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posted on April 25, 2001 03:52:21 AM new
Mouse - I know, I know... I want it now too!!! (mainly because there's no chocolate in the house and I'm craving it! )

posted on April 25, 2001 03:56:34 AM new
Methinks that Kazanne has won the jackpot and is whooping it up!
I'll have a nice malt whisky thanks.

Bob, Downunder but never down.
posted on April 25, 2001 03:59:17 AM new
Lemon Ruskie please Kaz

posted on April 25, 2001 04:06:02 AM new
I wonder if she's in the trenches with an old digger?

Bob, Downunder but never down.
posted on April 25, 2001 04:06:50 AM new
I'll have a Pina Colada! (That is if you have them down there...)

Nighters Netta!

~^~ Hippy wannabe ~^~
posted on April 25, 2001 04:08:32 AM new
We certainly have Pina Colada down here - my favourite cocktail in fact!

posted on April 25, 2001 04:22:32 AM new
See, I knew I liked you for a reason!

~^~ Hippy wannabe ~^~
posted on April 25, 2001 04:25:58 AM new
Let's face it - what's not to like?

posted on April 25, 2001 04:30:39 AM new
ROFL! True what you say!

Did we lose Bob now??

~^~ Hippy wannabe ~^~
posted on April 25, 2001 04:33:07 AM new
Probably scared off by my cockiness

Actually, I have to toddle off now as well Sorry Mouse...

I'll come in for a chat tomorrow night though. See you then

posted on April 25, 2001 04:37:40 AM new
Oh for Pete's sake, I forgot to ask you how your auctions went Pharlap!? Any PayPal payments yet?

Oops, just saw your post, nighters!

~^~ Hippy wannabe ~^~
posted on April 25, 2001 04:41:28 AM new
Dang telephones!
I'd better get on with a bit of work so I'll check in later and see if anyone is still up.
Night all!

Bob, Downunder but never down.
posted on April 25, 2001 02:36:07 PM new
Here it is 7.30 a.m. and read all your posts from last night. Gee, it was good to be missed. No, I didn't play the pokies, and no, I didn't have a drink - my computer logged me off and I couldn't get back on. I was in the middle of typing something for Bob, I'll post it later, just a little something about the game of golf. Talk to you all later.

posted on April 25, 2001 02:59:20 PM new
Bob found this little piece of information and knowing you like golf, I couldn't resist.
Golf is like Life. You can hit a perfect shot and still find yourself in trouble because of an unseen hazard such as a sand bunker, a stream, a hump or a sudden gust of wind.
The difference between success and extreme disappointment is often so small - like golf, like life.
We can "hit a perfect shot" in a relationship or with our finances, but still come up short. One of life's most difficult hurdles is when we do our best and find it isn't good enough.
You can hit one of your best shots high over the trees towards the green and it looks like it will land right on the green. Unfortunately, it lands a few centimetres short and buried itself in a sand bunker. You find that your perfect shot isn't quite good enough. You are then faced with a very difficult shot to extricate the ball from the sand. You have two options - outbursts of frustration and anger, or, careful strategic thinking to work out what to do next.
When things don't go right in our life, how much difference do explosions of anger make? About as much as getting angry at the wind.
Disappointment when we've done our best comes our way from time to time. At such times, it's best to keep cool and thoughtfully analyse the new challenge, before we take our next "hit".

A bit in depth I know, and I'm not saying you lose your cool Bob. Just thought that the words were meaningful for those who play and do not play golf.

posted on April 26, 2001 12:01:08 AM new
Hi everyone! Anyone out & about yet? I'll pop in and out until you all start showing up.

~^~ Hippy wannabe ~^~
posted on April 26, 2001 01:14:46 AM new
Hey Mouse!

I just saw your question to me from last night re paypal... You wouldn't credit it! Before I offered Paypal I offered cc payments via ccnow (at a disgusting cost to myself ) and nearly everyone would pay this way.

