posted on July 25, 2003 10:20:53 PM new
Come on! red flags were all over this clown and look what he did. E bay should have stepped in LONG ago,,,,,if,, they even did till the Att. Gen. stepped in?
And what amazes ME,,,,,,these idiots kept buying from HIM. so much for negging bad sellers,,,hahahaha, No one bothers to READ till they are crying!!!!!
posted on July 25, 2003 10:30:23 PM new
well ya heard it right here first from JACK! and for the good folks here let's leave it right here. No need to call anyones attention to this. WE GOOD people are just trying to make an Honest living.....
I almost feel I should not have brought this up. Well, I should'nt have. but, I did....Next time,,,,I know....
posted on July 25, 2003 11:10:54 PM new
He had a 98.5% rating. The last bad ratings came in after he quit selling I bet. He is/was #330 on the top 500 feedback ratings too. Like the Everly Brothers once rang " It Hurts To Watch Good Love Go Bad ".
posted on July 25, 2003 11:28:08 PM new
jayandmarie,,,,,,LOL,,,,,too funny, so the next time someone says,,HEY! this guy has 3 negs and he should be kicked off e bay,please refer to this......actually take a gander at Sears from time to's the INTENT,,,,,, pattern that overrides the disgruntles...
There are mistakes e'r whatevers and then there is FLAT OUT THEFT!!!!!!!!
posted on July 25, 2003 11:48:09 PM new
Ebay already has stringent requirements to list items in the wine and medical equipment categories. Why don't they simply require a $50,000 bond to list in the computer category? It would probably result in a 95% drop in consumer complaints to the FTC and make for more favorable press for Ebay. At the very least, it would seperate the crooks from the honest sellers.
The light at the end of the tunnel will turn out to be an oncoming train.
posted on July 25, 2003 11:53:57 PM new
I just put SEARS on Aces list....Sparkz,,,Can you give a link to those stringentcies for medical stuff and wine? thanks! Bonding is a NEW one to me....
posted on July 26, 2003 05:18:51 AM new
Looks like this guy got burned on his " 99 cent ~ no reserve" sales technique...can't stay in biz very long selling 'puters for $42!! I don't think his intent was malicious - if you look at the sales prices on the negatives - he wasn't getting rich!
posted on July 26, 2003 08:18:51 AM new
I agree with that last post. The guy may have just given up and didn't care about the last auctions or he may have went broke. A lot of sellers pay mega ebay fees every month and they have trouble paying their bills in the down economy and weak ebay selling market. I wonder how many other sellers in that top 500 are gone. I bet ebay knows.
-------------- sig file -----------Growing older is mandatory. Growing up is optional. .
posted on July 26, 2003 01:07:29 PM new
Jack..There is no link that I know of. The wine category is a beta that only a select few registered sellers can sell in. They have to have a liquor or wine seller's license in their home state and include some Ebay approved text in their auctions, in addition to agreeing to acceptfull liability for any laws that may get violated. As far as the medical equipment category, anything subject to FDA approval can only be listed by a bonafied dealer or business that is licensed to dispense these devices, and they have to inclede their entire business name and address plus some other required (by Ebay) wording in the description. I don't have the link any more, but Ebay mailed it to me when they nuked one of my auctions for a neuro-stimulator a few months back
The light at the end of the tunnel will turn out to be an oncoming train.
posted on July 26, 2003 03:33:48 PM new
I agree with neglus. This is a prime example of the limits to "eBay selling success".
Unless you have a product that no one can copy or undercut the price or also buy from the same wholesaler, eBay is not the way to build or maintain a long term viable business.