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posted on April 29, 2003 01:26:27 PM new
I have a big problem and I thought maybe some of you can give me a little advice.
I was asked by a wholesaler to sell his items on ebay, he got my name from ebay seller assistance.................He was paying me for each item I listed, and when the item sells and is paid for I should go to his storage bins and he will pull out want needs to be shipped and UPS will pick up daily.
All this seemed good to me, but this was the first time I didn't have the merchandise in my possession.
Now, the problem is this,.... for 3 weeks he keeps putting me off, and not returning my calls, and I cant get into the storage bins without him.
I should mention, as much as I hate to say how dumb I have been, and how believing I am of people but it does need to be said.

He asked me to let the listing and selling costs go on my charge card, and he will reimburse me the fees, and pay me for my work..................Well, I am very nervous because I have been a seller for a long time and on this name I have 1560 feedback's, and on the other name I use for selling his stuff I have 318 all positive feedback's................I used the name with the 318 feedback because I wanted to keep his items separate from my daily work.

My problem is this...........he said he will meet with me on Wed. and my husband is taking me with the van so I can pick up all that has sold. And I will take care of all the shipping so that I know it has been shipped, I just don't trust him to do that for me.... If he doesn't keep the appt. with me, do you know what I can do or how I should handle this. I need to know what options I have because I don't want any more problems then I seemed to have created.

If I cant get the merchandise I will need to write to all my buyers and explain to them what has happened and hope they understand, I will return any fees they had incurred to pay me and return there money, I have also not opened any letters that have arrived to me since Sat. because I would like to just return them unopened along with a letter, and i would email them all as to what problems I have right now with this guy. Last night I canceled all open auctions that had no bids (which were 50 autions) because I didnt want to have anymore problems.

Just a little information for you as to what he owes me..................he owes me $954.80 for the last 3 weeks, and I am not even caring about my money as much as I am getting sick over not getting the merchandise to ship.
I don't usually sell for other people so I didn't even give it a second thought, I figured he was a person of his word, well, this will never happen again, this I am VERY SURE OF...............thanks for any help you might be able to give me.
posted on April 29, 2003 01:43:47 PM new
I also sell for others, but made a list of rules & had them SIGN A CONTRACT before listing anything!

Most important were the rule about having the items in hand before listing anything, NTM explicit fees schedule.

There doesn't appear much can do to this pretzel-choker, other than ending yer auctions & then taking him to SMALL CLAIMS COURT!

Sorry this happened to you, but my rule with moola is: never trust ANYBODY (except for Ralphie)!

Ralphie loves Mr Blonde:
"Are you gonna bark all day little doggie, or are you gonna bite?"
posted on April 29, 2003 02:26:12 PM new
See how this upcoming meeting goes. If you can get the merchandise and get it shipped out, fine. I would then lay down the law as Tom said and make a contract for any future listings. Also, under no circumstances EVER list anything for him or anyone else unless you have it in your possession and handle the shipping yourself. OTH, if the meeting goes sour, I would consider requesting Ebay to NARU your account and leave it that way for at least 90 days. This will give you a chance to work with the buyers to straighten out the mess and protect that account against the deluge of negative feedback that is sure to follow.

The light at the end of the tunnel will turn out to be an oncoming train.
posted on April 29, 2003 03:43:43 PM new
He asked me to let the listing and selling costs go on my charge card, and he will reimburse me the fees, and pay me for my work.

This is a warning to you already! Do not do this ever as you will wind up holding the bag.
As others have stated only sell what you have in hand. This guy just does not strike me as someone I would trust at the best of times.

he owes me $954.80 for the last 3 weeks

Get your money first before you do anything else. You should not be paying him till you know the bidder got their stuff. Best to hold the bucks for 30 days to make sure there is no problem.

I figured he was a person of his word, well, this will never happen again.

Means nothing! tomwiii is right, get it in writting. Myself, at this stage I would be looking to get my money out of this and then cut all contact with this slimeball pronto.

