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posted on January 6, 2002 03:37:37 PM new
Well I am stumped. Every time I go to eBay accounts and enter my ID and Pass word to look at my account I get this message about my machine not taking cookies? I was all right until I installed Norton 2002 and Firewall. I use explorer 5.5 and it says cookies accepted. I seem to be able to get them from everyone else and even eBay except this one area. Does anyone have any Ideas? I am fresh out? Thanks Dave

posted on January 6, 2002 08:49:45 PM new
i had the same problem... this is how i fixed it... i went to internet explorer properties... and to the privacy tab... on the bottom is a button that says edit... click on that... type in www.ebay.com and click allow... it should then always allow cookies from ebay...

I guess the cookies in that particular area of ebay don't meet one of i.e.'s requirements, but that allows you do override the requirements for the whole ebay site...

let me know how it works...

posted on January 6, 2002 09:18:33 PM new
Thanks for replying. I go to properties and see only "stuff" and security (Not Privacy tab) Then I get lost, as is not the same as yours. Perhaps I have to go to Internet explorer 6/o (I have 5.5). I have shut Norton down and tried it, nothing, I have reset defaults on explorer, nothing, I have shut fire wall down nothing, I guess the next step is wade through all the goop to fine a way to get a message to ebay which they take forever to answer. Tomorrow I am going to try from another computer to insure is this machine and not eBay or my ISP. Again thanks

posted on January 7, 2002 06:24:04 AM new
It may just be that you have a "crumbled" cookie.

Suggestion: Click Start, click Find, select Files or Folders. Then fill in these two fields:

Named = ebay
Look in = C:\Windows\Cookies

Then sort the list by last modified (click on the heading). You should probably delete the one or two that show up there.

You can then sign in to eBay (because it won't know you) and try to see if you can get to your account.

Note: things like this usually start when you access eBay from multiple windows (especially linking from AW in one and eBay directly in another).


posted on January 7, 2002 06:26:36 AM new
You say you had cookies on on your computer... where in internet explorer to you play with cookies... if 5.5 has this option it should be in the same place...

posted on January 7, 2002 08:12:15 AM new
I wish to thank each and every one who posted at this tread you are just great. kahml gave me the key. I did it that way but didn’t work because I used my ebay shortcut icon. (A classic of "read the instructions and if that don't work follow them" so I went like a newbe to ebay.com, entered my data and was able to access my account. It appears my shortcut icon also needed upgrading so I replaced it and all works fine. Again thank you all for your time and knowledge sharing. Dave

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