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posted on April 28, 2001 02:08:15 AM new
Yipppeee Netta you're still here!?!?
See here I am UP THE LATEST wondering
WHERE is everyone?? And isn't that how this
damn thread started in the first place?

[ edited by nycrocker on Apr 28, 2001 02:10 AM ]
posted on April 28, 2001 02:14:55 AM new
I'm still here honey, and you are so right it was just us, wasn't it. LOL those were the days. ROTF

Remember how we all had so many questions on those first nights. So many laughs as well, and a lot of new friendships started on that very first night.

So Rocker how do you like the view in our newest party room. LOL

posted on April 28, 2001 02:17:04 AM new
Okay now I know you don't like the
hard stuff and I will have to tell
bob to get some milk on his
way in. LOL

The grog is for all the other party
people who seem to drop in from time
to time. LOL

Did you bring the Animal Crackers.?????
[ edited by nettak on Apr 28, 2001 02:23 AM ]
posted on April 28, 2001 02:28:20 AM new
Ahhhh LOVELY view, my pal!!!
Yes I will leave the hard stuff to BOB

But HEY WAIT A MINUTE - who is that man
putting his hands all over my girl?! D'oh!!
posted on April 28, 2001 02:37:01 AM new
Don't you recognise Bob LOL

I dragged out some old favourites for your welcome home.

It is party time. So come out all our mates and join the fun. LOL

posted on April 28, 2001 03:05:41 AM new
Okay my pal Rocker you know what
we have been up to, so come on spill it
out what have you been doing. How are
the rehersals going, and when does the
show look like starting??? Did you have
some other exciting news to tell or not??

See the art of question asking has not
dimmed in this thread. LOL

Want to do the conga,.

posted on April 28, 2001 03:11:41 AM new
Hi gals! I'm in for awhile, needed a break.
I hate it when hubby goes and has a few beers and
comes home mean! I'm not sure where he is,
I'm locked up in the office right now.

Dad is due to be discharged from the hospital anyday
now, but the nursing home we like so much is full!
This is driving us nuts!!

Ok Rocker, spill the beans. How the heck have
you been???

~^~ Hippy wannabe ~^~
posted on April 28, 2001 03:21:56 AM new
Mouse do you want us to come and
thump hubby for you. LOL

I think Rocker may have gone to
bed, she just said it was 6am and she said
it was Vampire sleeping time. hahaha

That sounds just like her doesn't it. LOL

posted on April 28, 2001 03:29:32 AM new
Yep, that sounds like her, LOL!

Would you come over & do that for me? He
doesn't get like that often, but I hate it when he is.
He said something nasty and I'm not sure what brought it
on. He doesn't normally do things like that (it had to do
with my back and something I wanted him to help me with
and he said I was using an excuse, huh??)

~^~ Hippy wannabe ~^~
posted on April 28, 2001 03:35:17 AM new
Hi guys! OMG! Did I miss Rocker? Damn! I'm
posting a quickie right now, there's a show
coming on and they're going to talk about
this depo stuff I take, but I'll be back in
a half hour. I've missed everyone! It just
figures the one Saturday the hubby gets off
for the month, and I can't sleep. Now he's
gonna be up in a couple of hours, and I'll
be sleeping all day. That or I'll be up and
really "punchy". (as my sister puts it)

Forgot about the lines...
[ edited by tigerlady on Apr 28, 2001 03:36 AM ]
posted on April 28, 2001 03:42:11 AM new
Yes I would come over an help you out.
I bet I have dealt with a lot worse than
your hubby. I had a friend that was married
to an extremely abusive man, he was a pig
to say the least, and I took no sh*T from
him. I even had him charged one time, I
will admit that the man scarred the you
know what out of me, but I knew that if
he ever came near me, my husband would have
torn his head off. LOL Not that I couldn't
have handled him, you know because I did
have police back up, but my husband can look
real mean when he has to.. LOL

Rocker sure stirred up a few lives in here today, I think she may have shocked a few. LOL

Now back to you husband, have you thought he might be under a bit of stress. Did you
say that he has his own business??

I know from personal experience that it can
be very stressful at times, especially if
things are not running smoothly. He may
also be feeling a bit of added stress
with you dad being so ill. It may have
bought memories back to him about his mother
when she was sick.

