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posted on November 21, 2005 12:49:05 PM new
Thank you for ensuring that the Uglio Dealio opens in a new window however I do still have some concerns.

If I look at just one listing of mine here is what I see:-
Under my Gallery is 1 clickable link to Vendio.
Below my Description area are 4 clickable links to Vendio
Enlarge a picture and there are 3 clickable links to Vendio.

That makes 8 links per listing and I usually run about 100 including Store items. You are advertising approx. 800 times per month on my listings.

I say the following with tongue in cheek but really....Why am I paying you? ... I think you should be paying me!

I am really enjoying Vendio in the short time I have been here but this Dealio thing has touched a nerve. I was willing to overlook all the other links but draw the line at this further encroachment on my listings.
Like the previous poster I do have some concerns regarding the "legality" of these links on eBay listings and I do wish you would clarify your Policy as it pertains to EBay's Policy on this matter.

posted on November 21, 2005 12:59:00 PM new
and MY beef with it is that "Dealio" is A TOOL FOR BUYERS!!!!! BUYERS. ... it helps the buyer look for finding same or similar item for less money (from somebody OTHER THAN ME)

Vendio, you are servicing us as Sellers!

Please make sure you take it off of my listings too, for the some times i use 'click image to enlarge' ... thanks.

[ edited by estatesalestuff on Nov 21, 2005 01:13 PM ]
posted on November 21, 2005 02:55:32 PM new
I also would prefer not to have the Dealio advertisiment so prominently displayed above my photo. I would do the store thing, but am concerned by the following wording you mention above in another post:

"As long as you do not add any fixed-price listings to the Store you will not be charged anything - if you add any fixed-price items to the Store you will begin to be charged for this service. "

My listings include auction, fixed price and eBay store items. So what does this mean? If I do this, will I be charged for something? What is the charge?

posted on November 21, 2005 03:08:37 PM new
Thanks, Sonia and Diana. I appreciate your help very much.

I understand there will be no charge assessed me for this as long as I don't put anything in my imaginary Vendio Store. Is this correct?

I don't have an eBay store any more. What happens if I list a Buy It Now?

BTW, I really, really resent being forced to display what is essentially a HUGE GIANT AD for a service I HAVE NO INTENTION OF USING.

I pay Vendio to host my images and I expect them to be clean and free of advertisements or other buyer diversions. What happens if, oh, say, McDonald's decided to pay Vendio for a Big Mac ad on MY page?

Hopefully Vendio will give everyone the opportunity to opt out of it.

Thanks again,


posted on November 21, 2005 04:54:46 PM new
Hi there,

I apologize for the confusion. I meant as long as you don't sell any fixed price items from your Vendio Store, you won't be charged anything. You would need to intentionally set your inventory items to be displayed in your Vendio Store to sell anything, so as long as you don't do this, and the only items are in your Auction Gallery, you should be all set.



posted on November 21, 2005 05:08:01 PM new
Hi Diana,

Thanks for the clarification.

Have a good evening!

Lucy Happy Camper

posted on November 21, 2005 05:22:25 PM new
Thank you for setting up the store for me. I assume this is only a temporary solution, as I do not want my buyers to be sent to EMPTY store. I am professional seller and I cannot afford to look stupid.

Do you know how soon I will be able to get rid of the fake store and not have to deal with Dealio again?

Also, as a side note, I have received thank you note for setting up the store. The message was encouraging me to take a survey how I feel about Vendio. Needles to say, I jumped to voice my opinion but the link was expired and was pointing to Auction Watch old page. I think you should concentrate on the stuff you do best: Auction Management and Picture Hosting. Nothing more nothing less.


posted on November 21, 2005 08:14:17 PM new
OK..we have that pretend store (thank you for removing that old item). Now, going to the pretend store, there are other things that are incorrect (from way back when I had a store), such as the old sales tax, and a blurb about items we no longer sell. Can I go in and change those things, without being charged? I really don't like having this pretend store that is outdeated. I look stupid telling my buyers a sales tax amount, that NYS hasn't charged in months.

posted on November 21, 2005 10:53:29 PM new
Is this nightmare is ever going to end?

