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posted on April 28, 2001 06:14:47 AM new
Mouse I will tell you something one
of our business competitors told me a few
years ago when we were discussing friendship.

He said if you can count your friends on
one hand you are a very lucky person. He
meant your real friends, the ones that are
always there for you and the one's that you
can tell anything to.

I thought about what he said and you know
what he is spot on right. I know a lot of
people and have dealings with a lot of
people, but there was only a handful that
I would even consider my real friends and
one of them was one of my sisters'. Most '
people that we know are really only acquaintance's and not really good friends.
They would not come running if you needed
someone, most acquaintance's would run a
mile if you asked for a favour.

Does all of that make sense to you. What I
was trying to say is that you only need a
couple of people to call friends if they are
your real friends.

posted on April 28, 2001 06:16:32 AM new
LOL Bob haha I love it.

posted on April 28, 2001 06:19:02 AM new
Oh goody, can we blow nice juicy ones??

You're right Netta, I know exactly what you mean. I think
I can count 3 true friends (I'd say 4, but I lost track of her ).

~^~ Hippy wannabe ~^~
posted on April 28, 2001 06:25:01 AM new
I can think of a few that we can aim big
juicy Rasberries at, but I think it could
land us in hot water, so I won't say anymore.
You can have a good guess, I bet we all can
come up with a couple of people that we
would like to bomb with a rasberry. LOL A BIG JUICY RASBERRY!!!!! Hahahahaha

posted on April 28, 2001 06:26:25 AM new
Just found a Raspberry smilie!

Feel free to use it!

Bob, Downunder but never down.
posted on April 28, 2001 06:31:56 AM new
You are a doll, thank you Bob
I have saved it to my little file.

I don't know how much longer I can keep
my eyes open, I have not had a real lot
of sleep over the last couple of days, and
my daughter came and woke me at 9:30am this
morning to tell me that Rocker was in and
posting so I jumped out of bed and came to
see her. But unfortunately that
was the end of any sleep once again, because
then my parents arrived and shortly after I
had to go out. I am so sleep deprived that
I might fall asleep in this damn chair.

I will go and do some more bookwork and pop
back and see if you are still around.

posted on April 28, 2001 06:35:19 AM new
Ok, I am stumped and need some help. My best friend recently
bought her first house. As a housewarming gift, I got
her some neat address labels. (I swear she moved more
than once a year before!) So, my question is, how would
you wrap them? I've had them for a couple of weeks and
have had no inspiration.

*I forgot to say that they are sheets of labels.

~^~ Hippy wannabe ~^~
[ edited by MouseSlayer on Apr 28, 2001 06:37 AM ]
posted on April 28, 2001 06:35:59 AM new
I think the day is catching up with me too!
I keep pressing the wrong keys.
I'll catch up with you all tommorow.

Bob, Downunder but never down.
posted on April 28, 2001 06:42:18 AM new
Nighters Bob!

I'm hoping to either not be in tonight, or be late.
I think it's time to drag DH out to a movie.

~^~ Hippy wannabe ~^~
posted on April 28, 2001 06:43:42 AM new
I just came back to say goodnight, because
my eyes are closing fast, and I am the
same as Bob and typing to wrong letters.
But I saw your post Mouse

What are the lables made out of??? Are they
just on sheets or in a book form, do they
have your friends name ect printed on them??

If they are just in sheet form and they are
not in a box, why don't you buy a box to put
them in, get a really nice decorative box.
Instead of wrapping them, why don't you get
a wide ribbon, one that can be used again.
Get either a gold or a silver ribbon and tie
it around the box and attatch a nice little
gift tag.

If it is in a book form, you could still
put it in a box and wrap it, but I think I
would just use the ribbon again with a little
gift tag attatched. You know you really do
not have to wrap presents in paper wrapping
anymore, it sometimes seems better to keep
it simple.

Is this what you were thinking or do you need another idea.

posted on April 28, 2001 11:03:42 AM new
I'll start the Razzie awards.

I'd like to blow a great big one at the
hubby right now. I ended up not even lying
down until 10am, and right about 11am - when
I was FINALLY falling asleep - he decided to
throw in 13th warrior. With the sound turned
way up... and with the bass turned way up,
so all I could hear was boom boomboom boom
boom... boooooooooom boom. When I
went in there (both times I went in there)
he just grinned. (like I was getting up for
no reason other than to get up after only and hour of sleep) Grrrr...


Where's that spelling class again?
[ edited by tigerlady on Apr 28, 2001 11:05 AM ]
posted on April 29, 2001 01:02:01 AM new
Based on the fact that no one is posting anything in any of the message board here tonight - I think I win for the night! I most be the last one here at the AW party!

posted on April 29, 2001 01:18:31 AM new
Hi RichieRich, our little party
doesn't get going for a little while yet.

Most of the regulars aren't in, but they
soon will be. LOL

Tiger we will all join in one
big Raspberry. Ttthhhhhh That
is for all the morons in this world.

posted on April 29, 2001 01:41:15 AM new
Hi guys!!! Looks like I missed out on a good night, last night. I've popped in earlier tonight to say hello - be here awhile, hubby and son watching a boring video "Shaft".
How are you Bob,Netta,Mouse,Rocker,and everyone else.

posted on April 29, 2001 01:45:45 AM new
Hi Kaz I am here, but I don't think
anyone else is yet.