These are just thoughts, I really do not know
but maybe you should just ask him what is
wrong. Wait until he has slept it off and
then ask him in a nice calm way. I am sure
that everything will be alright.

posted on April 28, 2001 03:44:18 AM new
Hi Tigerlady, Rocker said she will try
and get back tomorrow some time. Just keep
a look out and she might pop back in.

How is your sister coping?? Did you find out
what happened to your brother in law??

posted on April 28, 2001 03:48:56 AM new
Oh, I have no doubt that stress is part of the problem.
Especially since he spent the evening with his partner.
But it was supposed to be a unwind type of night, so
I don't know what happened. It just irks me when he
takes it out on me and says hurtful things. I will talk
to him about it tomorrow, trust me! Plus I've had
one of my nagging stress headaches myself for 2 days now
(in case you didn't notice my usual bubbly self hasn't
been around). I'm sure it's nothing, it just pissed me off!
Married people do that once in awhile.

Well, I'm going to go out and work a little longer since
I have some anger to burn off (good motivation!)
I'll pop back in within an hour or so!

~^~ Hippy wannabe ~^~
posted on April 28, 2001 03:55:19 AM new
Okay Mouse I will check back in a
little while and if you are here I will
step back and have a chat. LOL

Don't stress over you hubby, mine gets
cranky all the time and I just ignore him.
Now that is what being married is
all about. LOL

posted on April 28, 2001 04:24:50 AM new
netta - dunno' she keeps avoiding the
question. I'm not going to push it. If she
wants to talk about she knows I'm there for
her. It took me a LONG time before I could
talk about my Mom.

mouse - my hubby's the same way
sometimes. He just gets so stressed at work
and then comes home in a really "punchy"
mood. That man can have a really sharp
tounge sometimes. And boy am I good at
holding grudges. LOL Oh well. I know he
doesn't mean it, so I just try to ignore
him. He makes up for it later.

posted on April 28, 2001 04:30:48 AM new
tiger it is good that you don't push
your sister for answers, one day she may
just come to you and tell you everything.

It must be a very hard and sad time for her,
and unfortunately there is not a lot you can
do but just be there if she does decide she
needs you.

I am sorry that you missed Rocker tonight,
she was asking about everyone and I know
that she misses everyone heaps.

posted on April 28, 2001 05:19:33 AM new
netta - I've been there, done that,
so I know how it is. She knows she can call
on me ANYTIME. I still wish I could do more,

I'll try to be back here tomorrow, don't
know how late I'll be able to stay, though.
The hubby only gets the one whole weekend
off a month. Maybe I'll take a nap earlier
so I can be here later.

Keep forgetting about those @^$#& lines!

[ edited by tigerlady on Apr 28, 2001 05:20 AM ]
posted on April 28, 2001 05:33:10 AM new
hi nettak, logging on late tonight and just catching up on todays goss.
Gee, I missed Rocker, it's good to see her back.
I tell you, a lot of the blokes I know just wouldn't know how to take Rocker, but Rocker, when you catch up on this post, you're welcome at my place anytime at all.
You have given us all so many insights into lifestyles we didn't know much about and that takes guts.
You're one hell of a unique person and we are all the better for being your mates.
Rock on Rocker and don't take crap from anyone.
A big hug and a SMOOOOOCH to you!

Bob, Downunder but never down.
posted on April 28, 2001 05:38:58 AM new
Bob you are so right, a lot of men
or rather people do not know how to relate
to anyone who may be a bit different to
what they are. It is sad really, because
they do not know what they are missing out
on. You are one very special man I think.
You have a kind understanding that
a lot of men don't and sometimes they even
fear showing that softer side to them. You
are not ashamed to show your soft side.

I really do need to learn to spell.

[ edited by nettak on Apr 28, 2001 05:40 AM ]
posted on April 28, 2001 05:44:09 AM new
Ok, I've filled up 11 pages of notes and have pre-packaged so
much stuff in the past week or so I've run out of room!
I guess that means it's time to start listing.
Don't you just hate it when you buy something from the
store and you get home and realize they didn't take the
damn ink tag thingie off?!? I've found 2 of
them so far in my merchandise. I hate extra trips!

