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posted on January 2, 2004 11:25:21 AM new
Hi some years ago my seller account was suspended for a software auction of perfectly good legal software, but the rules for selling it were very complicated [had to be on a new hard drive, etc] and I ran afoul somehow and was suspended. Since that incident I quit selling for many months but recently started selling again under another account I had from some years ago. The reason I started selling again is because I thought the old problem was resolved plus I just got laid off from my job so ebay has been the family's only source of income for the last few months now.

Anyway yesterday I received an email from ebay saying that my current seller account was tied to the other seller account from three years ago that was suspended. I have just appealed the situation but wonder if there is any good advice out there on trying to get reinstated?

I have sold hundreds, maybe thousands of items all with satisfied customers and never have done anything dishonest or underhanded, and the software I was suspended for three years ago was perfectly legal and okay. Nobody from ebay has ever really engaged me on this or in trying to sort it out. I just can't understand why I seem to be suspended for life when I never really did anything wrong.

The unfortunate thing is that we now rely on ebay to help pay the bills and I am beside myself with worry over this, seriously. Can anyone please help? ebay does not seem to have a phone number and the "live help" has not been very useful either. If there is a problem from back then why won't ebay discuss it with me?

This really has the potential to hurt our entire family over something that occurred three years ago and was essentially a misunderstanding. Thanks for reading this and any advice will be greatly appreciated!

posted on January 2, 2004 12:01:11 PM new
How about setting up an account with your wife's name instead of your own? Don't use the same credit card of whatever to make payments and set up a completely different user name. Just a thought.

[ edited by cta on Jan 2, 2004 12:03 PM ]
posted on January 2, 2004 12:11:35 PM new
Actually they suspended the entire family including wife and daughter. This seems particularly severe and yet I can't seem to get any info from ebay on what the actual problem is, they are tough to contact. I have done all of the standard things through their customer support web pages, etc. Of course I can't use their community forums since I have been suspended and cannot login.

Anyway thanks for your response!

posted on January 2, 2004 12:27:26 PM new
I don't post usually and have just lurked here. Not a big enough seller to give advice, but sometimes in need of it.
I recently got NARUed by eBay. I am not too unhappy about it. It saved me from eventually being in this persons position.
Here is the email I sent out:


You may have noticed that I have been branded "Not A Registered User" by eBay. I was a small time buyer and seller on eBay, please peruse my feedback.
I included script from Bacon Buttie in my 'about me' page and started having trouble. You are invited to look at my 'about me' page, it is the very first link.
Trouble? My auctions got fewer views, bids plummeted, I quit getting email notifications, and certain sellers claimed I was not contacting them (again, read my feedback). It is obvious to me that the powers that be at eBay are manipulating their 'venue' to vent emotional angst on non-compliant, but rule following, users. Not the description of a level playing field.
I can no longer maintain my 'about me' page and I believe it is inadvisable to complete any transaction in which I am not allowed closure--the leaving of feedback. I was considering eBaying full time for income and thank whatever guardian angel that caused this for letting me see the ugly Nazi under side of eBay before I was truly dependent on their 'venue'. I feel like an opposition party member in a communist state. In fact, that simile is, well, eerie.
eBay will get its comeuppance, yadda yadda yadda. I will be on other auction sites soon, hopefully with a similar identity.
Look at the whole, not just your portion. God bless you in 2004.

I offered to pay the fees for sellers on recent auctions, or they could file.....

I was found guilty by eBay and refuse to document my innocence, therefore I must be guilty. Isn't that how this type of logic works? Fluffy?
Even those of you that are cocky and opinionated are on a short eBay leash, and it is effecting the tone of your interactions with buyers. OK, and with sellers, also.
Other threads have discussed the bloat of eBay and the imperiousness. Luckily, the lack of professionalism at eBay is making fertile ground for the germination of category specific auction sites.
I am patient, look for me on the new sites in 2004 or 2005. I am SURE I will see most of you out there when you get tired of eBay's dictatorial and illogical paradigm.
My advice to Steve, don't fight to be in a position where this could happen again.

posted on January 2, 2004 12:42:44 PM new
Never, ever, ever, ever put all your eggs in one basket. Ebay is great for what it is but you have to realize that it's their site and you play by their rules or you don't play. Build your own website (or better yet, multiple websites) or list on multiple auction sites. Spread your risk. Good luck to you.

posted on January 2, 2004 02:10:08 PM new
They suspended your wife and daughter??? I feel you are underestimating what you did to get suspended. That's pretty extreme to ban EVERYONE in the house?!?

posted on January 2, 2004 02:17:29 PM new
Seems like we're only get part of the stories here. It's always that way though.

