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posted on March 1, 2002 04:43:41 PM new
"Payment MUST be received in 10 days. We take every form of payment. Failure to do so will result in my giving you a neg, bla bla.

This is for all three of the auctions that I won on Feb 20th. Three different sellers.

Same story x three.

I paid for all three of my auctions within 24 hours with PP and it has been 9 days since I won the auctions. I emailed all of the sellers last night to ask where my package was ? Your TOS do not say, it takes 10 days to mail my package, or I only go to the P.O. twice a year... On top of that, he/she did not even leave positive feedback yet.

I don't understand the people that:
#1. Can't send out the packages in a timely manner. (These must be the same people who can't make it to the bank or post office within a week)
#2. Can't leave positive feedback until the buyer does. BUYER is the customer.
#3. Give attitude when buyer asks for package.
#4. Rip people off for shipping. $4.00 to ship one magazine. Okay so it has a tiny piece of cardboard. Oh wait, when it arrives, it is 0.80.
I know I did not have to purchase this item. In all fairness, it did say the shipping is $4.00. But as discussed in other threads, sometimes you must purchase item for one of a million reasons.

One of these people has 661 FB's. Mine is not going to be positive.

Anyway, if you are one of these people that do this, I would love to know why. I try very hard to be considerate of all my buyers, I leave FB as soon as the payment comes, I email them as well and let them know that not only do I have their payment, but shipping as well. No, not perfect, but I try.

Also, I had FB of 132, not up in the big times yet. But when I get there, it will be because I earned it on my customer service!

posted on March 1, 2002 04:55:28 PM new
That is disgusting! As a seller, a go out of my way to ship the same day if possible, never later than the next day. There have been many times I get back from the P.O. to find a Paypal notice waiting. If I can make it in time, I will make a trip just for one package. A lot of sellers must not want to be successfull.

eBay: dressyourbest

posted on March 1, 2002 05:15:32 PM new
"Payment MUST be received in 10 days. We take every form of payment. Failure to do so will result in my giving you a neg, bla bla."

It takes all kinds. Now I do see where some sellers state a time period for payment, but the second part with the threats makes me wonder why I should bid on their stuff in the first place.

I do think that most sellers are not this anal.

I always ship the same day the payment shows up, then let them know it has been sent.

This is extra work for me, but the buyers seem to like it.

If the sellers are real busy, some may wait longer than others to tell you when your parcel was shipped.

I do think for the most part, sellers will go that extra mile for their bidders.

You will just have to learn to take it in stride.

Never forget that mail order companys never tell you when they get around to shipping your stuff.

I may not agree with your sellers outlook, but then there is not much one can do about it.

If they really tick you off, leave no feedback.

posted on March 1, 2002 06:35:45 PM new
As far as feedback is concerned, some sellers use programs that automatically leave feedback for those who leave feedback for them.

As far as I am concerned, the transaction isn't over until the bidder is satisfied. I know the bidder is satisfied when they leave feedback.

posted on March 1, 2002 07:19:12 PM new
I agree that Some people get completly one sided when listing Auction TOS. Its just plain smart to focus on great customer service. Its also Smart to protect yourself by listing well thought out Tos. I used to give feedback as soon as Payment arrived. Had a few incidents with unexperienced bidders making mistakes and some flat out scamsters that changed my views. Sell long enough and you will run into some people who cause you to rewrite your terms.
Good luck

posted on March 2, 2002 06:24:22 AM new
I ship two days per week. Period. If there a special request, I would probably honor it, but it's a waste of time to ship everytime I have something to ship (if volume was enough, it wouldn't be). But two days a week is plenty. However, I make that clear in my auctions when I ship. Of course, based on questions received from bidders, they don't read TOS anyway!

As for feedback, when the transaction is done is, IMO, the best time to leave feedback. I have many occasions where I've posted feedback and the buyer never did, but so long as they email me to let me know the item arrived ok, then the deal is done and I post feedback. Not a bad idea to make feedback the vehicle by which they let you know this. But for now, if they reply via email, all is ok.

posted on March 2, 2002 09:09:21 AM new
You object to the seller's terms that payment must be received within 10 days, but then threaten a neg yourself when your item doesn't arrive within a week. What's up with that?

posted on March 2, 2002 09:16:28 AM new
Personally, I don't even mention a 5 day, 10,
14 day etc. payment rule nor do I mention negative feedback in my TOS.

It just seems like by doing so would be like
drawing a line in the sand. What do you do if
the mail is slow and payment arrives on day XX.?

Most people realize that sending payment in a timely manner is expected.

I've never had anyone say "I'm sending payment in 3 months because I figured you didn't care.
Please be patient."

