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posted on May 4, 2001 05:14:25 AM new
Bob's right here!
Just been checking out your auctions. The're a good job well done.
I couldn't smell any smoke here either!
Good luck mouse. Nice job!

Bob, Downunder but never down.
posted on May 4, 2001 05:15:02 AM new
Like I told Netta, for you guys I'd make an exception.
I'm being brave to even offer to Canada!
Besides, it's hard for me to get to the post office very
often, so I use stamps.com. As long as there's no
insurance (which is the majority) and not international,
I can leave it for my carrier to pick up. Especially
with me going back to work soon, after my shift I'll
probably be lucky to make it home for awhile!

Speaking of which, I think I need to go back to the
pain management doctor. Even though it's slowly
getting better, I'm still having quite a bit of pain.
And the meds I'm too used to, so they aren't working
very well anymore. The physical therapist even said
today that even though I missed 2 weeks of appointments,
I only had one vertebrae misaligned. So everything is
holding well, but I guess it's going to take some time
for the pain to go away.

~^~ Hippy wannabe ~^~
posted on May 4, 2001 05:22:51 AM new
Thanks Bob! But why do I think even if they
were awful you'd say that, LOL.

~^~ Hippy wannabe ~^~
posted on May 4, 2001 05:27:29 AM new
If you really want me to be critical where are the long leggy blonde models?
Where is the free shipping?
Where is the free steam iron?
Why can't I try before I buy?
Why do we have to actually pay for them?
I could go on and on but you'd probably neg me!

Bob, Downunder but never down.
[ edited by bitsandbobs on May 4, 2001 05:28 AM ]
posted on May 4, 2001 05:33:06 AM new

I've already gotten my first, "how much is shipping?"
question. Um, it's in the ad. I always make sure
I have it in there so people know upfront. I do mine
like how I like to see them, with all of that spelled
out. But I cheerfully answered it anyway.

I was beginning to think you were hard at work at
your government job again tonight Bob! I wonder where
Netta is off hiding at??

~^~ Hippy wannabe ~^~
posted on May 4, 2001 05:36:59 AM new
mouse, Just one idea for you, and I don't mean this as criticism. I reckon that
if you had some sort of plain, neutral coloured backdrop, it would enhance
the look of your items and be much better than the concrete brickwork.

Bob, Downunder but never down.
[ edited by bitsandbobs on May 4, 2001 05:37 AM ]
posted on May 4, 2001 05:40:27 AM new
You know, I was thinking about that. Even just a light
color for pizazz. But I haven't quite figured out
how to work it into the way I'm doing them yet.
Give me time, I'm a quick learner!

So have you caught up on my trials and tribulations
of the past couple of days on the last page?

~^~ Hippy wannabe ~^~
posted on May 4, 2001 05:46:22 AM new
mouse, I took a while to read up on that and it seems to me that you have been
badly advised by people who should be looking after your interests.
Not knowing exactly how things work
in your country makes it difficult to give specific advice, but do you have union
I know that over here the union would
help you all the way with your issues
and have some very competent people
who are skilled in the art of
Just a thought.

Bob, Downunder but never down.

edited to keep within the page!
[ edited by bitsandbobs on May 4, 2001 05:47 AM ]
posted on May 4, 2001 06:10:36 AM new
Unfortunately I live in what they call a right to work
state. Meaning unions here are rare, not the norm.
It wasn't just bad advice, it was also misinformation
and lack of communication. My company uses an independent
company for it's disability review. And I've said it
a hundred times, I understand their role in preventing
fraud, but they are also giving the ones who really do
need it a very hard time getting it. They sit around
and wait for everyone else to do their follow up
and phone calls. They can't be bothered. Plus they
don't know my company's system and I think that's a crock!
In the meantime, people like me fall through the cracks
and have serious financial problems and they could care
less. That's not right nor fair to the employees.
My company can and has bypassed the review company for
me once before. They needed some specific information
and the review company couldn't seem to figure out
what they wanted, much less try to figure it out and
send the damn info! My company figured between what
they already had and information directly from me,
they had enough to release a check that time. When
I talked to them the other day it sounded like they
are going to do it again. I have a feeling they know
the review company is useless, but their hands are
tied to a point. They have to follow the rules you know...

