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posted on May 6, 2001 10:02:42 PM new
Woohoo, yay Maroons!

Ok, I'll be in & out tonight...Working on auctions
ya know.

~^~ Hippy wannabe ~^~
posted on May 7, 2001 05:03:31 AM new
Hello is it echoing in here?? I am not
really in tonight, just running through
the room. LOL

Mouse I have a question for you.
If you were to send someone a registered
letter, and it somehow goes astray in the
post, can it be traced, and are your
registered letters covered by insurance?

Is it a normal registered letter that goes

I am asking this because I have a prawn
of a buyer that says after 2 months that
he has sent the payment by registered post,
but surprise, surprise I have never recieved
it. Of course he wants the purchase, but he
is not getting it unless I get my money.

This is a try on if ever I have seen one, and
I just know that I am going to get my first
Neg. out of this. But I am not
giving in to this crap.

I just filed for my FVF and he does not like
it one little bit, this is one reason that I
sometimes feel like never selling again. I
really hate buyers like this.

Hope you are having a good night, how are
your auctions going.

posted on May 7, 2001 05:22:32 AM new
That's ok, I'm not really here either. This is only
about the third time I've stumbled back in here tonight.
I'd forgotten I had some pics to scan when the computer
blew up. I went to work on one of them and realized I
didn't have a pic! So I spent some time
on pictures again tonight.

I'm not sure about international registered, but within
the US they are traceable. But they are not insured
unless they bought insurance too. Try http://www.usps.com/

Auctions are doing well! I listed a bigger
batch tonight if you'd like to go look. I like these
much better than the last ones. (The design, not
neccessarily the items! LOL) I got bids on 3 of the ones
I listed tonight within 2 hours. I love that!
Now we'll see just how back in the swing of things I am
when they all start closing! LOL That reminds me,
I have some bookkeeping to do. See you tomorrow
(I hope!) Oh, and I got no where last week on the
work issues. So wish me luck for today!

~^~ Hippy wannabe ~^~
posted on May 7, 2001 05:30:17 AM new
Thank you Mouse for the link I will go and have a look just so that I know what to say to this clown.

I will have a look at your auctions, when I
go back into Ebay. Good luck with your
work and the doctors' ect. I hope it all
goes well for you.

Talk to you later.

posted on May 7, 2001 02:54:27 PM new
I finally made it in here!!! It's 7.50 in the morning and it seems like this is the
only chance I get to come in these days.
Netta that registered letter should have a (number) and he would have been given the number as well, he would have to go to his P.O. and track it down - it is not up to you. I've heard these sort of lines before too, he bloody well didn't send it at all!!Anyway, I'll flitter around the puter for a little while and try to come back later.

posted on May 8, 2001 12:48:32 AM new
Ok gang, I'm sort of in and out again tonight. It
dawned on me today that I should get as many of my
auctions written up as I can before the ones that are
already up start closing. I'll be a busy beaver then.

~^~ Hippy wannabe ~^~
posted on May 8, 2001 03:32:45 AM new
Hello Mouse, how are you doing? I
am only in for a quick visit tonight, as
a matter of fact I can only stay a couple
of minutes, but I might get back later tonight.

If I get held up I promise to come in
tomorrow night for a longer visit.

I am starting to get busy and my days are
hectic from here until the end of winter.
So as I told you all a few weeks ago, I will
not be posting as much as I have been. I
will try and get in every couple of days but
that will depend if I can stay awake at nights.

posted on May 8, 2001 03:47:56 AM new
Well, I knew you were going to be getting busy soon,
but where is Pharlap and Bob?? I feel so lonely.
That's ok, that will change soon when I go back to

I'm still slaving away at my auctions, but am about
to quit for the night. Besides, I feel like I'm melting
away...I still need a melting smiley!

~^~ Hippy wannabe ~^~
posted on May 8, 2001 04:21:52 AM new
Hey guys!

I won't be around much for the next couple of weeks as I am on late shifts at work (finish at midnight). I have the next three days off though so should be able to pop in for a chat.

I tell you what - I'm in a very snarly mood tonight though... you may not want me around

I just came back from the auctions and the prices things were going for were crazy! I felt like jumping out of my seat and screaming at everyone "ARE YOU ALL COMPLETE MORONS?!?!?!?" And to make it worse the auctioineer kept saying that he saw such and such on Ebay and it went for such and such a price... well the bidding went mad. And one item I knew he was fibbing about (because I checked it out on Ebay after the viewing this morning). He said that he saw this book going on Ebay for $1000!!! What crap - I checked it out and they were lucky to be getting $15 and some with no bids at all My only consolation is that these people have been suckered in and have wasted their money - TWITS! I ended up leaving in a huff - just bought one thing for Mother's Day.

