posted on January 9, 2002 12:00:00 AM new
Good now that I have your attention let me tell you a story.
About a year ago I made a post on this message board advising other sellers a way to save on listing fees which would have amounted to a savings of a few dollars. It turns out that doing what I said was against eBay rules. I did not know this at the time. When I heard it was against eBay rules I immediately stopped doing it.
Someone on this board reported my message post to eBay. I explained to them that I didn't know my advise was against eBay rules. They said too bad and they banned me indefinitely. They didn't give me a warning or a second chance. They just banned me. I had about 500 positive feedbacks at the time and had never been in trouble with eBay before. Half a year later I appealed the suspension and they basically informed me that my account would never be reinstated.
Not only that, but both of my parents accounts were also suspended. My dad was also a seller, and my mom just used her account for eBay purchases. My parents were also unable to get their accounts reinstated because eBay said they are associated with me. In fact, they even banned my brother who lives 200 miles away because he is "associated with me." They sent me an e-mail saying that they were going to ban all my friends, relatives, and associates.
A person couldn't try harder to get reinstated than I have. I've sent dozens of e-mails, and eBay responds like molasses in January. However it appears the bottom line is that they absolutely will not remove the suspension.
I do depend on online auctions for income. I'm obviously going to have to try to beat this suspension by registering new eBay accounts. I have started this thread to solicit opinions and advice on how to beat eBay's detection system for suspended sellers. Hopefully the advice gathered can be of use to other seller's who are also getting the shaft from eBay.
[ edited by gamingauctions on Jan 9, 2002 12:21 AM ]
posted on January 9, 2002 12:11:57 AM new
[quote]They sent me an e-mail saying that they were going to ban all my friends, relatives, and associtates.
Good lord that is scary and I believe down right illegal.
Oh wait by posting on this thread I am associated to you and will be banned
*runs and hides*
You need to get a phone number from these people and try that way.
Your banned friends and family need to make their own appeals as well.
They just moved one giant step further from the "JUST A VENUE" statement they keep forcing on everyone when they are in the hot seat.
Everyone here at AW that has read and/or posted in any of your threads in the big picture are also your associates......does that mean they will be banned too?? Where does the chain end with this threat??
posted on January 9, 2002 12:30:06 AM new
Uhh....did this have anything to do with a pizza box and some ants? 
posted on January 9, 2002 01:06:42 AM new
Sorry, didn't mean to scare you away.
If you are young enough you could put yourself up for adoption and then you would have a new name and a new family. It might take awhile to burn through all those ID's.
posted on January 9, 2002 02:47:57 AM new
kiara, that was my first thought too.
posted on January 9, 2002 03:20:17 AM new
Well, it's the middle of the night here and not too many people around to help out.
If you decide to go with the adoption make sure it is a very large family so there are lots of ID's to work. It would help if some of the family have crossed the border into Canada so ebay won't get suspicious quite so fast.
One more thing, make sure the family doesn't know how to cook so there is lots of take-out and delivery, preferably pizza.
Let us know how it goes when you come back next year.
posted on January 9, 2002 07:10:45 AM new
awhile back a savvy italian girl from brooklyn new york posted on AOL ebay board ,she has been in selling toys since 14 years old,she always said she does not need the money but she will come to the board and bragged-everytime there is a blackout on ebay,she blamed ebay for loss of sales and get her ebay listing fee back,then she started bragging some month she paid NONE.
the host of the aol/ebay board knows meg and must have reported her.we dont feel sorry for her as we pay our fees and we also suffered blackout and we are subsidising her when she gets her listing fee back,she is getting like 80-100 dollars back a month when ebay was suffering black out .
posted on January 9, 2002 07:18:42 AM new
read all the prior threads on how ebay discovered suspended sellers try to come back with new id.
you almost have to create a NEW YOU.
i dont believe your friends(whether they are physical or virtual)are innocent sellers who just happen to be detected by ebay cop.ebay must have evidence that they are somehow related to you or you are using their id to sell.
you need to move to a new address with new phone number,new pc and new id-name,driver license,ss,credit card,bank number,new ISP account,new fingerprints .
when you said your parents,brother and friends are suspended,i assume they all have their own pc and ISP accounts,were you trying to access their account on your pc via your ISP???
posted on January 9, 2002 08:01:31 AM new
You want to start a thread where other people tell how to circumvent ebay's rules. You report you were kicked off ebay for discussing how to circumvent ebay's rules. Hmmm. I think I will pass.
posted on January 9, 2002 09:06:48 AM new
how about rebirth or reincarnation?
now what is this pizza box deal with ants on top??by pass what??
posted on January 9, 2002 09:23:30 AM new
Is it that difficult to start a new eBay account? There's even a thread here about bidbombing and such. There are 31 million+ registered ebay accounts, and an AOL account can be had for $5/month and opened with a checking account.
Since you're already suspended, can you tell us the scenario of how to beat ebay out of money that got you in this jam? Must be a doozy to piss ebay off so much.
posted on January 9, 2002 10:05:27 AM new
Was it the re-list your unsuccessful auction with completely new auction data? Too much manual work and not worth saving $0.30, but I have admit it was clever.
