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posted on November 18, 2005 03:37:53 PM new
Hi there,

I don't know why your store banner hasn't shown up - there may be a delay while our system updates. Please allow a few hours and let us know if the Dealio ads continue to be displayed (be sure to shift+refresh to make sure you're not viewing a cached page).



posted on November 18, 2005 05:42:23 PM new

Unfortunately, the banner is still appearing in my auctions when you click on a picture. I've cleared my cache and I've used the Shift+Refresh also. So, what do we do now?

posted on November 18, 2005 06:06:38 PM new
In response to your reply on my locked thread, please do so if there is no additional charge for the service.posted on November 18, 2005 12:42:39 PM
I just read the messages in the thread on Dealio - I hadn't noticed the banner before because I seldom find it necessary to go to my auctions and click on enlarge images. I absolutely, positively do NOT want this banner on my auctions. I am outraged that you feel free to send people away from my auctions "to find a better deal." We pay a good fee to you for the service you provide. Why are you trying to chase us away. I do not want a store. I do not want to waste my time setting up a store that I will never use. I want that banner off my auctions. I would appreciate a response.


posted on November 18, 2005 12:45:19 PM
Hello Jane,

Feel free to also post your comments into the actual 'feedback' forum so they aren't lost in the list of tech issues here in the Sales Manager forum.

Note that you don't actually have to setup the store, you literally check one box in your preferences and your done. If your opposed to that, i'll even check the box for you, just say the word.

But, reply back to the existing thread on this issue so we can keep these in one location. If you have additional feedback you would like to leave for those that make these decisions, please feel free to do so in the feedback forum.


posted on November 18, 2005 07:06:05 PM new
Ciao -- any auctions already launched are set in stone -- the html code isn't going to change on them.

The auctions will be affected going forward.

Vendio -- this is really what you want for your customers?

.... I thought the locked posting (simply titled "Dealio", and particularly the Vendio response, was very telling. Please read Christopher's comment, go to the forum he recommends, and tell me what's wrong with this picture.

posted on November 18, 2005 08:21:12 PM new
hmmm...well, i WAS considering coming back to vendio to host my auction images. however, i think i'll stick with my initial decision and store the images/template elsewhere, so as to avoid this whole mess.

when i used vendio before to host auctions, i didn't mind the standard (smallish, unobtrusive) vendio links at the bottom. but i too hate the dealio name/the unprofessional sound of it, the sideways smiley face (didn't smiley faces peak in the 1980s?) and the idea of banner ads.

sorry vendio, there are things i love about your service but this isn't one of them. dealio should be TOTALLY an "opt-in" "enhancement" and not something that your customers have to do battle over to get rid of. nobody asked us if we wanted this "enhancement."

posted on November 18, 2005 10:05:29 PM new
I too was considering returning to Vendio. I was just waiting for the new SM Pro release.

But, now I have checked this out there is no way I will allow that clickable link above my enlarged photos. Nor the really ugly smiley face.

If you are truly doing this to "help" us we should have the option to use it or not...I would definitely chose not.

You lost me on the explanation of the stores and no fixed price items. I do have an Ebay store and do list fixed price items when Ebay has special days so I'm guessing I wouldn't qualify for the "free" alternative link?

I'll keep my eye out to see if anything changes because I was really looking forward to using Vendio for my new ID and store where I will sell bulk lots of postcards, record albums, etc. and will need lots of pix.

I didn't like Ebays cross promotions showing on my unsold items and watched items, and I don't like this. At least Ebay gave us the option to opt out.

Why doesn't everyone just leave our auction pages and photos alone? We pay very dearly for each of them, and I consider them my property and mine alone.