Then to top it all of I get home to an e-mail from an Ebay seller saying that I now have to either direct deposit or send a MO when she said in her first e-mail that a cheque would be fine. So now I have to go out of my way tomorrow and buy a MO. (I have enough to do tomorrow as it is) What makes it worse is that I've bought from this seller before and was able to send a cheque last time. All I can say is that she just lost herself a customer (pity - she has some neat stuff occasionally)

OK - enough of my snarling and crankiness... How's everyone else's day been?

posted on May 8, 2001 04:37:52 AM new
Sounds like the week I had last week Pharlap!
I still haven't been able to get a hold of my doctor
yet either to get everything squared away. Today
my company called to bug me about it too
All I have to say is it better all get resolved soon!

~^~ Hippy wannabe ~^~
posted on May 8, 2001 04:42:58 AM new
Mouse - Is all that still dragging on??? I was hoping you would have some good news for us...

posted on May 8, 2001 05:07:31 AM new
Yes, they seem to have the attitude that I don't
need any money! Right now I'm waiting on 2 things
from the doctor, keep in mind I asked him for these
on April 13th!

~^~ Hippy wannabe ~^~
posted on May 9, 2001 12:30:13 AM new
Ok gang, I'm checking in for the evening. But I
probably won't in long tonight, I'm pooped! Between
getting a bunch more auctions written and posted,
I also had to deal with the doctor's office today.

~^~ Hippy wannabe ~^~
posted on May 9, 2001 01:11:10 AM new
Hi Mouse well I know that I said I
would be in tonight, but I can not stay for
very long. We have been sitting here waiting
for the police to arrive.

Some scumbag stole one of our hydralic block
splitters, and although it is now some hours
since I reported it to the police, we could
still be waiting for them to arrive in the

Now in the meantime we have done a bit of
digging around ourselves and it seems the
crime was witnessed by several people. In
fact these same people actually had a talk
with the person who stole the thing. Talk
about nerve. I just hope they have a good
description of him and his truck for the
police. To be honest I just want to be sick,
the splitter is worth $12,000 and that
particular one is not covered by the insurance.

The insurance company would not cover it
because of what it was and because it was a
mobile unit and could be hooked on to a tow
bar and towed away. So we are
going to be out of pocket if it is not found.
If it had of been the one we had built we
could have claimed it because that one is a
solid on the ground unit. Geeeez can we
never win, every time we think we are getting
ahead something happens. It just makes me
want to cry.

posted on May 9, 2001 02:12:58 AM new
Hi everyone, long time no see!!! Thought I'd pop in for a bit. OMG!!Netta This must have happened after I spoke with you on the phone. The bloody morons!!! I just told Eric about it - where abouts was it? These scumbags don't give a second thought about stealing and wrecking someone else's livelihood. Do you think it was a competitor?

Sorry, forgot to make shorter lines!!!!
redface [ edited by Kazanne on May 9, 2001 02:15 AM ]
posted on May 9, 2001 02:44:51 AM new
OMG Netta, that's horrible! I hope they catch the
scum and you get it back. Sorry I took so long to get
back over here, I was off in eBay land.

Hiya Kaz!

~^~ Hippy wannabe ~^~
posted on May 9, 2001 02:45:15 AM new
Hey Guys

Mouse - sorry I went awol on you last night - bloody isp throwing me off again... What did your doctor have to say for himself today?

Nattak - That's awful! At least you have some witnesses so there's hope yet. I think Kazanne may be onto something - I also was thinking that it may be a competitor. Who else would need such a thing?

posted on May 9, 2001 02:54:16 AM new
Hi guys', yes we believe that it is someone
trying to do our business harm. You see we
are very well know and we have a business
that a lot of others would like, I guess they
figure if they take away our main splitter,
we will not be able to keep going at the pace
we now do. It just makes me want to be sick.

We are still waiting on the police, they may
not even turn up tonight, after all it is not
considered urgent.

Greg has been on the phone, we have to get a
loan to buy a new splitter, we can not wait
for the police to find ours, if they ever
find it that is. Anyway some good news, we
can get the loan with no worries, so in a few
days at least we will have a new splitter.