On occasion, I have waited two weeks for a payment but this is very rare.

After about a week or two has passed, I'll send a polite followup asking about payment,
but I never talk about negs then either.

Most of the time I get a quick response.
There will always be deadbeats and if I failed to get a respose to a followup e-mail
within a week or two I would file for FVF, neg, and move on.

Why talk about negative feedback in an auction description and risk upsetting a potential customer.

It seems like you are sending the message,
"Don't cross me or you will be sorry."

Feedback clearly hurts the seller more than the buyer anyway.
I always end my description with my e-mail address so they can reach me to ask questions and a thank you for looking at the auction.

posted on March 2, 2002 05:21:40 PM new
You object to the seller's terms that payment must be received within 10 days, but then threaten a neg yourself when your item doesn't arrive within a week. What's up with that?

What is UP with that is do unto others....I was happy to get my money to him in the time he insisted upon, does that give him the right to wait (now its 12 days) over a week to send my item. NNNNOOOOO. But my money was good enough for him to accept.

I expect way to much from people I guess. Apparently, after reading some of these other threads about FB's, customers come second to these folks.
Oh, I guess when you get into the 500's and over transactions, little people (AKA Customers) are just to step on!

"I'm far too busy to give FB"
"I only give FB when they do"
"If they let me know the transaction is complete.."

I guess I will do it the old fashioned way-
With PRIDE! I believe that my customers love that I take a whole 56 seconds to send them a note: Thank you for your quick payment. Your item will be shipped within 48 hours. Positive feedback has been left for you.

How hard is that!

Oh and as far as it sounding as if "IF YOU CROSS ME.." Quite the opposite, I am trying to convey a message to those sellers who just don't care about the buyer. Are you one of those???
[ edited by antinoise1 on Mar 2, 2002 05:47 PM ]
posted on March 2, 2002 06:08:05 PM new

I was just rereading my post and I guess I wasn't clear with my pronouns.

///It seems like you are sending the message,
"Don't cross me or you will be sorry."///

I didn't mean to have you think that "you"
is referring to YOU (antinoise1)

Rather I meant "you" to refer to a seller who
talks about giving negative feedback within his/her TOS is sending the message IMO
"Don't cross me or you will be sorry."

It would be like walking in to Wal-Mart and being greeted by one of the greeters:

"Hello. Welcome to Walmart. I hope you have a nice day and please ask us for help if you are having trouble because we appreciate your business. However, if you bounce any checks
or attempt to shoplift anything, we will have you arrested, prosecuted, and thrown into a
cell with a guy named Bubba who will be happy to become better acquainted with you." Have a nice day."

My point is, why talk about the negative things that can happen in a transaction if
you don't have to.

I always assume the best of my customers until they give me reason to doubt that assumption.

posted on March 2, 2002 11:03:24 PM new
Guess I got on the soap box and couldn't see the troops were on my side.

I agree with you about the customer. Thanks for not giving me a black eye!

posted on March 2, 2002 11:34:42 PM new
Let's see, buyer has maybe one or two payments to get out within a week; seller may have 50 items to package, and send out. Yea, I would think seller should be given some leeway!

Any seller who ships out next day, everytime, probably has five items to mail.

"Rip people off for shipping. $4.00 to ship one magazine. Okay so it has a tiny piece of cardboard. Oh wait, when it arrives, it is 0.80."

Some buyers are really anal. How long do you think it takes to package your item? How much do you think supplies cost? How about gas to drive your item to PO? How much time do you think seller has to wait in PO line? Seems to me you, the buyer, is ripping off the seller paying only $4.00. My buyers rip me off about $8 per item on shipping. I've tried to charge more but the buyers won't send payment.

posted on March 3, 2002 12:33:11 AM new
Quite the opposite, I am trying to convey a message to those sellers who just don't care about the buyer. Are you one of those???

I'm not sure. First, I don't bid in auctions where the seller has a threatening attitude. You did; in fact, three auctions that I would not bid on.

Second, I agree with you that the seller should have shipped sooner than 12 days, considering his (their) own terms. But then again, as I said, I would not do business with those sellers in the first place.

BUYER is the customer.

Without addressing every point, I will say that I believe the best deal is the one that is fair to everyone, both buyer and seller. That is subjective. You say your customer service is better. I say my prices are better. Everyone defines their own parameters for running their business. I don't believe that every Powerseller or 1000+ feedbacker is doing this because they love to step on customers.

