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posted on November 22, 2003 10:35:05 PM new
I usually try to promote four products in Post Sale.

Is there a way to set four products as defaults to promote in Post Sale, so I do not have to manually go find the four items I am promoting each time I create a new item.



posted on November 23, 2003 09:46:06 AM new
Hello Mike,

If you were to create an inventory profile item, you could list those 4 items as the promotional items and apply that to any new items you go to create.

In order to save your item as an inventory profile, just check the "Save this item in my inventory" option as you are creating your listing.

Once the listing is created and saved, click on Inventory in Sales Manager (the link is under Display Options in the lefthand navigation bar.) Locate your item, and click on the item title. Then, select "Profile Item" at the top of the page, scroll to the bottom of the page and click the "Save" button. You will now see that your profile item will be highlighted in yellow on your inventory page.

After this is completed, you will see that the inventory profile has been added to the drop-down list on the Choose Category page under Apply Profile.

posted on November 23, 2003 10:04:06 AM new
You may have lost me.

Note: I am using ONLINE tools only and not SM-PRO. I use inventory almost exclusively.

I think I followed what you said up until the last paragraph.

You wrote:
After this is completed, you will see that the inventory profile has been added to the drop-down list on the Choose Category page under Apply Profile.

I am not sure what you mean by Choose Category page under Apply Profile. ??? What is that?

posted on November 23, 2003 01:12:18 PM new

If you create all of your new items via the inventory tool then you have never seen this. GO to the Sales Manager tab and click to create a new item. This is where you have the opportunity to apply the details of any of your inventory items.

You can still use this tool this way, just go through the same process to apply the details (which include the promo items) and when your done creating the item, check the 'save to inventory' box and simply save the listing.

Then you can go to inventory to click on this title and use as needed. This may unfortunately end up being the same number of steps as the process you use now because of how you list, but a possible workaround.

posted on November 23, 2003 01:19:42 PM new
It sounds like you are right about the seme number of steps.

I really like to launch from inventory as it keeps track of on-hand quantities whether or not the item sells.

If I do not list from an inventory item, it does not track the item.

Like you stated, saving to inventory, finding it in inventory, launching, and moving to the right folder would probably be about as many steps if not more than what I currently have to do.

Thank you for your prompt and thorough answer!


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