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posted on May 2, 2001 06:33:56 AM new
nettak, Antique and Collectible Shows.
Not strip shows!!!

Bob, Downunder but never down.
posted on May 2, 2001 06:36:21 AM new
Pharlap would that have been a fashion
shoot with a very well know fashion designer?

She did that last week, did you hear how Cue
refused to sell her any more clothes, because
they reportedly said that she was bad for
there image. LOL

posted on May 2, 2001 06:37:31 AM new
Gee dash it all Bob a girl has to have
her dreams and here I was going to ask for
a demo. LOL

posted on May 2, 2001 06:38:44 AM new
In general the people don't bother me.
If someone acts obnoxious, I just remind
them that I am paying the rent and I want
them outside my rented area. One woman said
well, obviously you don't want my business,
this after being insulting to me and my
merchandise...(now this is the neat part
about being a Gypsy as opposed to a store
owner) I said "Oh, I want your money but
not at the expense of your lip.
There are 1000s of others out there who
will be pleasant and spend their money
in here...please excuse me but we need
the floor space you are taking up. LOL I
loved doing that, cause in a shop you'd
have to put up with the guff and hope that
they wouldn't bad mouth ya.

What really ticks me off are the thieves,
when you get 20 to 25 people milling around
you just can't keep track of everything...
I had one really bad show there where they
stole more on Sunday than I sold. Very heart

posted on May 2, 2001 06:39:25 AM new
Nettak - I read all about the Cue fiasco... apparently it was in some newsletter that goes out to all of their shops for their employees to read. It was only a joke but she didn't see it that way I guess. If she goes around suing everyone who makes fun of her she's going to be one very busy lady

posted on May 2, 2001 06:43:58 AM new
You know I used to bend over backwards for
our clients, but I found you got no more
respect from them and they just expected
me to do more and more for them, so now I
am polite and give respect when it is
deserved. But that is as far as it goes.

I love the clients that ring up to complain
about something (It doesn't happen very often
thank goodness), and they think I am just a
lacky so they bad mouth our drivers and
business, I just very calmly and politely
tell them that I am the owner and I respect
there thoughts, but as this is my business
they can feel free to take their business
elsewhere. Very few of the ever leave and
most learn a new level of respect for us.

That is terrible about the stealing.

posted on May 2, 2001 06:46:45 AM new
I don't know what Paulines problem is but
have you noticed how little she ever smiles.

It is almost like she sucks on lemons all
day. I did hear that Cue said sorry,
and they did say that she could come back and
buy from them again, but she went off in a
huff. LOL Hmmmm she must be
wandering who she can go after next.

posted on May 2, 2001 06:53:01 AM new
nettak, I'm pretty easy going and not too hard to get on with,
but I remember one show I was doing when I had this real PITA,
hoity toity woman who I couldn't get rid of.
Patience came to an end and I finally told her to take a hike.
She very snootily looked down her nose and told me that she
didn't come here to be insulted, to which I replied,
Well, where do you normally go?
Her little meek husband, who was with her and had never said a word up to this point,
cracked up and couldn't stop laughing.
The woman was a mad as a meat axe at him and promptly clobbered him!

Bob, Downunder but never down.
posted on May 2, 2001 06:53:31 AM new
The only thing that keeps me going on this
Brimfield, is that it used to account for
1/3 or our income. Now with hubby working
a full time job, both of us collecting Social
Security I don't need to push so hard. We
also have had a lot of fun with this. Joking
with customers, they'd fill out want forms
and I'd find things for them (always at a
very good return) and we have made a few
good friends along the way.
One silly thing that I remember, I was
outside the tent, watching, due to the
traffic flow, one lady couldn't get out of
the tent. She hadn't made a purchase and I
gently ribbed her and said, "Oh, I guess you
didn't see the sign in the back, No one
leaves until they make a purchase!" She
looked startled for a second and then laughed!

posted on May 2, 2001 06:58:10 AM new
BOB may I please use that line...

Lord I love it..."Where do you usually go?"