[ edited by myfavorites4u on Nov 18, 2005 11:06 PM ]
posted on November 18, 2005 11:04:12 PM new
OK, I went to the store I didn't want and checked and unchecked what I was supposed to (which is ridiculous), and we'll see what I get. However, there is something in my store, from way back when. What happens if someone buys it? Now I look like a jerk, when I tell them I really don't have a store? And why is there something is a "pretend" store..and more importantly why do I have to have one to not have advertising that sends people away? I pay you guys enough, and seldom use anything but pictures, and I shouldn't have to have this kind of advertising. A new year is coming, and with it, it's looking like changes. I've signed up elsewhere, and I think it's time to teach myself how to use it. You're pricing me out already, and now I'm advertising for the other guy.

posted on November 19, 2005 04:10:54 AM new
POSTED By Diana Administrator:
posted on November 18, 2005 03:37:53 PM
Hi there,

I don't know why your store banner hasn't shown up - there may be a delay while our system updates. Please allow a few hours and let us know if the Dealio ads continue to be displayed (be sure to shift+refresh to make sure you're not viewing a cached page).



DIANA...another poster just said that any auctions that "ALREADY" have the Dealio banner in them cannot be changed, however I'm NOT reading that in your response to me above. If this is true, why are you leading me to believe that the banners would be switched in a few hours after Vendio and eBay update their pages? It's now over twelve hours since you posted your response to me, and THE DEALIO BANNERS ARE STILL ON MY AUCTIONS!!! I WANT THEM OFF THE TOP OF MY PICTURES. This is the first time my auctions are doing poorly with very little bidding, and I can't help but wonder if these banners are to blame!

posted on November 19, 2005 08:53:37 AM new
Let me chime in to. I don't like Dealoi either. Dealio seem's to have one function, that being sending potential buyers AWAY from my listing. Dealio looks to be Junkio and a major pain in Vendio users back sideio and should be put in the trash canio. Do us a favor and make Dealio dissapeario.

posted on November 19, 2005 09:11:55 AM new
Thanks to all who have addressed this issue. Since I do not have the need to visit my enlarged photos - I was not aware of the ad. I do have an issue with an unauthorized advertisement being placed within a service I pay for - without my consent - with the added potential of taking attention away from my auction. Do we have any means to eliminate the ad?

posted on November 19, 2005 10:12:06 AM new
LOLio, Mikes4x4!

posted on November 19, 2005 11:14:21 AM new
I have to admit I have never really looked at the Vendio stores (mainly because I have never heard of anyone actually selling anything out of them and I have never even seen one pop up in any type search I have made over the years).

But, I do see I get one free with the $29.95 Vendio account which is the way I would be going.


1. Do I have to put anything in the store to get the store link instead of the Dealio link?

2. Can you promise you won't change this somewhere down the line and start forcing your links to redirect customers from my items at some point in the "near" future? (I realize I can't ask ever)...my interpretation of "near" is within a year.

posted on November 19, 2005 12:24:11 PM new
I think it's time that someone from Vendio make an appearance and post a valid solution for all those who DO NOT want the Dealio link above their pictures on their ACTIVE eBay auctions as well as their future auctions! Apparently the "bandaid" fix does NOT fix active auctions that are on eBay right now.

posted on November 19, 2005 12:37:52 PM new
What about eBay store auctions that are 30 day long. I'm not an expert but it should be fairly easy to eliminate this junk immediately. It looks like another Vendio tactic to sit and wait what happens.

I have another question to Vendio. What about 98% of Vendio customers who pay for service and they don't have a clue that the buyers are being hijacked somewhere else.

posted on November 19, 2005 01:06:49 PM new
Yep ... ebay let us OPT OUT of showing OTHER sellers items on OUR ebay pages.

To promote this tool, vendio, you need to be offering it to only 'buyers' AND NOT sellers!!!!, Sellers do not WANT this! and all you've GOT here is sellers! ....

Sorry, but this is a very WRONG idea.

[ edited by estatesalestuff on Nov 19, 2005 01:12 PM ]
posted on November 19, 2005 02:22:19 PM new
Seems rather strange that no moderator has posted today regarding this subject. Last post was yesterday (11/18) @3:37PM. Are we being avoided?

posted on November 19, 2005 06:34:08 PM new

Please don't kill the messengers here.

The change regarding stores should take place instantly on the enlarged image page so if it's not happening for your account, let us know, and we'll check into it immediately and fix it for you.


posted on November 19, 2005 06:50:12 PM new
Sonya, part of the issue here is that the message this group of sellers is delivering doesn't appear to be heard.

The link to these boards is "community". Vendio's answer to this situation, though, appears to be a rather bizarre work-around that is only being offered to a select part of the community (being the group of us who have noticed the problem and complained about it).