You bid in three separate auctions where the seller displayed a hostile attitude. Are you looking for trouble? Did you really "have to have" those items as you say? Now you're complaining about shipping that was plainly stated in the ad. One guy is slow shipping/communication. Wow, surprise. If it was me, I would save my negs for someone who really deserves them.

posted on March 3, 2002 12:50:12 AM new
What bugs me is sellers who cop an attitude about their superior customer service. For some reason, we see that a lot in this forum. "I always send email notices, ship same day, leave feedback immediately, etc." like they are doing this out of the goodness of their hearts.

I think sellers who are honest will admit that their CS policies are simply part of a larger business/marketing strategy. They expect their policies will improve their business, either by bringing in repeat customers or perhaps establishing themselves as "superior" trading partners.

Let's face it, as the items go lower in price, customer support is the first area that gets pruned back. No seller is going to spend hours processing auctions to make two bucks. Of course any seller who is reaping a large profit will want to stay in close contact with their customer.

I work in a retail store. You can bet that I'll spend a few more minutes with a customer who's about to drop $500 than with one who's buying scotch tape. I can also say there are many customers who expect me to spend a half hour while they decide on a $.69 cent ball point pen. (I hope they take their repeat business to our competitor! LOL)

So QUIT your ragging on Powersellers. 5000+ feedback ratings don't grow on trees, ya know.

posted on March 3, 2002 01:09:43 AM new
In my WBN I ask only that they return MY WBN email with their name and address so that I can get their package ready to mail so when I receive their payment the package is good to go. If my mail gets to me before 3:30 I will try and make it to our post office for mailing otherwise I am up and ready to go in the morning with the package. Even if I was a power seller I would do the same thing. It is important to me to be ready. I know I hate waiting for my items to arrive so I think my buyer thinks the same. I have had auctions won on a Friday, paid by paypal and they have their item on Monday. The sooner I get it out of my house the better I feel.

posted on March 3, 2002 07:20:35 AM new

At first when I read your lovely comments, I thought about posting a long narrative on how you sound like you don't appreciate your job, working on EBAY, or people in general, unless of course you were going to get some wonderful something out of it. You sound like a scrooge, a self centered, righteous, arrogant know it all.

But then I thought, no- I am way better than that. I don’t have to be nasty to others. I don’t expect them to be nasty either.

PS- I was not looking for trouble when I placed my bids-just lucky to find three rude people who demand money in 10 days and don't see anything wrong with 12 days to deliver! No, not looking for trouble when I placed my bids on three separate items that I HAD TO HAVE for a birthday party for my son. (Which is 3/3/02.) I guess these Power Sellers had something to do on the Full Moon Week! Way too busy to send a package. Way to busy to go to the Post Office, where they are supposed to send off the packages they sold you!

PSS- Funny how you have time to read these threads, but you can't go to the post office, write a decent feedback, contact a seller or be nice!

When I grow up I want to be a Power Seller too!

posted on March 3, 2002 07:48:14 AM new
"Your TOS do not say, it takes 10 days to mail my package, or I only go to the P.O. twice a year..."

It probably does not say they will ship the next day either, nor they ship five days a week. Buyers should agree to pay several bucks in addition to the regular s/h so sellers can hire extra help. I know I can't pay hired help .30¢ an hour on the piddly handling charge buyers are willing to pay.

posted on March 3, 2002 08:27:01 AM new
As twinsoft posted: "sellers who are honest will admit that their CS policies are simply part of a larger business/marketing strategy."

At its heart, selling on ebay is a business for some, a hobby for others.

I depend on the income, so treat it as a business. My customers are always on my mind. Whatever I can do to earn their trust and repeat sales is important.

I have found another advantage to being a thoughtful and efficient seller: referrals and recommendations. I would say 1/4 of my sales are the result of someone telling someone the item is available on ebay and it is shipped quick.

I sell impulse items, and cater to that desire to have the item now. I have to take a bus and lug my packages to the post office, and I do this several times a week. On the other days, I mail whatever packages I can (under 1 pound) at the nearest mailbox for pickup that day.

I answer emails.

I take reports of (the rare) defective tapes or cds seriously and replace them, paying postage both ways.

I do not feel holier than thou. In fact, I do not feel holy at all.

I do not feel superior to anyone for doing this, since everyone has their own scheduling demands and way of doing things.

But I am in business. I ask myself every day what I could do to make this a more pleasant transaction for the bidder. And I feel good about myself for doing it, since they are my bread and butter, my shelter, heat and food.

I take very good care of my customers, and that is good for you, too, because it keeps the customers coming back to ebay, perhaps to bid on your item.

To the many superb sellers in this thread that make it a point to render good customer service: thank you. Your good habits insure the return of buyers who could buy from me next time.