Oh, here's one for you...always catches 'em
off guard.
The item is tagged and the price is clearly
marked, they look at the tag and say "What
is your best price?" Now lets say that the
amount is $50.00...I look at the tag and
say well, my best price would be $70. but
I didn't think you'd want to pay another
$20. get's em every time!
Or the other scenario, where they turn and
imperiously say, "I want to talk to you
about the price." I quickly interject, "Oh,
no I couldn't possibly accept more than the tag is marked!"
[ edited by zilvy on May 2, 2001 07:01 AM ]
posted on May 2, 2001 06:58:35 AM new
Bob I wonder if that poor man forgave
you, he probably did because you most likely
gave him the best laugh he has had in years.
Sometimes you just can not help but say
something to them, some clients as just plain
mean and nasty and looking for a fight. Well
these days I am not as meek as I used to be
and although I will help were I can, I will
not be walked over by anyone. LOL

Zilvy you probably gave the lady a
near heart attack. LOL

posted on May 2, 2001 06:59:46 AM new
OK everyone, I've reached the point where my fingers are pushing different buttons to where my eyes are looking.
I'm heading off to Dreamland.
Catch you all later.

Don't get up to anything I wouldn't do.
That should leave you plenty of scope!

Bob, Downunder but never down.
posted on May 2, 2001 07:03:15 AM new
Goodnight Bob sleep well.

Well it is after midnight here so I think I
may have to head out the door as well.

Goodnight Zilvy, it was lovely to talk to you.

Oh yes if you see Rocker, please try and keep
her out of trouble. Just a gentle guiding
hand will do the trick. LOL haha

posted on May 2, 2001 07:04:45 AM new
Nettak Is it time for a new home?
Maybe you could start the thread and call
it "The Late Night Show, from Downunder!"
we could change the name from time to time
but keep the same general idea...what do
you think?
Netta, I am going to be mailing your 'package this Friday..the weather
is supposed to get cooler...it was 110 in
the sun here in New England today...I had
my cooler with ice packs with me when I
went grocery shopping...the way I normally
do in August. With all of the chocolate I
am hoping it makes to you without all
melting into one huge lump....wouldn't that
be awful to bear?

[ edited by zilvy on May 2, 2001 09:09 PM ]
posted on May 2, 2001 05:53:25 PM new
Just wanted to stop by the "dreaded thread" and thank you guys for being so cool with regard to the "Miss France ..." discussion. Pity it had to end the way it did, but I prefer to look at the positive outcome -- it delivered a lot of information and inspired some thoughtful posts from many different people.

Thanks too to jamesoblivion for starting the discussion in the first place.


posted on May 2, 2001 07:42:13 PM new
Oh my goodness, I feel honored that Spaz dropped

You are quite welcome Spaz, and I think I say that
for all of us. We rather enjoyed it ourselves and
yes, thanks to James for starting it. I bet he had no
idea that would be the outcome!

~^~ Hippy wannabe ~^~
posted on May 2, 2001 08:28:50 PM new
Hello and welcome Spaz, I saw that
the thread was up near the top and thought
that Rocker was around, I very nearly fell
out of my seat when I saw your name Spaz. LOL

It is us that should be thanking you for all
the wonderful insights both you and Rocker
have given us mere mortals who in the past
have only understood part of the story.

Even though I have a family member intimately
involved in the trans gender community, I am
guilty of not fully understanding a lot of
the issues that you have brought forth. I
have spoken to Jan about various things, but
between the two of you I now feel I have a
much deeper understanding than ever before.

Never stop voicing you opinions, one day
the narrow minded bigots will sit up and take
notice. All I can say now is a very big

You will always be welcome to come in a visit
with us anytime you feel like it.

posted on May 2, 2001 08:50:08 PM new
Hi Zilvy & Mouse I am sorry I was not
ignoring your post, but I got such a shock,
that I really only saw one post and you can
guess which one it was.

It is funny Zilvy, I have only just
got home and I was at the accountants and
then the shops, and I had been thinking about
you, I am still searching for your book.
Good lord what a mixed up morning I have had.
I went to the accountants bright and early,
expecting it to only take the normal 5
minutes. But no not this time, I was there
for over an hour. Why?, you ask, good
question......first off, the tax office only
sent 2 forms not 3 that are needed, then they
claim that they did not receive last quarters
paperwork, oh they got the money that I paid
but not the paperwork. Strange that, because
they could not have gotten the money if they
did not receive the paperwork, they were sent

Okay so we have photocopies of everything, so
now we can not fax it through.. it may get
lost, we have to send it through the mail. I
said that I would drive into the tax office
and hand deliver the things, but oh no they
have to go to some jerk in NSW. I can not
beleive these are the people in charge of our
tax, any wonder heaps of people do not put
there tax in for years on end. I figure that
we could probably get away with never filing
a tax report and they would probably never
realise until you brought it to there attention.

