deal and I wish I could make it better for you.

Did you see that Bob found a web site named after me. LOL Then Pharlap found one for herself and also one in bitsandbobs name. Spooky don't you think, that we three Aussies have web sites with our names on them.

I am going to be in and out for a bit, so I will come back in after.

Edited because that damn w always jumps in the way of s.
[ edited by nettak on Apr 23, 2001 01:43 AM ]
posted on April 23, 2001 01:55:57 AM new
Hi girls, thanks for your well wishes. I'm hoping that all it is this time is the infection, the one that the hospital missed the first time! It's too soon to tell though how bad off he is right now. Kaz, my father has been terminally sick for 7 years or so now. It's not an illness a doctor can say he only has x number of years left though. Dad is not ready to give up, that's a good thing. Mom's health isn't the greatest either and she's the one who primarily takes care of Dad. But it's taking a toll on her and DH and I need to step in more. For communication and support more than anything else.

I saw Bob's website, but it seemed to only have the one page with just a design on it? I haven't seen the others yet. I know there isn't one for me, but I'm hoping to buy it soon!

~^~ Hippy wannabe ~^~
posted on April 23, 2001 02:27:16 AM new
Netta After talking to you on the phone this afternoon, I rand the Brisbane City Council and complained about the state of the nature strip across from us - it is overgrown, above my head... The long grass has even blocked our pathway to the pub!!!
Apparantly, the council don't look after it anymore and they hire out private contractors to do the mowing and whipper snippering - they've noted my complaint and I should expect to hear something from them within 7 days. They tend to the nature strip every couple of weeks, but as I said to the council, if they (the contractors) did the job right in the first place, the job would only have to be done once a month or so. I feel like asking them if I could have our streets job!!! Anyway, that's my beef for the day. Have a great night everyone and if I'm still in the land of the living later, I'll pop back.
[ edited by Kazanne on Apr 23, 2001 02:37 AM ]
posted on April 23, 2001 02:36:29 AM new
Hey Guys

Sorry I didn't stop in last night - have been feeling a bit 'down in the dumps' the last couple of days... forcing myself out of it at the moment and thought a chat may take my mind off things.

Mouse - my thoughts are with yourself and your family... hoping your dad pulls through ok. Will be including him in my prayers.

posted on April 23, 2001 02:40:00 AM new
Well Kazanne with the state of your liver, I would think you should stay away from the pub. Maybe that contractor is doing you a big favour by blocking your way to the Pub.

If I had a pub across the road from me, they wouldn't make much profit from me, cause I very rarely drink alcohol. I will have water please.


posted on April 23, 2001 02:41:07 AM new
Hi ya Pharlap I didn't pop in the last couple of nights either. Sorry to hear that your down in the dumps, are things brighter for you today?
Netta I forgot to tell you, dear hubby reminded me today that you can get those little packets of spreads from Price Chopper at W'ridge.

posted on April 23, 2001 02:41:19 AM new
Hi Pharlap! I'm sorry to hear that you are feeling down We'll try to help cheer you up! By the way, I can't access my regular email, but did you still need me to do the test?

~^~ Hippy wannabe ~^~
posted on April 23, 2001 02:41:55 AM new
Hi Pharlap, good to see you. What is making you feel down in the dumps???

We want you to smile again.

posted on April 23, 2001 02:43:52 AM new
I have already looked down at Woodridge, and they haven't got anything like what I want. I am just going to do a phone around.

posted on April 23, 2001 02:48:08 AM new
Oh crikey!!! I came back to all those sad little faces Sorry - didn't mean to bum anyone out!

It's silly really - just have been feeling very nostalgic the last couple of days... hearing songs etc that reminded me of certain people I've lost contact with etc. Then that got me thinking the usual 'what if I'd done things differently'? And lo and behold I came in here tonight and saw Bob's thread!!! Spooked the pants off me! (lucky Bob's not around then )

Mouse - If you could still do that test that would be great thanks! I have auctions ending in a couple of days and wouldn't mind having a dry run first...

posted on April 23, 2001 02:50:57 AM new
On my way Pharlap!

