posted on February 25, 2003 04:50:26 PM new
Actually, I believe magazines have to go 'bound printed matter'. I wouldn't swear to it - but I think anything that contains advertising (like a magazine) cannot go media mail.
posted on February 25, 2003 07:09:02 PM new
Ignor everything you have read here. Go to & learn from the source. There are many things that are NOT media. I know that Books, CD's, Tapes, VCR's are dewfinitely media. There are gray areas that only the PO can define.
posted on February 26, 2003 07:31:31 PM new
Any computer readable format it also media,
according to the USPS site. That would
include software for video game systems as
they are all just a form of computer. So
Atari 2600 cartridges, and Sony Playstation
CD's both qualify, along with cassette tape
programs for the Commodore 64 and diskette
programs for the Apple II.
"Cannot say. Saying, I would know. Do not
know, so cannot say". -- Zathras (Babylon 5)