I sent out my EOAs last night offering Paypal as one of the choices. Two are yet to reply but out of those that have:

- One will be sending cash
- One (who won 3 auctions from me) will be picking up (only lives 1/2 hour away)
- Another one is in Australia (keep in mind that about 95% of my bidders are usually in the US) and will be posting a money order.
- One has sent payment by Paypal but it was for a very small dollar amount.
- One has requested to pay by Paypal (not done so as yet) but again is for a very small dollar amount.

At this rate I figure it will take me approx 2 years to get the $25 into my Paypal account that I need to test if my bank account is linked up correctly

posted on April 26, 2001 01:26:54 AM new
Nah, you just need to run more auctions! I almost bought something from you, but decided I didn't need something else to dust, sigh. It was the J.W. glass, my dad used to only drink that stuff and it made me think of him. But I think I'll wait until he's gone for that stuff!

*forgot how to spell again!
~^~ Hippy wannabe ~^~
[ edited by MouseSlayer on Apr 26, 2001 01:28 AM ]
posted on April 26, 2001 01:58:41 AM new
I know what you mean about needing to list more - alas didn't pick up too much at the auctions this week

Looking forward to next week's though - looked like some very interesting box lots up the back... I just hope they're for this auction coming up and not a few weeks away.

You'll have to let me know when you list again so I can see if you have anything I could buy... Do you only list clothes or other things as well?

posted on April 26, 2001 02:02:26 AM new
I pretty much only sell clothes. Every once in awhile I'll throw an oddball thing in. Like one time I went through some of my paperbacks and sold off my duplicates (I'd bought a lot to fill in a gap and got some from a friend). I have so many clothes right now though that I'll be concentrating on it for a good while.

~^~ Hippy wannabe ~^~
posted on April 26, 2001 02:15:11 AM new
So, when do you think you'll start up again? You must be missing the extra money? That's why I started up again. It's only a casual thing for me - just a bit of extra spending (now saving) money...

posted on April 26, 2001 02:26:36 AM new
I'm very anxious to get started back up! I'm hoping to start running by early next week. DH still has to reformat this computer and set up the scanner & printer. I'm hesitant to start until I have everything running smoothly. By the time I do get started back up, I should be back to work too. So I'm trying to decide what to do with the auction money, either reinvest it in stock or put it away for a vacation.

~^~ Hippy wannabe ~^~
posted on April 26, 2001 02:33:42 AM new
Well, the dog wants me to go out & play with him, plus I need to do some eBay work. I'll be back in awhile!

~^~ Hippy wannabe ~^~
posted on April 26, 2001 02:34:56 AM new
I think you should put it away for a vacation (maybe even a trip to Australia!)

After the year you've had so far I think you will need it

posted on April 26, 2001 02:47:02 AM new
kazanne, Thanks for those words. It's a pretty good analogy.
Being out all day today giving it my best shot. Some were good enough, some weren't! You've just got to tske it all in your stride.

Bob, Downunder but never down.
posted on April 26, 2001 02:51:06 AM new
mouse, It's about time that your DH got your 'putor up and running.
It might be ultimatum time.
No re-format. No nooky!

Bob, Downunder but never down.
posted on April 26, 2001 03:08:35 AM new
Bob do you reckon that Mouse's hubby would get that lillte old computer fixed in a flash. LOL

I am only dashing in tonight for a very short while, it has been a hectic day and I am tired. Plus we have a storm waiting to happen, it is already raining and we have had some heavy wind, but they tell us more is to come, so if I just up a leave it is because we have lost power or the weather has gotten worse.

posted on April 26, 2001 04:00:48 AM new
Ok, I'm taking a break from working for a bit.

Well, I'm thinking about putting it towards vacation too. Four of them to be exact! Ok, I told you guys how our timeshare reward turned out to be 2 sets of tickets instead of one pair like we thought, right? Then DH and my brother want to go to a computer show in Las Vegas next February for their business. DH wants to stay a couple extra days to play since it will be around our anniversary too. Then, DH won another pair of airline tickets in some drawing he entered some time back! I told him is wasn't fair, I've been entering drawings online for years and haven't won a thing! He enters one or 2 and bam, he wins! I swear he is the luckiest guy I know when it comes to that stuff!

