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posted on April 27, 2001 06:10:11 AM new
Ok, so you got both then? Good! I probably wrote the note before I had decided to split up the package and forgot what I wrote! LOL I do that these more frequently

Kahlua has been my favorite for years. Do you have Captain Morgan's spiced rum there? If you do, I'll share my secret Mouse Milk recipe. (People come find me at parties looking for my Mouse Milk, it's famous round these parts! )

~^~ Hippy wannabe ~^~
posted on April 27, 2001 06:14:48 AM new
I've not heard of Captain Morgan's spiced rum before but we may have it... not too sure.

Ok - you can't leave me hanging now! What on earth is this concoction you've come up with? If it's that good maybe I could try making some and use it to buy people and get my own way

posted on April 27, 2001 06:24:10 AM new
Ok, I used to just drink Kahlua with milk. But I found I could drink it all night and hardly feel a thing. I was at a convention one weekend and had brought Kahlua & milk for one night and Captain Morgan's spiced rum with Dr. Pepper for another night (another good mixture, much smoother than the C.M. with coke!). After about my 3rd drink, I was looking at the C.M. and thinking, hmmmm...So I put some in my Kahlua & milk. I kept adding it until I could barely taste it, and it was quite a bit! I call it Kahlua & cream with a kick! Play with the mixture to where you like it. But as a general rule of thumb, use 2 parts Kahlua to one part Captain Morgan's. I usually adjust the alcohol up as the night goes on. It has to be the spiced rum though, regular rum tastes gross to me. See if you can find it, it's really good!

You have to be careful though, it will knock you on your butt if you're not watching! That's why all my friends like it, even the guys who usually don't like 'girly' drinks. Oh, and never mix it with beer. You will get sick! I generally don't mix it with anything else because of the milk. It's just asking for an unpleasant result...

~^~ Hippy wannabe ~^~
posted on April 27, 2001 06:31:18 AM new
Sounds interesting! I'll have to see if we can get the Captain Morgan's out here, otherwise I guess any brand of spiced rum should do the trick. I never even knew there was such a thing as spiced rum (not a rum drinker either). Oh - and don't worry about me mixing it with beer - can't stand the stuff! YECHH!!

Ok - I really do have to say goodnight this time... have to be up early for work Will talk to you again on Sunday night if you're about.

Talk to you soon!

posted on April 27, 2001 06:33:06 AM new
Good luck & let me know if you find some! I have to toddle off to bed too. Nighters dear!

~^~ Hippy wannabe ~^~
posted on April 27, 2001 03:50:44 PM new
WHOOO HOOOO I knew it I'm an UNCLE!!!
Congrats MAMA MICHELLE!! Hello Mouser and
MY PAL - SMOOOOOOOCH!!!! NO the shows didn't
even START yet, it's all in May and June,
we've just been in rehearsals a lot and also
working on emails/contracts/boring stuff for
supposed film coming up but that is so iffy
it's not even worth talkin about yet. I will
believe it when I see it.
So Kaz hello and nice to meet you
I will see what's up here later and I will
be sure to bring plenty of animal crackers!

posted on April 27, 2001 03:54:39 PM new
Rocker!!! Nice to meet you at long last. I've heard all about you (from Netta)
All good!!! Don't forget to bring the
party animals with you as well.

posted on April 27, 2001 04:19:41 PM new
Rocker I am hoping you are
still around. I am only just awake,
my daughter came and woke me to tell
me that you were on line again without
me. hahaha

all aunty's and uncle's. Can we spoil
the baby, what do ya reckon?????

I forgot to line edit again. It is 9:30am and I want to be asleep still. That is
really bad for me.

[ edited by nettak on Apr 27, 2001 04:21 PM ]
posted on April 27, 2001 04:32:13 PM new
Hi ya Netta Did you get a good nights sleep last night? I think Rocker is just popping in and out. Eric's back played up
on him last night, but being the stubborn
#### that he is - he went to work today.
Just phoned me to tell me that he'll be gone
all day. I'll phone you later.

posted on April 27, 2001 04:41:06 PM new
if you're looking for me, I'm in the Miss
France thread.... I just put my boxing gloves
on, I'm just getting my teeth sharpened, and
honey I am out for blood. As you can imagine.
OH MY GOD these people do NOT know who
they are dealing with on this subject.
posted on April 27, 2001 04:43:15 PM new
OMG Rocker Please do not kill anyone, we are peaceloving remember.

posted on April 27, 2001 04:47:07 PM new
Netta Dare I say that I just posted in
there too!!! I wear the label "butch"
across my forehead (so most of my friends
reckon) hell, even hubby has his doubts at times.

posted on April 27, 2001 05:01:16 PM new
Yeah well some people are wankers'. What more can I say and I say that in the nicest possible way.

I just posted my little bit as well, you go Rocker, you rock big time honey.

I am glad that things seem to be looking up for you with work, it must be hard to be in rehersal all the time, what has happened with you pooch sitting?? Have you got someone to cover for you or did you just give it away. Please don't tell me you are trying to do both??