[changed word "incomplete" to "unsuccessful"]
[ edited by sun818 on Jan 9, 2002 11:14 AM ]
posted on January 9, 2002 10:19:58 AM new
sun818-what is meant by relisting INCOMPLETE AUCTION with new item??
do you mean items which end with no bid,relist with different items,if it is sold,then listing fee is refunded?
that is nothing wrong with doing that??
lots of people do it,if they are willing to spend the time to do so??
i think his suggestion has to do with a device which looks like a pizza box with antennaes poking out??
posted on January 9, 2002 10:37:45 AM new
Complaint: Item was packaged in old pizza box full of ants. Looked as if had been used.
Response: - Yeah, but your plate got there safe and sound. So what's the problem?
posted on January 9, 2002 10:43:05 AM new
This was the original thread about how to do it and what happened when he bragged on a public board about it.
He ended by saying: I'm in the money, baby!
[ edited by kiara on Jan 9, 2002 10:44 AM ]
posted on January 9, 2002 10:45:35 AM new
Then about a week later he came back.
posted on January 9, 2002 10:57:24 AM new
You really saved a ton of money didn't you? It never fails to amaze me that those who try to beat the system and do it illegally are the loudest to scream when they are caught. From those of us who deal with Ebay in a professional manner and do not attempt to get by with anything illegal, I say: "GET OVER IT"!!!!!
posted on January 9, 2002 12:15:32 PM new
i dont beleive this is the reason why he is suspended?? by relisting an item which did not sell and change the item and description?
if the item does not sell the second time round,he still have to pay the listing fee?
if it sells,ebay gets a bigger fee-the final value fee.
also it is capped by the dollar amount,you can relist an item of 9.99 with another item of 9999.99
now he is running out of ways to come back to ebay-mom,dad,brother,friends,relatives have all been banned.
no big loss,sales is pretty slow on ebay anyway,go on vacation,sell on yahoo,amzn or
posted on January 9, 2002 01:06:52 PM new
I remember very well the original threads and if this is the same person he was probably using his family's ids doing the same sneaky, unscrupulous things he did before.
If he is the same person, you go ebay!!!!
there is always someone who believes the rules are meant for everyone else and not for them. the prisons are full of these people.
if ebay could clean out all sellers like this one, the rest of us could make decent money without buyers being afraid of getting ripped off.
posted on January 9, 2002 01:47:52 PM new
Ebay was making more money off you when you were doing relists that violated their rules than now when your're permantly banned. You must be their poster child. You're doing a good job of promoting their relist policy, and scaring away possible offenders. Seems like ebay's strategy is paying off.
I don't think they permantly banned you for the relist violation, they just want to make you their poster child.
posted on January 9, 2002 01:51:47 PM new
"i dont believe your friends(whether they are physical or virtual)are innocent sellers who just happen to be detected by ebay cop.ebay must have evidence that they are somehow related to you or you are using their id to sell. "
Well, yes they are related to me because they are my family. Just look at how my mom's userid leafyspurge was being used to sell and get around eBay rules since 1999. Look at all those sales. Ebay is so right and just, aren't they.
posted on January 9, 2002 03:22:52 PM new
Simple question. Were you using your mother's computer to buy and sell?
posted on January 9, 2002 03:26:43 PM new
No I never used my mother's computer to buy and sell. Go look up userid leafyspurge and you will see it was not a seller's account. That is my mom's account and eBay banned it because she is a family member of mine.
posted on January 9, 2002 04:09:44 PM new
i still dont believe ebay banned you because you relisted an item with a different product?
it is not really that much saving,and you only save if it sells the second time round.
most people do have some idea why they are banned.
posted on January 9, 2002 04:17:14 PM new
Weren't you still living at home? Isn't your last name the same as your father's?
posted on January 9, 2002 04:33:16 PM new
The question that comes to mind is how could ebay know that someone is related to you? I don't think they can know. Now, if you registered your parents, or shared some info (i.e. if you have your credit card statement going to their address, etc.) I would expect them to ban accounts linked like that, because from their perspective how can they know if you are not setting up a different account?
I know that ebay does get good people, and it should be a lot easier than the current process is set up know (guilty until proven innocent) but there are also a LOT of bad guys out there that get stopped too. For them (ebay) it is the bottom line, and if there are too many crooks, then their business is gone, because if the media reports widespread fraud, bidders will go, and sellers will follow...
posted on January 9, 2002 04:41:51 PM new
My brother lives 200 miles away. He of course has his own address and credit card. His account was banned.
My mother has no credit card on her account, it was a buyers account. She shares the same address with me and my dad so she was banned just like us.
posted on January 9, 2002 04:48:08 PM new
Yeah, I see why they banned your parents, but your brother is a mystery.
posted on January 9, 2002 04:55:27 PM new
if you are accessing other members of your family ebay account via your pc,ebay knows
posted on January 9, 2002 04:57:17 PM new
so did your parents try to get restated with ebay??