[ edited by litlux on Mar 3, 2002 08:30 AM ]
posted on March 3, 2002 08:45:49 AM new
I thought about posting a long narrative on how you sound like ... But then I thought, no- I am way better than that.

Obviously you aren't. You got your digs in alright. Just like you are ragging on sellers for doing exactly what you do. In fact, you are worse. To my question, are you looking for trouble? you came out with a string of personal insults.

From your comments and your desperate need to buy from sellers I would never deal with, I can only assume that you indeed are looking for trouble. I agree with much of what you say; too bad you are too busy looking for a fight to see that.

posted on March 4, 2002 03:27:13 PM new
It is just as easy to ship packages quickly as it is to ship late. In fact, it might be easier.
One of the reasons I use the auctionwatch service is it is a great way to stay organized. The post sale service will send an email faster than I would have done, and more accurately. It records when the buyer has responded, recording the buyers address as he typed it himself. When I get money in the mail via snail mail or paypal, I merely take my accumulated receipts and list who paid that day. With a click of a button, I can print out an invoice and mailing slip. I take the packing slip down to my stash of sale merchandise and tape the mailing slip on the outside of the envelope/box, and put the invoice inside. I go to the postal facility 2 or 3 times per week, depending on volume.
The only thing I do not use AW for is leaving feedback. I use the ebay service to leave all feedback at once. However, I wait a week or two to leave feedback for folks who paid by check, because I will surely leave a neg for anybody who writes a bad check and does not make it completely good (hasn't happened yet, but it will). Use AW, it is not that expensive and makes life much easier. Ebay will eventually come up wwith something of their own to replace it at lest cost. Then we can switch.
posted on March 4, 2002 08:49:34 PM new

Yes, I waited all year to hand pick three sellers who want my money. Well of course they do, they are selling their Tu-its on Ebay. Don't have time to mail me a package, but have time for this forum. I am looking for a fight! Apparently you must be lucky to have everything you want and do not feel the need to purchase from Ebay ever at all. That is wonderful. Some of us don't live on easy street or the lap of luxury. I on the other hand, saw something special for my kids birthday that I would not normally be able to find to purchase, if not for this wonderful Land of Milk and Honey called Ebay. I decided I would like to purchase it. Big smile on face, happy thoughts and money in hand (or at pay pal)I got it. After waiting two weeks, being angry is my right at this point. Actually after 12 days I think I was down right entitled.

For those of you who would like to know--I STILL HAVE NOT RECEIVED PACKAGES FROM 2 SELLERS. One power seller now has 4045 and the other 661. One package came today. I am not speaking ill of the PS, just stating the facts that when you get to big, you forget that your feet are big too and there are lots of little people you might step on. (OR FORGET HIS PACKAGE!)I congratulate the PS.I hope one day I can find something to sell that no one else has and make a killing.

By the way Twin, thanks for answering the question I posed: Who are these sellers and why do they do this. Now we know.

posted on March 4, 2002 10:14:36 PM new
antinoise, you can't handle the variances one will encounter on the internet. You have the option of driving around the countryside looking for each item you would like to own. No one has a gun to your head. You can't adapt so you lose the opportunity to buy on ebay, so be it. You're an adult, it's too much pressure for you to handle, we're not going to hold your hand.
posted on March 5, 2002 12:53:08 AM new
Sure you have a right to be mad. Seriously.

posted on March 7, 2002 05:03:50 PM new

Obviously some people do not understand how upset buyers get when they do not receive their goods. How lucky for you to not have to be in that situation. By the way...Still no packages. Emailed both sellers, they say it is in the mail. I have gone to the post office to see if there are any packages there for me. There are none.

I have every right as a buyer to be upset. When a seller does not get his money in ten days, he can run to ebay and get his money back, a notice goes to buyer, etc. As a buyer I am up the creek.

YES, I admit for the 17th time, I do not have to purchase on ebay. NO ONE DOES! I don't have to buy anything I don't want to. NO ONE DOES! That is not the point. The point is, for the 100th time, I want to know why sellers feel it is okay to with hold packages when they want their money in a jiffy. If I were to shop anywhere,(countrysied, mall, moon...) I would expect to be treated in a fashion that any customer would like to be treated. In person or on line.