I have several new auctions that started after you set up my fake store. Nevertheless, I have Vendio fake store logo inside my auction description AND Dealio links in my pictures. Please check auction # 8016978194.

To make it even worse, Vendio store logo is prominently situated in the middle of my auction in a separate section. I still have Dealio and five other links in my enlarged pictures.

I was under impression that Vendio store banner will replace Dealio around my pictures. Now I have ELEVEN Vendio/Dealio links in my auction and pictures.

Can you tell me what is going on?


posted on November 21, 2005 11:09:31 PM new
Jack - I guess Vendio thinks it's alright because it now opens in a new window. Nightmare is right. Looks like they just don't GET IT!

posted on November 22, 2005 06:19:46 AM new
Vendio. i believe the people have spoken. most dont want DEALIO. we certainly dont want our customers directed to other sellers of the same goods. as others have said. we pay very high fees to list our auctions. especially with all associated costs. we dont want you advertising on our auctions with links to dealio . i for one want nothing to do with DEALIO.

posted on November 22, 2005 11:44:48 AM new
Thank you Neglus for posting the link to this thread over in the Ebay Outlook.

I will now try and attempt to re-open my store that I closed over a year ago because I didn't sell anything out of it. What a PITA....

In my book listings I actually invite people to "click on the scan" to enlarge the photo to better read the contents of the book.

I too would like to know how long I've been directing customers away from my auctions....How long has this Delio thing been attached to my photo's?
posted on November 22, 2005 11:51:26 AM new
Another question. Can I keep my Vendio Store Closed for Renovation and still have the work around work? Or does it have to be "open"?
posted on November 22, 2005 01:33:41 PM new
Hi all,

I wanted to let everyone know that the management team is aware of the concerns raised here about the Dealio links on the enlarged image pages. In addition to the workarounds provided previously, we are coming up with a more general solution to address your concerns. Given the Thanksgiving holiday this week, I kindly request until Monday to describe the proposed resolution. We may be able to provide something more quickly, but I wanted to let you know we are listening (reading) and identifying an appropriate solution. Thanks.
posted on November 22, 2005 02:00:01 PM new
Please add my name to the list of customers that are not happy about these links.

I guess I don't understand why Vendio feels as though can take an action such as this without notifying the person with whom they are placing the advertisement. It doesn't seem right to place a link on someone else’s space. As a customer I have paid to have that space by way of image hosting fees. If you feel the need to place these advertisements on my space at least have the courtesy to let me know you are doing. On top of that when it was pointed out that there may be a problem with these links Vendio still didn't have the courtesy to notify me, as a good customer, about the situation. If not for me occasionally visiting the Vendio message boards, and happening to find a mention of this in a different thread (Thanks you Neglus!) I would have no idea that these links even existed. More than deceitfully adding links in my space you continue to be deceitful by not coming clean after the problem has been exposed. These links should be removed completely with no "work around" solutions. I shouldn't have to jump through hoops in order to opt out of your advertising program.

I look forward to hearing what your solution is to this situation. Though I am a little disappointed that it is going to be another week until a solution is offered. I understand that there is a holiday this week, but I don't understand why I must advertise for your Dealio program for another week because of the holiday. I think your “wait and see” policy isn't really justified. If you were understanding the customers that have voiced their options here, you would remove the links immediately. Then next week when you can come up with an Opt In solution you reintroduce the links to those customers that have opted in. I shouldn’t have to advertise another week because you are slow to act. Your slow response time continues to show your lack of respect for the very immediate concerns of your customers.

posted on November 22, 2005 03:08:09 PM new
I just brought up some of my old auctions - back through August. The Dealio ad is also on those. How long has the ad been attached?