My husband is watching some boring video
as well.

posted on April 29, 2001 01:46:30 AM new

[ edited by Kazanne on Apr 29, 2001 02:42 PM ]
posted on April 29, 2001 01:51:41 AM new
Netta HELP!! I'm posting, but page 48 is not coming up on my screen and I can't get to it. What do I do now?

posted on April 29, 2001 03:01:18 AM new
I haven't missed everyone have I???

Well - it seems as if the threads around here are a little more livlier latley... good to have you back Rocker!

I've had a pretty good last couple of days. Last night I went to a trivia night for our work's social club. Our team came second and we won $300 (between the five of us).

Then today I get an e-mail from my manager saying that I had the best stats in the department for the month of March and I won that DVD player I was telling you guys about a while ago!!! I can't believe it - second in Feb (the microwave) and now first! Where do I go from here???

They say good/bad things happen in threes so I should go and buy a scratchie tomorrow

posted on April 29, 2001 03:06:16 AM new
Hi gang! I had a nice long soak in the tub with bath
pearls and am up until my hair dries. Hubby is in
bed and Mom is having me help her pick out some new
dresses for the summer. Anything exciting happen today?
Oh, I did finally get hubby to apologize for last night.
And I didn't even have to yell, LOL.

~^~ Hippy wannabe ~^~
posted on April 29, 2001 03:07:56 AM new
Woohoo, way to go Pharlap! Yes, run out and
buy a lottery ticket, post haste!!

~^~ Hippy wannabe ~^~
posted on April 29, 2001 03:08:23 AM new
Hello Pharlap good to see you back
and congratulations on your good fortune.
WOW now you know if you buy that
scratchie tomorrow and it wins, your fellow
Aussies would like a share. LOL hahaha

Rocker may not be in tonight, because she
is not feeling the best, thanks to a few
bad tempered people who obviously can't
handle the truth being told.

If you are reading this Rocker
you know we love you. {{{SMOOOOOOCHES}}}

posted on April 29, 2001 03:13:23 AM new
Hi Mouse, well I am glad there was
no yelling. LOL hahaha I have had a good
day, I got a big part of my bookwork finished
and Kaz and her hubby came out to visit,
and I went to see my sister and niece and
nephew and that was very lovely. So all in
all I had a very good day.

My little neice built a fairy garden and
she took me down to see it, wouldn't it be
nice to go back to the days of such innocence.

posted on April 29, 2001 03:17:00 AM new
Hello you two!

Mouse - are the bath pearls you used like the ones you sent me? They look so pretty in their little box I don't want to use them just yet - just admire them!

posted on April 29, 2001 03:24:14 AM new
Don't ya just hate having to ruin the pretty
look of some things. LOL I know
what you mean Pharlap, there are some
things in life that are meant to be admired.

posted on April 29, 2001 03:25:45 AM new
Oh yes it would be nice Netta! I think that's why
I'm so enchanted with pretty garden decoration things.

Yep Pharlap! My mom gave me some in the shape of
moons and stars for Christmas. I don't take bathtub baths
very often, so I make sure I use them when I do take one.
It's been very difficult for me to get in and out of the
tub with my back. I stayed in a little too long tonight
because I didn't want to get up and it made my back hurt
more. But the water smelled nice and now I'm soft, LOL!
Even the dog liked the water, he kept licking my wet hand.

~^~ Hippy wannabe ~^~
posted on April 29, 2001 03:30:24 AM new
Bugger the dog Mouse what about
hubby, he might like you all soft and
smelling nice. LOL

Yes I think that it would be nice to go
back to those childhood dreams. We grow
up and tend to take life far to seriously.

That is one reason I like coming in here,
we can act like kids' from time to time.

posted on April 29, 2001 03:30:47 AM new
I'm the bath queen!!!

I have so much bubble bath, bath salts/oils & soaps etc it's crazy! It starts to get very expensive so every Christmas when my family asks me what I want I always get them to get me those kind of things - that way what I get at Christmas time usually lasts until my birthday in July and then the whole process starts over!

posted on April 29, 2001 03:37:29 AM new
We don't have a big bathtub in this house,
I only have this little pissy thing that
you can sit in, but not stretch out and
soak in. We have a really big ensuite in
our bedroom and I mean it is huge. We
intend to put an old style bathtub in that
bathroom, you know the sort with claw feet.

I want one with a nice wide top so that I
can have a head rest to lean back on. LOL
We are on the lookout for the
right tub, I do not want a new one as they
are just not the same, so we will have to
buy an old one and have it re-enameled, to
suit us.

posted on April 29, 2001 03:40:19 AM new
I love those old fashioned type of baths with the feet as well. I would love to have one of those one day. They're usually deeper than a regular bath is that right?

posted on April 29, 2001 03:41:05 AM new
LOL, then I did good with the bath stuff! I hoped you'd
like it. Since you sent me some, I figured you
liked it too. I love giving that kind of stuff to friends,
we frequently don't buy that kind of stuff or take the
time for ourselves. So I feel like I'm giving a bit
of luxury.

~^~ Hippy wannabe ~^~
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