It seems that Vendio's content to leave the rest of the community in the dark and stuck with an involuntary opt-in for an advertising campaign that is not in a seller's best interests, and not an appropriate campaign to foist upon any of us.

I have asked a specific question: where in the User Agreement have I agreed to allow this particular campaign to be tacked on to my listings?

And, if you can show me that, where have I agreed to allow Vendio to ever place a click-away link?

Is it Vendio's position that since only a handful of users have complained about this campaign, it must mean the rest of the community is OK with it?

I realize that whenever changes are made, either here or on eBay, you guys get some messages from people saying that they'll take their business elesewhere. Personally, I've never taken that position because the changes, while often inconvenient, haven't really encroached on my business .... I've always been able to find workarounds.

This time, it's different. This time, although I've now been able to remove the Dealio buttons thanks to the "Squeaky Wheel Solution", I'm just plain angry that had I not been looking at the discussion boards, I may not have caught this at all. And, believe it or not, I'm angrier because I know that the vast majority of fellow Vendio users are unwittingly being used to promote a non-seller-friendly program, and having the attention of their customers taken away from them by a click-away link on their auctions.

That's just wrong. And it's just wrong enough that if this reflects Vendio's loyalty to its users, then I really can't continue to support you.

Just tellin' it like I'm feelin' it.

posted on November 19, 2005 07:33:50 PM new
Could you please help me and remove these links from my pictures? I attempted to set up the store but it is asking me all kind of detailed questions and I do not have patience of setting everything up.

In addition, I have two questions:

Is this “solution” going to remove ALL links around my enlarged pictures as I have FIVE links surrounding my pictures?

Also, if I understand correctly, I will have banner to my Vendio store instead. It seems as senseless as Dealio since I won’t have any items in my store. Sending my buyer to the EMPTY store will not create much trust either.

Maybe we should have a vote: Dealio or empty store. Can’t you just leave as alone?


posted on November 19, 2005 08:12:34 PM new

Letting you know, as requested in your last posting:
The work-around seems to have resolved the Dealio link only on the auctions which launched after initiating the change on Thursday. Forty eight hours have passed and all the earlier auctions...including eBay store auctions...still have the click away link.

Also, Diana mentioned that the Dealio link should open a new window. It does not!

As an aside here:
Sometimes there is good out of bad...and make no mistake, this whole Dealio link is BAD! But I do like the replacement link sending the customer to all eBay store items as the workaround! Customers clicking onto eBay store page is good.


posted on November 19, 2005 08:40:28 PM new
I did everything you told me to do, and I still have delio showing up in the enlarged pictures. Plus, this "fake" store you created has an item in it, that must be left over from years ago, when I had a store..please delete it.
I want the delio gone and I hope I'm not going to end up charged for this store.

posted on November 19, 2005 11:42:13 PM new
I just returned from a short vacation to find this!
I just came to Vendio a couple of months ago from another service and until now was very happy at Vendios' response to it's customers.
I just went to one of my auctions and clicked the Dealio button and it does not open another window,
This service is far more expensive than the one that I was using before and although I didn't like the repetitious ads that Vendio places throughout my listings I was prepared to put up with it for superior service BUT I cannot get my mind past the DEALIO advertisement!
I do not want a Vendio store, I just want to do my listings and know that they look professional and "clean" which they did until now!
I echo most comments that have been made here.
Please remove the unwanted button from my listings that takes buyers away from my listings.
posted on November 20, 2005 03:48:56 AM new
Here's Ebay policy about third party links:

Third-Party Acknowledgements, Credits and Links

Many members use third-party solutions and services to perform key functions in their listings. eBay allows discrete identification or ’credit‘ for third parties that provide services or products directly connected with the particular listing as long as they meet specific requirements outlined below.

To acknowledge or credit the company offering the product or service, the credit may contain the following (only one may be clickable):


No more than 10 words of text (HTML font size 3)

A logo (88x33 pixels)

Additional requirements for third-party credits include:


The credit may not contain promotional material about additional services or other information about the company. Instead, it should simply identify the service provided by the company.

The credit may link only to the third-party company's Web page containing information about the eBay service.