The more we talk to people that live near our
depot, the more we learn that this guy and
his mates have been hanging around for awhile
now, and asking if Greg was down the back
working or if he had finished for the day ect.

Why the hell didn't anyone tell us, you know
how stupid can some people be. Surely they
must have realised that something funny was
going on, or at least they could have told
us that strange people were hanging around.

posted on May 9, 2001 02:56:42 AM new
Duh, that was the first thing I thought of too
and forgot to say it. I was thinking about how you
said a couple of competitors met with you a couple
weeks ago Netta.

That's ok Pharlap, I think I went off to work on
auctions anyway. I decided last night I better get
as many as I can done ahead of time because once they
start closing, I won't have as much free time.
I started up another batch tonight. Everyone over on
the EO board is complaining about no bids, but mine
seem to be doing well. I'm pleased anyway.

~^~ Hippy wannabe ~^~
posted on May 9, 2001 02:58:15 AM new
Not knowing exactly what a log splitter looks like (or it's size)... Is it something that you would be able to lock away in a shed? It seems that you'll have to do something to secure it if insurance companies won't touch them

posted on May 9, 2001 03:06:50 AM new
Mouse & Pharlap we are talking about a rather
large and heavy piece of machinery, and it
was locked away, they wanted it so they just
took it. Simple.........

When someone wants something, they will get
it no matter where you have it, or what you
padlock it up with, as a matter of fact they
cut through 2 huge padlocks to get to the
bloody thing.

I guess what makes me so made is that Greg
and I have worked so hard, and we are the
ones' that have done without to pay the bills
and keep our business going even in the rough
times, and yet some lowlife scum can just
come in and help themselves to whatever they
want. I hope they rot in hell!!!!! Oh and
I am being nice about it as well, I can not
say what I really think or I would get kicked
off the board.

Sorry I left Pharlap's name off the post, my mind is not really with it.
[ edited by nettak on May 9, 2001 03:08 AM ]
posted on May 9, 2001 03:15:33 AM new
Nettak - do you have an inkling as to who might have done it?

posted on May 9, 2001 03:18:15 AM new
I am sorry Karen I forgot to answer
you question. The splitter was down at the
depot at Meadowbrook. Greg had it here at
home up until a couple of weeks ago, you may have seen it.
He decided to take it back to the yard,
we had more blocks coming in. We actually
have about 50tons coming in tomorrow and now
we will have to wait for the new one to
arrive, but we are luckier than a lot would
be I guess because we can get a new splitter
in a short time and do not have to wait too
long. So that is something to be happy about.

posted on May 9, 2001 03:19:46 AM new
I'm sure you did leave out a few choice words Netta!
Like I said, I hope they find and make those crook's
lives miserable!!!

~^~ Hippy wannabe ~^~
posted on May 9, 2001 03:20:38 AM new
Pharlap, yes we suspect we do know who stole
the splitter. Proving it may be another
thing altogether, but we will let the police
handle that side of things, my husband could
be put in jail himself otherwise.

The police are on there way, they just phoned
so I will talk to you all later.

posted on May 9, 2001 03:25:04 AM new
Nettak - I'm a firm believer in Karma. If this person is the one they will get what's coming to them. It may not be straight away but I hope that when it does happen you get to hear about it through the grapevine

posted on May 9, 2001 03:25:57 AM new
Luck be with you Netta! Let us know what happens.

~^~ Hippy wannabe ~^~
posted on May 9, 2001 03:30:03 AM new
Mouse - you never did tell us what the doctor had to say... come on - fess up

posted on May 9, 2001 03:34:31 AM new
Oh I'm sorry Pharlap! I meant to answer you and forgot.
I didn't talk to him directly, I talked to the nurse.
I whined that I asked for the appeal letter back on
4/13 and still don't have it and the deadline to
submit it is coming up fast! She said she'd speed it
along. I also explained in detail what he needed to
do to release me back to work. I told her I need
that by tomorrow. So we shall see. I have an appt.
on Friday with him, hopefully he will hand me the
appeal letter then. I mean after all that is what's
holding up a few thousand dollars!

~^~ Hippy wannabe ~^~
posted on May 9, 2001 03:42:42 AM new
Somehow I don't think a doctor would understand what it feels like to be in need of money If you go and he doesn't have it ready I would insist on waiting for it while his secretary types it up

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