~^~ Hippy wannabe ~^~
posted on April 23, 2001 02:52:24 AM new
Mighty Mouse to the rescue!!!

posted on April 23, 2001 02:56:31 AM new
Now Netta I've seen you have a drink or two or three...... O.K. I admit that I have a few drinks more than you, well maybe a lot!! I could always convert you, I remember the times you used to come and visit me and I'd offer you a glass of wine - and you drank it. Wish I liked Water.

posted on April 23, 2001 02:58:25 AM new
Mighty Mouse LOL

So what have you been doing besides being bummed out?????

How many auctions have you got up Pharlap, are these your first in a long time, or did you have some others up recently?

posted on April 23, 2001 03:01:39 AM new
Yes I do like a glass or two of wine, but I have to admit the last time I had one was with you, when you and Eric came over on boxing day. I really don't drink anything alcoholic these days. Just can not be bothered really, and besides I intend to get fit and healthy again. Giving up smoking was the first major step for me and now we have gone 6 months with out the cigs., I want to continue the trend in other parts of my life.

posted on April 23, 2001 03:04:55 AM new
You know what my next major step is going to be, I am going to lose the extra fat I acquired after giving up the smokes. LOL I have started today on the weight watchers 123 points programe.

So I will need all the help and support I can get. I can eat most things, it is just a matter of eating the right things.

forgot the 'c' in acquired.
[ edited by nettak on Apr 23, 2001 03:06 AM ]
posted on April 23, 2001 03:05:30 AM new
Mighty Mouse, ROFL!!! You're so silly! Did it come through?

You know, I used to drink like a fish. But these days, I can't be bothered to drink more than a beer or 2. And I haven't drank since I've been on all these meds, I don't want to totally kill my liver!

~^~ Hippy wannabe ~^~
posted on April 23, 2001 03:10:42 AM new
Thanks Mouse!

Yes - came through fine and have sent it back - let me know if you don't get it...

I only have about 15 auctions listed this week (listed a few the week before as well) and about half have bids. Going to another auction tomorrow night and am hoping to pick up some goodies

It will be nice to have a bit of extra money coming in again!

posted on April 23, 2001 03:14:34 AM new
I must admit, after getting my blood test results and showed that I had minimal damage to my liver - it scared me. I drink a couple of glasses of wine at night and the weekends are full on (not always, but most of the time). I never drank until I was about 35 years old, guess I'm making up for lost time.
One rule of mine is though - I never ever get paraletic, I know what I'm doing and saying, and I never pass out.
Netta Good luck with the diet, I really need to exercise more.

posted on April 23, 2001 03:15:57 AM new
I haven't had any auctions up for the last 4 weeks, but I still have payments outstanding, one of them I am certain that I will not get. She says she sent it, but I would like to know when, and I put an NPB out and she has not even responded to that, so I don't believe that she has even sent the payment at all.

Another payment arrived today, and I have another one that was only sent at the end of last week. I am not putting anymore up until we are through our busy season.

I hope all your auctions go really well for you Pharlap.

posted on April 23, 2001 03:16:51 AM new
It came back just fine Pharlap! I'm glad I could be of assistance Did you make note of the email addy?

~^~ Hippy wannabe ~^~
posted on April 23, 2001 03:19:40 AM new
Kazanne one rule of mine though- I never ever get paraletic, I know what I am doing and saying, and I never pass out but she does fall out of chairs. hahaha

posted on April 23, 2001 03:20:47 AM new
Mouse - sure did! Have added it to my address book already...

posted on April 23, 2001 03:24:40 AM new
Good God, I can't remember that!!!

posted on April 23, 2001 03:27:26 AM new
Well Kaz it was at Ash's going away party at our house. Do you remember that night. hhmmmmmmmmmmm

Mouse mail me too, before I feel left out and lonely.

Are you getting any of your other mail, cause I did send some to you yesterday.

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