posted on July 17, 2004 07:19:01 AM new
I had a closed auction that had not paid in 7 days so I thought maybe the reminder didn't go out and sent it manually. The customer responded immediately and paid. The email he sent me led me to believe that the manual reminder I sent was the first on he had received.
Isn't the system supposed to send out an auto payment reminder after 3 days?
It would be nice if the system showed the date on the auction when a payment reminder is sent out.
The automatic function of the payment reminder notices is a preference. If you are unsure, we would suggest double checking your settings to verify yours is setup to do so.
You can do this via the My Account tab, under the Post Sale Mgmt Options link found within.
posted on July 17, 2004 11:47:11 AM new
Even though I knew it was checked to send them I went ahead and checked, and yes, it's checked to send auto payment reminder after 3 days. So again I pose the question, is that function broken????
posted on July 17, 2004 01:54:33 PM new
You might want to double check because I just had another customer tell me today that the manual reminder I sent today was the first one he had received.