[ edited by trai on Apr 29, 2003 03:44 PM ]
posted on April 29, 2003 03:45:32 PM new
Thank you .........tomwiii ........good advise..............and ....Sparkz when you say have Ebay Naur. my account would they just do it for the name I am selling this stuff under or will they Naur both my accounts,................because I cant let my main account be Naur. I need that to work from.
Both my accounts are linked to one credit card and personal infor.
Yes, I am hopeing that he does keep this meeting but his passed preformance has not been good so I am kinda worried and need to know what recourse I can take to get the merchandice from him, like is there anyway that anyone would know if I could take legal action without going to small claims court?
Like maybe ask my local police dept. to have an officer come with me to his house and request that he do the right thing?..........

posted on April 29, 2003 03:58:24 PM new
have you seen the storage bin?how did the two of you meet??
does he have a legit business??is there an office or storefront?
what exactly are you selling for him?it may give us some clue??
i am glad hubby is coming with you,two can wrestled an infidel to the ground easier than one alone.
no matter what he has to say,i would say adios to this guy and go home,have some hot chocolate and go to bed.
ebay would just naru the account you request,but you are still liable for the ebay fees.
i have never heard that seller can ask ebay to have her account naru'd.

posted on April 29, 2003 04:04:15 PM new
2 years ago,some of you may remember-here is this single mother of 2 teenage boys who was approached by a new york merchant who claimed to have a jewelry factory and multiple warehouses of goods .he offered to provide her with those glitzy jewelry,do the listing under her name and provide the pics.she will collect the money and he will ship from his location.
all worked fine and he has her ebay password and list for her,she collected the money via her paypal account and then settle with him .
then one day he stopped shipping ,hacked into her paypal account and released the fund meant for him.
so she was left holding the bags.

posted on April 29, 2003 04:10:09 PM new
there is really not much you can do to him- you merrily list items you dont have and there is no written contract he will deliver the goods to you,besides you never pay for them.
this is just as bad as the thread about this guy who goes to an antique mall and take pictures of their items and said he is going home to compare the pics with the books when he was actually listing the pics on ebay.
now,POINTY will be here soon,he will advise you what to do,if not FLUFFYTHEWONDERCAT will.

posted on April 29, 2003 05:04:51 PM new
stopwhining......here are the ans. to your questions:

have you seen the storage bin?...YES, I did see the storage bin, he had about 4 full to the rim but also he had lots of other stuff mixed in also.

how did the two of you meet?? .........He took my name from Ebays Seller Assistance, because I live the next town over from him.

does he have a legit business??....He rented an office at the storage bin place and wanted me to work in the office, but I said I work from home if thats ok, he said, sure.......just come in when you need to lable and ship the items. (but what I didnt know was he travels alot and hes never there, also he never returns calls, and if he says he will call you back well he never does.) I do know where he lives, and I did call his home phone and speak to his mother explaining to her what is happening and I apologized to her for having to tell her but I don't know what to do. I felt bad having to do that but I figured she might be able to help me and I believe she did, because he called me back after I spoke to her.....

is there an office or storefront? ..... this is a storage bin area for lots of people they rent each 10 x 10 area and put there own lock on the door. There also are girls at the front desk doing paper work for the storage bin rental area.

what exactly are you selling for him?it may give us some clue?? .......He buys in liquadation lots and I was selling case lots of American Flags....3' x 5'............American Flags on sticks.....12" x 18".........Flag pins on cards......and off cards..........Also I was selling ...........Calculators by the case lot., and Knifes......in packages by the case lots...............everything was at wholesale prices.............

To make it easy for him to see what exactly sold and did not sell, and what it sold for and all fees, and my fees, .......I did a Lotus 1-2-3, so everything is laid out for him to see at a glance and there are no surprises for him. .......I have done more then what was asked of me and I keep asking him to just do one thing for me.............meet with me so I can pick up the stuff and do my shipping.......
he said, why? have you gotten money yet?
I said, yes, but as the money comes in I need to be able to ship out right away, I can't let my buyers wait till your ready to meet with me................honestly, this whole deal has been makeing me sick, I can't even concentrate on my own work because I am so worried about getting suspended that I cant even do my own work.

posted on April 29, 2003 05:21:40 PM new
maybe someone who knows how this liguidation business work can shed some insight.
may be the stock has already been sold or committed?may be the creditor has seized the lots and put a lock lock on his lock!!
i hope you and hubby get the stuff and then never deal with him again.
see if you can pry something from his mother??

posted on April 29, 2003 08:05:41 PM new
Buy a pair of bolt cutters and take care of Business! Really turn the tables on him, buy some from him wholesale. He has them, trust me. China, if they work just this once,,,,,,get the goods. Scum bags.

