posted on January 8, 2002 07:59:48 PM new
Does anyone using AuctionWatch as an image host also use ebay's Seller's Assistant Basic? I can't figure out the FTP settings (to be used under "Options" tab) for AuctionWatch. Info appreciated.
posted on January 9, 2002 10:28:47 AM new
No I don't need the AuctionWatch software for image hosting. I can just upload my photos there and then use ebay "Sell" Form to launch the auction. But I want to use Seller's Asst. Basic, which does all the work for me. However, Seller's Asst. wants to me to use ebay Pictue Services, which I don't want to use. I have the option of my own photo host (AuctionWatch), but I can't figure out the FTP settings. Thanks for reply.
posted on January 9, 2002 01:02:55 PM new
Unless it is something new, you can't FTP to AW image hosting. You will have to upload the pictures from your hard drive as usual.