~^~ Hippy wannabe ~^~
posted on May 4, 2001 06:15:57 AM new
We were thinking the other day that it may be time
to find a lawyer. But by the time they take their share
there's likely to be nothing left! But, in one of
our local magazines I was reading today had a listing
of the top 125 lawyers in the city. One of the categories,
which I didn't know existed, was employee benefits law.
I tore the page out (something I never do) and
brought it home just in case.

~^~ Hippy wannabe ~^~
posted on May 4, 2001 06:19:23 AM new
mouse, That benefits lawyer sounds worthwhile following up.
If all else fails my cousin Vinnie reckons he wouldn't mind a job in the sunshine!!!

Bob, Downunder but never down.
posted on May 4, 2001 06:32:30 AM new
LOL, but the company that's giving me all the grief
is back east somewhere.

~^~ Hippy wannabe ~^~
posted on May 4, 2001 06:38:20 AM new
I'm getting very bleary eyed tonight mouse so I think I'm going to log off for the night.
Take care,

Bob, Downunder but never down.
posted on May 4, 2001 06:43:45 AM new
Ok Bob, it's way past my bedtime anyway.

~^~ Hippy wannabe ~^~
posted on May 5, 2001 12:55:20 AM new
Ok, why is it I'm often the last to post in the early
morning and the first to post the next evening?

~^~ Hippy wannabe ~^~
posted on May 5, 2001 01:28:31 AM new
Hi Mouse, I am only stopping by to
say a quick hello, and then I am on my way
out. I might pop back later. I have been
getting our web page set up, and it is taking
a lot longer than I planned.

Now just in case I don't get back in tonight,
I will let you know that I will not be in
tomorrow either, because it's State Of Origin
and I have to barrack for QUEENSLAND.

Pharlap I expect to hear you yelling
your support for the mighty maroons.
Oh and make sure that you do not wear any
blue either, we would not want anyone to
think you come from cockroach country.
Talk to you all later.

posted on May 5, 2001 01:37:56 AM new
Hiya Netta! Yes, web pages can take up a lot of time.
When I built my last one, I took a month to do it.
Of course I was at home recovering from shoulder surgery
and I could only bear to sit for about an hour at a time...

That's ok that you're leaving early. I got very little
sleep today and won't be in long myself.

~^~ Hippy wannabe ~^~
posted on May 5, 2001 04:33:33 AM new
I have not been getting up in the middle of the night but I often lurk on your conversations after. The doctor may make me set an alarm for 3 in the morning to take pain meds though. I am fighting that. I often have no comment and don't like to take space just to say hi, but I really would like a translation of:

"because it's State Of Origin and I have to barrack for QUEENSLAND"

Is State of Origin a holiday?
Barracks are what troops live in.

posted on May 5, 2001 04:53:15 AM new
Gravid, Just quickly popping in and will be able to help you out.
STATE OF ORIGIN is the annual Tri- match Rugby League series played between
The State of Origin matches were first played and conceived about thirty
years ago and have increased in popularity ever since. They are more than
sport. It is a glorious event of pride and passion between two fanatical
football states, amounting to almost religious zeal.
This coming Sunday evening is the first of the three match series.
Queensland has much to prove. They were beaten in all three matches last year!
NETTAK is a Queenslander so the pride of her State is resting on this series.
Edited to explain that BARRACKING is Aussie speak for supporting.
Hope this helps.

Bob, Downunder but never down.
[ edited by bitsandbobs on May 5, 2001 04:55 AM ]
posted on May 5, 2001 05:03:30 AM new
Thanks Gravid for asking what I was thinking of asking.
Thanks Bob for providing the answer! Did
you get my email?