Whhhhhhiiiip It! Snnnnaaaap IT! Snap! snap! snap! ooooo!
posted on April 29, 2003 11:44:28 PM new
I knew Fetish would ring in on this! Thank God!

Are you absolutely sure you aren't selling merchandise that's been hijacked? His behavior seems to indicate something shady going on here.

No matter what happens and how this current problem ends, if you were my sister or brother, I'd say get out of this as fast as you can, and DO NOT have anything more to do with this guy. You can't know if he's breaking the law. IF you're selling stolen goods for him (and I sincerely hope this isn't the case!), you could be liable also.

I would run, not walk. No amount of money is worth this kind of anxiety.

posted on April 30, 2003 07:27:44 AM new

Thank you all for your good advice,

I need to know how to fix my problem..........

I am on my way to the storage bin, and I hope he will be there like we arranged.

If he is not there............And if I cant get the merchandice.THEN. What do I do?

How can I handle this, what are my options..............This is what I NEED to know.

Any Suggestions?...........I am listening.
Thank you
posted on April 30, 2003 07:49:00 AM new
How can I handle this, what are my options.This is what I NEED to know

If it comes down to that then all I can advice is that you file a police report. The down side to this is if you have nothing written down it will come down to your word againts his.

If you can not prove that you had an arrangement with this person you might be out of luck and wind up eating any losses.
Talk to your local police and see what they can do. I do not think there is too much hope here for you.

Best of luck and do let us know how this plays out.

posted on April 30, 2003 08:04:49 AM new
you said you and hubby are going there in a van to pick up the items,well,if these items are stolen,then the two of you could be in trouble.
are you paying him right there,are you planning to have him signed that you paid for these items??
you may want to talk to a lawyer before you go.
it may be better to forget about getting a cut from him,just buy the merchandise out right from him,get a receipt and then take off,dont ever go back there again.
flags and knives are very common items,you can find other liquidators easily.you dont need him.

posted on April 30, 2003 08:08:31 AM new
a police report??
what should she say to the police??
i have been promised PIE IN THE SKY?? and i use LOTUS 1-2-3 to track the PIE??
now i have the money and i cant get to the bin ??e o
no wonder police suicidal rate is so high.all that crap!!
load up the merchandise and come home OR if no show or no merchandise,just come home and refund all bidders and eat that ik listing fee and move on.

posted on April 30, 2003 08:21:02 AM new
I would not return his money until I find out that the goods were not stolen. If you find they have been stolen then you are required to get all the items back. The police should know if they are. Maybe things are on the up and up. I hope so for her sake. In this world I don't think there is anyone anybody should trust unless it is yourself and sometimes I wonder about that.
My daughter was going to bid on something for $2.50 in which you get nothing and they mail it for $2.50. Which could be mailed for 37 cents. Now that is a rip off. To many of those kind of sellers on eBay. I hope when she returns that she has something positive to say.

posted on April 30, 2003 08:23:12 AM new
One more thing. I would contact eBay about this is it isn't on the up and up because he got her name from the Sellers Assistant list.

posted on April 30, 2003 08:26:37 AM new

There is nothing wrong with just asking if there is even a slight chance that she can recover some of the items. You never know till you ask.
I think we all know that its slim to nothing odds here. Lets not assume that all this stuff is somehow stolen till we hear more facts from tonimar1.

posted on April 30, 2003 09:51:10 AM new
All I can say is good luck. Forget about the bolt cutters, that is known as breaking & entering & is worth 5 to 10 up the river. Regardless as to whether or not you have a right to what is in the lockup, it is still illegal with out a court order.

posted on April 30, 2003 06:04:21 PM new

The fellow was at the front door waiting for us to drive up,. I cant tell you how relieved I was that now I could get back to thinking again. He gave me all the merchandice and also other items to list so at least we are on the same page now.

My husband explained to him how it needs to be done so I feel he now understands how serious this is for me.

Also, its all legal Merchandice, He showed me the invoices. And I signed up to UPS daily pickup so I dont need to use his account like he wanted me too, I have my own account and I'm in control of payments, shipping and my fees,............then he gets his fee..........

I do appricate all of you who took the time out to help me here and offer me your knowledge about my "problem"..........This is one of the best places to ask for help.
posted on April 30, 2003 06:08:20 PM new
may be he has been tipped off by his mother who reads this board

posted on April 30, 2003 08:35:23 PM new
That's great! I am happy it turned out good for you. You said it about this community everyone is so helpful. Well almost everyone.

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