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posted on January 4, 2002 05:38:15 AM new
How soon after an unsuccessful auction do most feel it's best to relist?

posted on January 4, 2002 06:23:08 AM new
I usually contact the winning bidder on day 7 that I still have not received payment and the TOS stated that payment was due within 10 days. I suggest because of the short amount of time left, they make an e-payment & offer to send a PayPal/Billpoint invoice. This gives them time to contact me, hurry their butts and get to the PO or do the e-pay.

On day 10 I remind them that I still have not heard from them and the NPB form will be filed with eBay that night. Make sure you DO file a NPB notice. Often times, that little e-mail from eBay gets them to the keyboard to do the e-pay
On day 14, I relist. AND mark on the calendar the day I can file for the refund.

Remember amateurs built the ark - Professionals built the Titanic.
posted on January 4, 2002 06:25:24 AM new
I usually relist immediately. Quite a few buyers search the ended auctions to see if they can get the item at a better price. I sell the item on a relist approx 60-70% of the time. I have found dropping the price on a relist as little as 25 cents will generate a sale. Hope this helps.

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