-------------- sig file ----------- *There is no conclusive evidence that life is serious*
posted on January 2, 2004 02:26:59 PM new
I know it is - but how can I tell what I do not know? If ebay does not communicate with me I have no way of knowing. They never responded to any of my questions. I am not asking much, just to know what I supposedly did wrong and ebay is not saying so far...

posted on January 2, 2004 02:54:55 PM new
If you used the same bank account or credit card when registering a seller account as used registering an account that was suspended the the other account is linked to the suspended account and according to Ebays TOS, cannot be used.
~~~ • ~~~ • ~~~ • ~~~ • ~~~
If it's really "common" sense, why do so few people actually have it?
posted on January 2, 2004 03:06:31 PM new
I agree that we're not getting the whole story here, from the original poster. Not Ebay's part of the story. If you've come here looking for help and advice you'll find some. Give us all the info that you have and we'll come back with our thoughts.
posted on January 2, 2004 03:23:12 PM new
First off, it's too bad that you got suspended if it's your only income but I have a feeling there is more to this story.

I ran afoul somehow and was suspended.

Sounds like you did something wrong and you know it. It's too late now but you should have had the first incident cleared with ebay before trying to sell again. If it happened "some years ago" they may possibly have given you another chance though I don't know that for sure.

I have sold hundreds, maybe thousands of items.

Most of us know whether we have sold hundreds or whether we have sold thousands, there is quite a difference.

It took me awhile to find it but two years ago this time there was a another thread here from someone who thought he did no wrong. eBay seems to do a few checks to see if the seller comes back again.


posted on January 2, 2004 03:42:00 PM new
From his original post it sounds like he was selling OEM software (Bundled), PROBABLY Microsoft's. Microsoft is all over eBay, and get most of these auctions cancelled very quickly. I doubt eBay even checks the auctions when the MS rep complains about someone.

Some people foolishly believe that if they sell OEM software with a hard drive that counts. It doesn't. The INTENT of the software is to be sold with a complete working system. If that isn't the case, Microsoft will get you... Or at least try. \

If they don't find you on your own, you can bet someone will turn you in.

If you want to sell OEM software on eBay, here's my advice. Don't.

Replay Media
Games of all kinds!
posted on January 2, 2004 03:46:56 PM new
Doesn't ebay cancel the auctions and give you a warning first? I doubt they just suspend you unless you continue to violate the rules.

posted on January 2, 2004 04:27:46 PM new
I think eBay's phone numbers are:

posted on January 2, 2004 05:21:20 PM new
Your first mistake was to reregister with an account hooked to your old one.

Can he get a new checking account at a different bank with your wifes's maiden name, new credit card in that name name and a different ISP?
It didn't take eBay long to find you but how long did it take them to find illegal auctions run my mylittlone. Seems to be something wrong. Illegal auctions run almost to the full 7 days and some even end before they find them. Well I wish you good luck....

posted on January 2, 2004 05:48:10 PM new
Thanks for all of the replies! It was Microsoft software and the first time I tried to sell it I included all of the licenses and keys necessary to prove that it was legal, but Microsoft somehow still had the auction closed even though everything was fully legit.

The second time I tried to comply with ebay's policies and put the software on a new hard drive but they said it was not packaged correctly or something like that and cancelled that one too, I just can't remember the precise details.

The third time I wanted to include some demo/developer software and get rid of the lot in one single auction and did not take note of the "not for resale" warning in small print on three of the MS CD's. Well somebody at Microsoft noticed and I got suspended, but that was THREE YEARS AGO and ebay suspended the trainguy22 account.

For at least one year I did not use ebay at all but my wife and daughter had accounts and I started selling actively again [from another old account I had] just a few months ago when I lost my job. I had forgotten all about the trainguy22 problem until I just received this suspension.

I am sorry to sound like such a crybaby but my IT job was transferred to a foreign country last year [I had to train the guy who took my job] and ebay has been our only source of income and now even that is gone, so things are looking pretty bleak.

But even more to the point is how unfair this whole situation is. I know I technically broke the rules but there was never any intent to defraud or hurt Microsoft, and I have always supported Microsoft and their products. For that matter I have always supported ebay and believed in them, but they don't seem to answer my questions or tell me how I can make amends. Heck I really don't know what the core issue is now. I still have hopes though that they will understand and reinstate me.

Thanks again for the responses.

posted on January 2, 2004 05:57:15 PM new
ooops TWO years ago

posted on January 2, 2004 06:28:35 PM new