Hi Tigerlady! We've been missing you too!

Bob, I couldn't have said it better myself. Although,
the people I know tend to be more open about other people's
perceived 'oddities'. That's why I fit in so well, LOL!

Rocker, it was nice to have you in for a little
while tonight! If I ever get out to your neck of the
woods, I would love to come to one of your shows. I think
it would be a blast!

Netta are you still about?

~^~ Hippy wannabe ~^~
posted on April 28, 2001 05:48:23 AM new
Hi mouse yep I am still here, in fact
I am supposed to be doing bookwork, but I
keep this page open so I can come and check.
LOL Sshhhhhhhh don't tell on me. LOL

I will have to go soon though, because I
have a big day tomorrow and I really do
need to get all my paperwork finished before

posted on April 28, 2001 05:49:37 AM new
nettakMost of us if we are honest haves sides to us that we perhaps will never admit to, sometimes even to ourselves.
There is much that I don't understand, but I do know that all of us, no matter what our traits, are human beings and can be hurt by ignorance.
I can not abide intolerance to people because someone is perceived as not being "mainstream" if that is the right word.
Bob, Downunder but never down.
posted on April 28, 2001 05:52:43 AM new
Those Ink things are dangerous, my son got
one of them caught on his watch band last
year while he was trying on a pair of jeans,
and the thing exploded. There was glass and
blue paint everywhere. Thank god he wasn't
hurt and also thank god it happened in the
shop, because I would have been less than
thrilled to have the mess in my house.

But I do agree that they should remember to
take them off before you leave the store.
It is a real pain in the bum to have to run
back just to get the thingo taken off.

posted on April 28, 2001 05:54:10 AM new
You know, I just thought of something. DH has some
differences that are subtle, but noticeable in his appearance
(birth defect) and was picked on quite a bit as a kid.
Even now he gets an odd reaction here & there and it
pisses me off! So you'd think he'd be more tolerant of
others with differences. Once in awhile he'll say
something off the wall and it throws me. But I always
call him on it because he should know better!

Ok Netta, I won't say a word!

~^~ Hippy wannabe ~^~
posted on April 28, 2001 05:55:37 AM new
I knew they had ink, but glass?!? Sheesh!

~^~ Hippy wannabe ~^~
posted on April 28, 2001 05:58:25 AM new
Hi mouse, Don't let things bug you. Tommorow's another day and the sun will come up as it always does.

Bob, Downunder but never down.
posted on April 28, 2001 05:59:12 AM new
bob over the last few months that we
have been posting together, I think that
we have all learned a bit about one and
other. I can see that you are a caring type
of person, and you are not ashamed to show
it, I like that in a person. I tend to be
very loyal to my friends, and I can not stand
by when one of them is in trouble. I have to
go and attempt to help, that is my nature.

Rocker is they type that will dive in boots
and all and she will come to anyone's rescue.
Some people do not understand why she is so
open about her sexuality, I think it is the
most wonderful thing. I already knew some
stuff about transgender, because of my
nephew/niece but Rocker has taught me a lot
more just by talking to her in this thread
and via email. I would never be ashamed to
call Jan a friend, and a big rasberry to
anyone who puts her down.

posted on April 28, 2001 06:04:10 AM new
Hear hear Netta! I think we all feel that way about
Rocker. I think it's refreshing that she does tell it
straight (no pun intended ) and let the chips fall
where they may. Anyone who can't deal with it she probably
doesn't want as a friend anyway, and I wouldn't either.
I used to really care what others thought and tried to
be on everyone's good side all the time. But you know what,
that gets very tiring and I was forgetting who I really
was. I don't do that anymore. I may not have as many 'friends'
but the ones I do have I know are true.

~^~ Hippy wannabe ~^~
posted on April 28, 2001 06:08:08 AM new
Oh, and bless Rocker and her energy that started the
first thread that brought us all together in the first place!

~^~ Hippy wannabe ~^~
[ edited by MouseSlayer on Apr 28, 2001 06:17 AM ]
posted on April 28, 2001 06:11:16 AM new
nettak, We have the Oscars, the Logies and all other awards.
Lets start the Razzie awards!

You're all invited to be the founding blowers!

Bob, Downunder but never down.
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