I will have the tim tams and cherry ripes, you bring the animal crackers and chocolate milk. LOL Kisses honey. XOXOXOXOXOXOX

posted on April 27, 2001 05:02:43 PM new
Am I allowed to bring any grog? LOL.

posted on April 27, 2001 05:10:21 PM new
I will set up the bar, but you will have
to check with Bob because he is
the one with the Ute and he carries the
beer ect. You may have to bring your
own wine. LOL

[ edited by nettak on Apr 27, 2001 05:11 PM ]
posted on April 27, 2001 05:17:28 PM new
A couple bottles of champagne should do it.
Has Bob got a fridge on this ute? You know,
like the one on the T.V. ad.

posted on April 27, 2001 05:32:30 PM new
Netta - where did you find Kazanne? How did we get such a cool new friend??

Netta I am doing the pet sitting AND
rehearsals, it's not all that much rehearsal
really, I am able to do it all, but that is why I haven't been online much lately, all
this stuff going on.

Hey - you guys ROCKED the Miss France thread!
WHOOO HOOO!!! Go girls go!! And perhaps I
rocked it so much
I am about to be flung overboard. Ahhh
well that's life sometimes. You all know my
email [email protected] in case BIG BROTHER
boots me for good.

XOXOXO! See ya here later, or then again,
maybe not!! LOL!!!
posted on April 27, 2001 05:39:36 PM new
Glad to see that your still "Chipper" about
it all Rocker Was going to ask you
for your e-mail address, so thanks a lot,
wouldn't mind keeping in contact with
someone who has a broad mind. Thanks for the fun and here's hoping that your're
with us for a very long time.
Netta Where you hiding? Come out,
come out, wherever you are.

posted on April 27, 2001 05:54:25 PM new
Kazanne Chipper is my middle name.
didn't ya know? NYC Chipper Rocker. LMAO!
Ahh shucks it takes more than a PO'd mod
to ruffle my mane.
Yeah where is Netta?? Well I have to go
do more stuff and I will check back....
if I have my PRIVELEGES. LOLOL!!!!!!

xxoxo smoooooooches
Where is that handsome [b] BOB [b] ? I miss him so!

posted on April 27, 2001 05:59:26 PM new
See ya Rocker I'd better be goin
too. Still in my nightie, got heaps of
housework to do and it's already 11.00a.m.
Talk to you all later.
[ edited by Kazanne on Apr 27, 2001 06:02 PM ]
posted on April 27, 2001 06:11:58 PM new
Sorry guys I got held up, my parent are here and they want to talk. We have to go out soon, but I will try and get back in later.

{{{{{Rocker}}}}} I will email you, if I don't catch up with you later. See ya honey. SMOOOOOOOOCHES

posted on April 28, 2001 12:27:30 AM new
LOL, Rocker we sure have missed your, um, liveliness around here! Stick around would ya?? I have to go play with the dog (he positively pouts if I don't play frisbee with him everyday! ) but I'll be back in a bit!

*back to spelling class for me!
~^~ Hippy wannabe ~^~
[ edited by MouseSlayer on Apr 28, 2001 12:28 AM ]
posted on April 28, 2001 12:47:05 AM new
I'm here too, and I have just come back
home so I will be here for a while
tonight. Touch wood that nothing calls
me away.

Rocker it is soooooooooooooo good
to have you home again.

posted on April 28, 2001 01:01:09 AM new
Ok, the dog is panting heavily and his tongue is
hanging out of the side of his mouth. He's happy now
I swear I've created a monster! I told him we were going
to go out & play frisbee, he got all excited and ran to
the door. Then Mom stopped me and wanted to talk. He stood
there staring and me and whining, he's not a whiner. LOL Poor baby!
He's getting so good at catching it too, I'm a proud mama!
By the way, if I haven't before, I highly recommend those
floppy frisbees! They fly almost as well and are easier to
catch as well as easier on his mouth. I found a spot
of blood on the regular plastic one the other night while
we were playing. I made him stop after that. I have
to use 2 you see, because he doesn't want to give them up!

~^~ Hippy wannabe ~^~
posted on April 28, 2001 01:04:43 AM new
Aaaah Netta and Mouser my pals It is sooo
good to be HOME again I really did miss
you guys. Wow it's been so much fun being
back, I almost forgot to check my auctions
that are closing tonight. LOL!

I MISS MAMA MICHELLE!!!! I am so excited
about the baby - but I also can't wait for
the Lovely Miss Michelle to come back to us!
WHO will send us TimTam web sites and
decorate our party room with lights now while
she is gone???

posted on April 28, 2001 01:05:36 AM new
LOL, a friend just sent me this site, the side of a
smiley you never see (although we have upon occasion around here! )

~^~ Hippy wannabe ~^~
posted on April 28, 2001 01:20:49 AM new
Okay is this party going to get into full
swing or what????

Rocker our Mama Michelle will be back with us before too long, of that I am sure. As a matter of fact, we will wait before we close this party room down and start another. It has become tradition now and we could not start another thread without Michelle to cut the ribbon so to speak. LOL I have some answers for your questions and when I email you later I will tell you all about everyone. ssshhhhhh

Hi Mouse are you still at puppy play???

posted on April 28, 2001 01:25:28 AM new
ROTFPIMP Mouse that was just so funny, I thought at first gee this is cute, skipping smilies, and then I realised it was a rear ended smilie going up the step things. LOL

posted on April 28, 2001 01:45:14 AM new
Hehe, I figured someone would think it was cute
Well, DH came home grumpy, so I'm going to go work for awhile.
I should be back in hour or so...

~^~ Hippy wannabe ~^~
posted on April 28, 2001 02:03:47 AM new
Okay Mouse I will just go wandering through these dark and dusty halls while you are working. Now just holler when you get back and I will come out and play. LOL

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