When we first got together, we went to a Cinco De Mayo event here (it's a Mexico holiday, but big here since we're close to the border). They were having a raffle for 2 tickets to Mexico City. He wasn't going to enter it, but I talked him into it since it was free. A couple weeks later they called and told him he'd won! We'd both kinda forgot about it.

Well, at least I get to benefit from him winning too. Besides, I'm already looking for a bathing suit for Mazatlan! (I haven't owned one for a few years now since we don't have a pool now.) I just hope we get to take advantage of all four, or at least the three free ones. Time to get busy selling and quit buying!

~^~ Hippy wannabe ~^~
posted on April 26, 2001 04:38:23 AM new
Hello Mouse, sorry I didn't mean to be rude and ignore you and Pharlap before.

I think it is wonderful that you and your hubby won those holidays, but I think you should send a bit of that luck over to us, cause I don't know about the others but I sure could use a good holiday.

Well today was the strangest day all round, we have been in this business for almost 15 years and although we know some of our opposition we don't know them all, and low and behold today we met two of them, they both rang seperately and asked if they could come and talk to us. It was really funny with the first guy, he is such a strange man and I am still not sure what he wanted us to tell him. I suspect he wanted us to tell him that he was going to make a fortune for little effort on his part. This guy did nothing but complain about the business, and in the end I told him I thought he should consider another line of work. Good lord everyone thinks it is easy and that there is a quick buck to be made. Well we have been doing this for a long time, in fact longer than most and yes you can make a lot of money out of it , as you can in any business that you want to put a lot of work into, but these people seem to think that they can just walk in and hey presto they will be rich. LOL What a joke.

Anyway the second guy turns up just as the first guy was leaving, and the second guy just stood there, we offered him a coffee or tea and he said no thanks and just continued to stand there. So we start the small talk, you know the sort of thing. How is business in your part of town ect. We get one line answers, and sometimes not even a full line answer. I was starting to think he might be retarded in some way, but after 2 hours of us talking and asking him questions ect, he started to talk, and then he tells us he does not charge GST. Huh, um how the hell does that one work, he tells us that he does not earn enought to have an ABN, Yeah sure mate and I beleive the cow over in the front paddock can talk to me.

This guy is turning over about 3/4 of what we do and he is not declaring any of it, I am wondering how the hell he gets away with it. I am going to the accountants on Tuesday so I am going to have a few questions of my own that need answering. Geez I can not tell you how pissed off I am at the moment. Here we have someone who is in the same business as we are and he is undercutting us in price because he does not have to charge the GST and he is not even paying tax on what he is earning.

Sorry I just had to let off steam.

Smile starts with 's' not 'w'

[ edited by nettak on Apr 26, 2001 04:39 AM ]
posted on April 26, 2001 04:46:02 AM new
Hi everyone. Glad you liked it Bob.
I finally managed to get my son off the computer and now it's going very slowly. Hubby and I are camping out in the lounge room tonight - "Killing Heidi" is playing across the road, the noise is coming straight thru the front of the house. I'm not very impressed with our weather here tonight - you didn't sneak across our border this afternoon, and bring your weather with you, did you Bob?

posted on April 26, 2001 04:52:37 AM new
Ok, I'm sending luck your way! Actually, I should have hubby do it since he's the lucky one. Heck, I'd give one to you if I could. But I don't we can transfer them and they might not like the idea of flying you out of Australia, LOL. Really, I'm not sure we can take them all in a year. I know the timeshare ones had a year limit, not sure about the other one he won. I'll have to wait until the info gets here. I'd love to give one to Mom, but I don't think she could afford to or leave Dad, much less be physically able to do it anyway.

Sounds like you had a rather odd day! Can you/would you report him for not collecting the tax? It's just not right that some people do better because they do it shady instead of right.

~^~ Hippy wannabe ~^~
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