Can't speak for anyone else but I feel that I did not request (or authorize) the addition of the ad - it should not be my responsibility to remove it.

posted on November 22, 2005 03:35:41 PM new
I actually just clicked on a vendio users' enlarged image, saw the 'dealio' click here thingy and did so ..... it IS amazing to me that vendio sponsors this ad and/or program, when it AIMS TO TAKE SHOPPERS AWAY FROM the vendio user's listing .... this is NOT FAIR. Get rid of your "Dealio" in its entirety. ... extra questions: do you (vendio) own "dealio", or did someone else sell it to you as their major-push ad space? ... either way, it's got to go. ... it does not belong in your "venue". We are SELLERS.

posted on November 22, 2005 04:50:35 PM new
After this nightmare is finally resolved, and hopefully it will be soon, I think Vendio owes restitution to those sellers it has affected. I too would like a moderator to post the date when the Dealio banner/link was first put on our auction photos.

posted on November 22, 2005 06:05:35 PM new
Hi All,

I want to make sure everyone knows Dealio is a Vendio service. We built Dealio not only as online shoppers who wanted a more convenient way to find great deals, but also as folks who help tens of thousands of merchants sell more at a lower cost. By premium placing Vendio sellers' items in front of Dealio buyers for free, we intend to help you sell more, not less as some have stated here. Over time, this featured placement and other Dealio benefits across all categories will become even clearer.

In the interim, we've read your comments with obvious concern that our goals were not well communicated. Based upon your feedback, we have therefore decided to change the image hosting page (in the middle of the night to minimize potential for disruption of existing image views) until we can identify a way to continue providing benefits to Vendio supported sellers without the same perception of harm. These changes will be retroactive to existing images as well.

We will follow up with a more well-communicated plan shortly after the Thanksgiving holiday, which we hope you will all enjoy.
[ edited by meffle on Nov 22, 2005 06:51 PM ]
posted on November 23, 2005 04:42:48 AM new
meffle. you and vendio still dont get it. your sending our customers to our competition,under the guise of comparing prices. some of our products cannot be compared by price. it is by quality. and in some cases age.and othere things. you say your helping us.? we dont want our customers sent to other sellers. it is a bloody disaster. is this the reason our sales are down.? most of us dont want anything to do with DEALIO. get rid of it.

posted on November 23, 2005 05:47:28 AM new
Let me guess Meffle - the same person who was in charge of last year's implementation of image hosting pricing changes heads up this venture.

I think what you folks at Vendio don't "get" is that the ebay listing is OURS. We paid for it. It is not YOURS. To use OUR listings to reach YOUR target audience without OUR knowledge or consent is UNETHICAL. It is stealing. Your offer of "premium placement" in compensation for using OUR listings should be "opt in" at best and even then I would like to see ebay's ruling that a promotion like you have is in compliance with the link policy.


posted on November 23, 2005 06:18:12 AM new
I agree with you neglus 100%

posted on November 23, 2005 06:31:26 AM new
OK, I realize we may be shouting at a deaf horse here, but let me give you an analogy:

Let's say Vendio hires a web design company to host, design, and manage their website.

The company they hire shows them the design and the content, Vendio likes it, and they make a deal -- Vendio pays them a fee, and the web site company starts working for them.

One day, Vendio checks their website and notices that there are a bunch of ads scattered all over it for competing web sites. There's an ad for Andale, one for Zoovy, even ones for Ruby Lane, Trocadero ..... lots of places that we sellers could consider using INSTEAD of Vendio if we want to sell stuff.

Even more surprising, these links click away from Vendio, so that your users can wander off into the wonderful world of your competition and could completely forget about the listings they were going to launch, or the images they were going to upload, or whatever else they were going to do that you make money off of.

In fact -- many of us sellers who weren't even THINKING about selling anyplace but eBay now are starting to think about cybermalls, opening our own web stores, etc., and we're finding GREAT deals using other services that AREN'T Vendio .... all thanks to these ads that your webmaster so thoughtfully smeared all over the Vendio site.

... my hunch? Those ads would last about 5 minutes after you discovered them. The web designer wouldn't last much longer.