~^~ Hippy wannabe ~^~
posted on May 5, 2001 05:27:20 AM new
Hi mouse, I'm not at my own computor today, (staying at a friends place until tommorow]
so I won't be able to access my mail until then.
If it's urgent just let me know here and I'll ring one of my boys to access
it for me.
Bob, Downunder but never down.
[ edited by bitsandbobs on May 5, 2001 05:29 AM ]
posted on May 5, 2001 06:08:21 AM new
Not urgent at all. I just suggested you look at my
auctions again. It's all your fault I've been up too
late the last couple of days!

*It's also your fault I can no longer spell Bob!

~^~ Hippy wannabe ~^~
[ edited by MouseSlayer on May 5, 2001 07:53 AM ]
posted on May 5, 2001 07:45:32 AM new
Thanks for the translation. Sports are not my thing but I hope you have lots of fun.

posted on May 5, 2001 03:44:20 PM new
Well seeing as I will not be in later. I
just wanted to add my little bit now.
Gravid, Bob is very right when he said
that State of Origin is about Pride in our
home State. You see I do not normally watch
or follow football of any kind, but everyone
who is born and bred in Queensland and New
South Wales knows when these matches are on,
and even those who say that they are not
interested, usually have some knowledge of the game that is about to happen. Even Bob
knows what is happening and that Queensland
lost last year, and he is from another State
altogether. Yes I am proud to be a
Queenslander and I will support my home side
with pride.

Mouse I had a look at you auctions and
they look great. Good work
The redbounce is as close as I could get to
maroon. LOL

See your later.

posted on May 5, 2001 07:13:55 PM new
I won't be in tonight either for obvious reasons

All I can say is...


posted on May 5, 2001 09:10:26 PM new
Dear Netta I realize you are all
tied up tonight..."barracking" for your team
I hope you get a win...
I wanted to tell you that a marvelous box
arrived today and I am beside myself...do
I look like twins? It has been a very busy
day so I haven't had a chance to look at
everything..but, am in awe of the abundance
of treats. Tomorrow, I will look at everything and
probably get a tummy ache trying
some of those yummies. Thank you so
much, and thank goodness for a
freezer to put
some of this out of sight for later.
Cherry Ripe....YUM, I couldn't wait!
Hope you get to celebrate tonight!
[ edited by zilvy on May 5, 2001 09:12 PM ]
posted on May 6, 2001 03:10:14 AM new
Go Maroons!

Thanks Netta! Wait until you see the next batch!!
I went and found some terrfic backgrounds today and
am learning more things. I'm woring on them now, so
I will pop in and out tonight. Not that I expect anyone
to be in.

~^~ Hippy wannabe ~^~
[ edited by MouseSlayer on May 6, 2001 03:15 AM ]
posted on May 6, 2001 05:05:31 AM new
I hope barracking involves lots of ice cold ale and munchies!!!

posted on May 6, 2001 06:53:52 PM new
Hello everyone, well guess what WE WON!
Well we were just tooooooo good for those
southern cockroaches. LOL

Gravid for me I do not need the ales
but pass the munchies please.
A lot of people have State Of Origin parties.
My oldest son went to an origin party, now
that is were you will find plenty of beer.
You could still hear people cheering 2 hours
after the game ended. It was a proud moment.

Talk to you all later.

posted on May 6, 2001 07:09:55 PM new
I was so busy gloating over our win I forgot
to say hi to Zilvy, WOW it did not
take very long at all for your parcel to
arrive. I hope it was insulated enough to
stop most of the melting. God I hope it did
not melt anyway. So by now I already know
you have tried, cherry ripes, iced vovo's,
twisties and something chocolate. LOL Eat
it slowly or you will get tummy ache. I know
from painful experience.

The one book is on Queensland, so you will
see what a beautiful state Pharlap and I live
in and what stunning rainforests ect we have.
Try the Vegemite.......YUM LOL

See everyone a bit later.

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