The service being credited should only be one that the seller is using within that particular listing.

If an image hosting service is used, sellers may display a credit for the image hosting service provider (as long as the credit adheres to the above guidelines).

Violations of this policy may result in a range of actions, including:


Listing cancellation

Limits on account privileges

Account suspension

Forfeit of eBay fees on cancelled listings

Loss of PowerSeller status

Note: If a seller is concerned that the company providing listing services may not be in compliance, please contact the company or service provider.

Find the best deals on eBay with Dealio, Vendio's Comparison Shopping Toolbar. Is MORE than 10 words!!I have no idea how big Font Size 3 is.

is 75 x75 pixels is 88x33 pixels

And both links are clickable

If I am reading this right, users could get SUSPENDEDfor not following ebay's linking policy!



[ edited by neglus on Nov 20, 2005 04:40 AM ]
[ edited by neglus on Nov 20, 2005 04:44 AM ]
[ edited by neglus on Nov 20, 2005 04:45 AM ]
posted on November 20, 2005 05:02:57 AM new
<B><font color=red size=3> This print in red is font 3 size.
**Guess the html for red will not post on this board, but the font size 3 for this text is correct.
[ edited by ciao346 on Nov 20, 2005 06:33 AM ]
posted on November 20, 2005 11:35:44 AM new
I have the button and i cant even download the program noone enswer how to do it with MSN , do you like me to remove MSN for this stupid program ???

posted on November 20, 2005 05:32:18 PM new
I have a "fake" store now to deal with the dealio logo. It has an old item from a long time ago when I had a vendio store. I don't really have a store now, so I want that removed (and I have no idea how).

I have to say, I don't like having to have a "fake" store, because now I have to always watch and make sure you don't charge me. I really just want that Dealio removed. Why should I have to have a store to not have this advertising on the page that makes my pictures bigger. I pay to have you host my pictures..and that's all I want on that page.

posted on November 20, 2005 09:19:34 PM new
Please, please, pretty please, Sonya and Diana... Could you do whatever is necessary to "set up" my "store" which I don't have, don't need, don't want and besides which I can't figure out how to do it.

Then, if you would please check whatever boxes need to be checked to get rid of that awful Dealio thingy, I'll be a happy camper once again!

Thanks a bunch!


posted on November 21, 2005 12:22:52 AM new
I certainly hope that this is taken care of promptly on Monday morning when full staff should be available to look at the "monster" that has been created.

I went once more to my listings to check on the Uglio Dealio button.
It still is taking customers away from my listings and is NOT opening another window.

I am sorry but we already have so many links to Vendio in our listings but this one is overkill.
Please could you not find another way to advertise whatever it is you are trying to sell as right now you are selling to to MY Buyers and diverting them away from my wonderful auctions and I don't appreciate it.

posted on November 21, 2005 11:49:11 AM new
Hi there,

I was under the mistaken impression that enabling the Store would eliminate the Dealio ad from already active listings, but apparently it will apply to new listings launched after the Store was enabled. Your new listings should not display the Dealio ad, and I apologize for the misinformation.

Also, I have checked and the Dealio ad is supposed to launch in a new window. We will be fixing this shortly. Everyone in this thread should now have a limited Vendio store activated, however.

Best regards,


posted on November 21, 2005 12:16:28 PM new
I LOVE VENDIO! I don't however understand what is going on here though - doesn't seem right that only the users that participate in this thread get workarounds and others don't - especially when this practice is in clear violation of several parts of ebay's link policy :

Ebay says sellers have to work this out with third party providers but it doesn't look like Vendio is willing to work this out. This doesn't sound like the Vendio we know and love!

What about all the the GTC ebay store items that have been listed with this DEALIO banner and links? Do sellers just wait for competitors to report them so they can have all their listings ended for non-compliance? I may well have them on some of my listings and not know about it ...even though I have a store it's a little late now to find WHICH of my store listings could be involved - I don't even know when you started this (I noticed on a competitors listing on November 1 and asked on the EO board).

I think you need to figure a way to fix this - you are putting your customers in jeopardy of losing their livliehood and woe be to the people who are too busy listing and shipping to read these boards and continue to produce listings with DEALIO banners!

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