steve51: Okay, I've read everything you've written about your eBay suspensions. There's just one thing I want to ask you:

How many chances should eBay give you?

You had a three-strikes-and-you're-out suspension two years ago. Then you come back under a different account and you're suspended for violating the first suspension.

So, according to your narrative, you have now had four problems with eBay because of four circumstances where you were unaware of the rules.

Should eBay let you back in and give you a pass on every subsequent rules infraction if it's the first time you commit it? Then maybe give you a second pass because you never meant to hurt anyone? How about a third because your eBay income supports your family?

I never really did anything wrong.

If--all rationalizations and self-serving justifications aside--you really, truly, deep-down-in-your-heart believe this, go read:


The answers and your remedies are contained therein.

I am sorry to sound like such a crybaby

Then stop it right now. Admit that you did wrong and that you went on to do more wrong. Then find a way to fix it.

That's what men do.


"What does the 'O' stand for?"
posted on January 2, 2004 06:50:00 PM new
Well said, Fluffy.

I grow old...I grow old...I shall wear the bottoms of my trousers rolled. T.S. Eliot
posted on January 2, 2004 07:20:54 PM new
If you really need Ebay to support your family I suggest finding another product to sell. Continuing to butt heads with Microsoft is probably going to see you see you on the losing end every time. Ebay suspensions may turn out to be minor compared to Microsoft lawsuits. As for setting up a new account on Ebay, I can't help, sorry. You've got to do as fluffy suggests. BE a man, admit your multiple mistakes and attempts to avoid the rules. They do indeed apply to you as well as every other Ebay seller. After you find a new product, I imagine that you can find a friend to help sell them.
posted on January 2, 2004 08:36:21 PM new
Technically once you are suspended, all your accounts are to be terminated and you are not allowed back on. I know that this generally don't happen, but it does sound like you got caught doing the same thing you were doing the first time. Or it is possible someone you ticked off under your old ID figured out that your new ID was you so they turned you into ebay as a re-registered ID. Then all ebay has to do is follow your IP address on both accounts and it will show being the same. This is also why your whole family is technically suspended as well. Anyone on that IP address would be banned (technically).

Personally, I would simply open a new account, but quit selling the illegal stuff and you shouldn't have any trouble.

posted on January 2, 2004 09:03:10 PM new
That is the whole point, I never did anything unlawful, all the software I had was legitimate and I was trying to comply with ebay rules, but believe me the rules for selling Microsoft software on ebay are [or were] exceedingly complicated. Anyway I have not listed any software at all since that incident two years ago. If ebay is going to suspend essentially honest sellers for life over an infraction like that, then eventually they will have a problem with their business. And upon reading other things here about fraud and theft on ebay maybe it is better to be out of it anyway.

posted on January 2, 2004 09:11:54 PM new
I know I technically broke the rules but there was never any intent to defraud or hurt Microsoft, and I have always supported Microsoft and their products.

Can you imagine what ebay would be like if we could all do what we want to do and then just use the excuse that we didn't have the intent to defraud? Why bother having rules if they aren't enforced to some degree?

posted on January 2, 2004 09:31:51 PM new
I just don't get it, the software was [and is] perfectly legit, in fact I still have it, licenses box, everything full retail box.

posted on January 2, 2004 09:31:59 PM new
Regardless of your intentions, you have managed to piss off both Ebay and Microsoft, two of the biggest names on Wall Street and with more money and power to wield than most third world countries. Re-read Pointy's advice above and find a friend to list for you. I hate to sound like a pessimist, but unless you can buy 51% of the stock in Ebay, your chances of opening a new sellers account are not very good.

The light at the end of the tunnel will turn out to be an oncoming train.
posted on January 2, 2004 09:32:37 PM new
Well said Kiara, and Fluffy so on point.

posted on January 2, 2004 09:37:03 PM new
Yep I think that is the issue at heart here. There is nothing wrong with the software it is not copied or fraudulent, it is the ebay/Microsoft policy for selling it which is extremely complex to follow, check it out. If the software were fraudulent that would be different, but it was not.

posted on January 2, 2004 09:40:45 PM new
Well maybe I could be president and get away with it, but it is not a lie because the software is legit and that is the point. ebay's trial is trial by judge, jury, and executioner all in one.

posted on January 2, 2004 09:47:59 PM new
Just look at this auction: 3649394313 How did he get away with that one now and I got suspended for mine two years ago?

posted on January 2, 2004 09:49:02 PM new
steve, this page may help you.


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