Maybe I should list these two sellers names here so that you can all take a stab at them! I understand there are no moderators! (Before you all cram it down my throat, I wont do it)

posted on March 7, 2002 05:35:10 PM new
HI THIS is a good discussion. I had something happen twice this week that never happened in 3 years. both newer people..they paypal me, late at night..i write them & let them know i will ship in 2 days(one was a higher priced item with expensive shipping)wanted to at least have it on the way to my bank when i shipped..
they write me at 5 am the next morning..& say "i hope you mailed my package ON THE DAY THEY PAID" impossible as it was like 10 at nite??!! LOL as it's for a birthday & i need it right away..the other one expected it to arrive like THE NEXT DAY AFTER PAYING...gheesh mailing takes time..
so here i am at 5am wrapping as fast as i can..emailing "i" am sorry if i would have known i would have done it the next morning..
You are right..things that happen make us change our TOS..i am thinking about saying "if you need it for a special occasion quickly let me know" or something like that.
When Paypal first opened i used to rush the same day to the post office.i don't anymore..a lot less stress..the next day or two should be ok in most cases..
i would have been happy to have gone to the post office special for them the next day..no problem IF they would have bothered to even mention it I mean I wrote them what day i would ship PEOPLE DO NOT READ....new people can be dangerous to us sellers,especially with perfect feedback that try hard to keep it that way.I take a lot of time to explain everything to them etc..grrrr
I try to NEVER bid on an item with a mean rude threatening TOS...these people are not business minded..be rude to a prospective customer??DUH..funny thing is they seem to get a lot of bids?? go figure
I think well if they are this rude now what if package was lost or a problem came up, how would they treat me?
good luck everyone..this biz is not easy but we sure do meet some wonderful people..

posted on March 7, 2002 10:51:24 PM new
Hear, hear! antinoise1 - As a long time buyer on ebay I'm glad that somebody took notice of "seller abuse". There are "deadbeat sellers" just like there are deadbeat bidders - there should be policies for deadbeat sellers like there are deadbeat buyers.

Some of the seller's terms are downright hostile, and I pass up a lot of auctions because of it.

Some of them demand cash only through the mail (how arrogant) or demand paypal only and within twenty four hours (not everybody likes using paypal these days), Then there are the ones who charge $8 - $15 shipping for something that costs only a couple of bucks to mail. It's not my job to subsidize their shipping business. Sheesh.

The most arrogant ones also seem to have the lowest feedback rating - so it's not wise to do business with them anyway.

But their are also a few power sellers who don't give a care also, so they don't get my business either.

Not every one can handle their email every day, and can get to the post office instantly to pay. Ebay needs to spell out that buyers have three days to contact / ten to pay by whatever means. Right now ebay only "reccomends" this. It needs to be part of the rules.

Also, there needs to be some kind of "buyers union" to protect the interests of buyers and those who like to shop on ebay.

posted on March 7, 2002 11:48:16 PM new
It's not my job to subsidize their shipping business.

Unfortunately, it is. Your comment makes about as much sense as walking into an ice cream store and telling the seller, "It's not my job to pay for your kids' braces."

I don't like paying high shipping prices either. But a little common sense on the part of the buyer can prevent most mishaps. I've bought lots on eBay and never had a bad deal. I'm careful how I bid. I check sellers' feedback, read their terms carefully, and contact the seller before bidding if I have any questions. If anything doesn't sound right, I don't bid.

The last time I passed up an auction because of shipping I was pretty upset, because I wanted the item as a gift for my kid. It was a three dollar doll, but after the seller's fees, it would have cost about $10. Can you believe mandatory insurance on a $3 item? I didn't bid. I did find the item for less soon afterward.

posted on March 8, 2002 05:47:32 AM new
antinoise1 I think it is time for you to stop using ebay.

Most of my buyers pay withing 24 hours. I sell to get paid and I am not Sears. I want my money and if a bidder wants to take two weeks to payup then there is someone else to buy the item NOW! Surely a seller is required to ship in as timely a manner as possible. The problem here I have seen is when people are buying new retail items they are getting stuck by poor sellers that DON'T EVEN HAVE THE ITEM! My wife bought some craft paints and the seller replied to her email that he was out of stock and would ship when the new stock arrived. She had bid on an item she needed in about a week and it wound up taking about two weeks to get the items.

So you take your chances and a word of advice. 1.) Bid only on pictured items. 2.) Be sure the pictured item is the exact piece you will receive. This should solve the problem

Prepare for the worst but hope for the best!! Spuddy98
posted on March 9, 2002 05:13:28 PM new
I buy more than I sell. I see nothing wrong in making the TOS clear, but like others I skip auctions where the TOS is longer than the item description or is demanding or looks like blackmail.
When I sell I keep my TOS short and to the point. As far as payment I simply say
"Payment arrangements must be started within 5 days of end of auction to prevent the item from being re listed." The key word here is started I make no mention of feedback-that is taken care of when item has been shipped with a "I have left positive feedback and hope you take the time to do the same if you feel it is deserved"
afullbarn on eBay
[ edited by buffalowoman on Mar 9, 2002 05:15 PM ]
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