.... and yet you guys think you're doing the right thing by your users (and we're all sellers) how?

This situation truly does fit my definition of outrageous, and fits any business person's definition of unethical.

posted on November 23, 2005 07:43:35 AM new
No matter how you look at it, DEALIO is not a good thing for US, the users of your site. You say it supposed to HELP us because we'll appear in your search, but what if JOE BLOW has the same item for a lower price - well, there's goes my sale! It's hard enough for us out there in the competative world of eBay to add this on top of it. Please remove and delete. Don't just remove and replace.

posted on November 23, 2005 09:22:40 AM new
I am not usually too pro-active in disputes such as this HOWEVER in this case I shall continue to fight the good fight!
Yesterday we were told ( see a few posts above) that the offending pages would be changed in the middle of the night until after the Holidays.

It is now 9.13AM PST and on my enlarged pics page I still see the same three clickable links 2 to Uglio Dealio and another general Vendio ad.

I am not pleased and do hope that the end result will be that you find another way to advertise your Dealio services such as maybe a Banner on EBay itself rather than on my listings that I am paying for.

As I mentioned in one of my previous posts there are 8 links to Vendio in each of my auctions and as I presently have 119 that means that I am advertising Vendio 952 times. Multiply that by the number of users of this service and it is HUGE!

I can cope with the links for your Image hosting Service and your Auction Management Services as you are advertising them to other Sellers...fair game BUT Dealio is for BUYERS as many here have pointed out and definitely NOT fair game in my book!
posted on November 23, 2005 10:19:01 AM new
My sincerest apologies for the delay. Since I asked the team to rush the change, apparently there was an error in the file change that needed to be corrected before it was released. I'm working with the team now to get it completed. It should be live shortly.

posted on November 23, 2005 10:33:33 AM new
This change is now live.
posted on November 23, 2005 01:42:18 PM new
THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU...for deleting the Dealio link from our photos. It's unfortunate that my auctions have already closed and had the link on it, but I just now checked those recently closed auctions and the Dealio link is GONE!!!! (for good I hope..LOL) At least when I list again, the link won't be there.

posted on November 23, 2005 06:25:32 PM new
Vendio -

Lest you think that only those who have found this thread and posted here are upset..
or that only those who list a lot .. or have enlarged pictures .. or do have stores .. or don't have stores.. are disappointed, outraged and insulted at this latest imposition and your belated, unenthusiastic and uncomprehending response..
let me assure you that there are legions of us in the silent lurking majority that are appalled that you would take advantage of us, YOUR CUSTOMERS this way, and that you could be so totally out of touch with what your customers want, expect and value from you.

It shocks me that it apparently didn't even occur to you that some of your customers might not want this service, or that they deserved to be notified ahead of time.

PLEASE re-think this whole approach. Not just this Dealio deal. But each and every time you consider meddling with ANYTHING on our auction pages without FIRST NOTIFYING US, EXPLAIN THE VALUE TO US, AND GIVE US THE OPTION to opt in or not.

And don't make us jump through a process that is so contorted and complicated that your excellent support staff has to guide us through it over and over and even do it for us.


[ edited by gaugagaug on Nov 23, 2005 06:27 PM ]
posted on November 23, 2005 06:53:13 PM new
Thank you for removing the offensive Yellow thing as well as the other Dealio link on the pics page.

I may be wrong but I seem to have read that the removal is temporary until we (Sellers) understand it better after you have had an opportunity to explain it.

I have read the Dealio information and I do believe that I understand it and sorry I still don't want a service that is primarily for buyers, to be on my auction pages.

I agree with the last poster who suggested that you "float an idea" to the Sellers before implementing. This suggestion should not be construed as negative as it would be an amazing opportunity for "brainstorming" and we could come up with some very worthwhile ideas that would be to everyone's advantage. Yours (Vendio) and ours (Sellers).
Many of us have been in the "big, old Corporate world" and could be of major help!
Consider it??
Thank you
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