Okay Vent over.

Hello Mouse, how has your day been?

posted on May 2, 2001 10:43:37 PM new
Oh now Netta, you really don't want to get me
started! *rant warning* It has gone from really bad
to even worse if you could imagine that. Right now
I'm just trying to calm down so I will spare the details
(besides, I'm not sure I could make a clear post on
the subject, I'm too ticked off!) So for now I'm trying
to figure out why Mr. Lister won't work and is getting
me even more ticked off. So I'm off to reboot and will
hopefully return soon...

~^~ Hippy wannabe ~^~
posted on May 3, 2001 12:01:28 AM new
Hi Mouse sorry you are having a bad
day. But I bet if you dig deep
enough you will find something that happened
today that brings a smile to you face.

I will be gone for a few hours, and then I
should be back, I just discovered that the
bank gave me the wrong statement, so I rang
them and they have printed out the correct
one for me. I am in luck because they are
open for late night trading tonight, so I
can go and pick it up.

I should be back later, with a bit of luck.

posted on May 3, 2001 02:48:23 AM new
Well, due to technical difficulties, I managed to get
one whole auction listed tonight. Talk about adding to my frustration! I'm here for a
bit, but can't stay long as I have a battle to fight tomorrow.

~^~ Hippy wannabe ~^~
posted on May 3, 2001 02:55:08 AM new
Hello Mouse I have just come back in,
I finally got the correct bank statement.

Would you believe that when I got back down
to the bank, they had printed out the wrong
statement again, so I had to wait until they
got the right one, and even as I was waiting
she said "it is #63 isn't it?" And I said no
it is #62. I tell you it is hard to get good
staff these days. LOL

Anyway it all ends well and I now have the
corrrect one.

posted on May 3, 2001 02:58:53 AM new
Oh, and I meant to tell you Netta that I did find a couple
of smiles today. First was Spaz's post, thanks Spaz!
Then hubby brought me home a funny card because he
knew I was having a bad day.

~^~ Hippy wannabe ~^~
posted on May 3, 2001 03:15:13 AM new
Hi mouse, Hi nettak. That's it. I'm not doing anymore!
I think I've done everything I'm supposed to do but we'll have to see what the accountant says.
With a little bit of creative bookwork I have worked out that the tax dept. owe me $2,376,481.89.
Somehow I don't think I'll get away with it!

Bob, Downunder but never down.
posted on May 3, 2001 03:22:19 AM new
Hiya Bob! Well, one can always hope.

~^~ Hippy wannabe ~^~
posted on May 3, 2001 03:38:58 AM new
Hi mouse, CYE.

Bob, Downunder but never down.
posted on May 3, 2001 03:49:31 AM new
Hello Guys', sorry I got held up on the
phone, with my mother. I know you would
rather not hear that conversation.

Well Bob aren't you glad that you
have finished with you bookwork for now.
I still have to go back to the accountants
next week, and god alone knows what this
little turn out will cost me, because of all
the extra time it has taken and more time
to bill me for yet.

If you get that refund, you had better share.

Mouse I have to admit that Spaz's
post made me feel pretty good as well.

[ edited by nettak on May 3, 2001 03:50 AM ]
posted on May 3, 2001 03:53:43 AM new
You know Bob it is a good thing that
you did not put an even $$ amount, because
they never believe an even amount. LOL
That is why you always have to have a stray
bit on the end, so that it looks real. haha

posted on May 3, 2001 03:55:47 AM new
Awwww, thanks Bob!

~^~ Hippy wannabe ~^~
posted on May 3, 2001 03:58:45 AM new
nettak, I've got to drop everything off at his office tommorow.
If there's any queries he can sort them out himself. I'm playing golf!

Bob, Downunder but never down.
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