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posted on March 25, 2004 06:09:53 PM new
I got a call from ebay today, they wanted to congratulate me on making my 1st million... NOT.... boy do I wish.

They called be as a result of so many NPBN's that I file.
The lady went on saying you should
1 use ebay's checkout. {which I don't}
2 I should accept Paypal {which I do}
3 Put shipping and payment info in the listing ad {which I do}

She asked for suggestions... Thanks to Jack and others.. I gave them to her.
1, have ALL buyers put a credit card on file with ebay , so that if a seller turns a buyer in for NPB, ebay will charge the buyers card for the amount of the sale. If & when the buyer then pays the seller, the seller lets ebay know they have been paid by buyer and Ebay takes the charge off of the buyers credit card.
Sounds good to me.They can work out the bugs.
2, Soon as a seller files for NPBN,the buyer is not aloud to file feedback for the seller. Feedback is for buyers/seller that pay and deliver.

I feel so honored... I want to pee my pants..LOL.

posted on March 25, 2004 07:23:56 PM new
I feel so honored...

You should! A big moment in your life. Ebay..yea!

Re-elect Arthur Den Dragon
posted on March 25, 2004 07:35:09 PM new
OOOOOOOOOOO,,,,,,,,I wish! I wish,,,,,,Give her MY Number I'll give her an earful.....555-1212. Pennsylvania 6 5000. 8675, 3,0,nine,,,,,,,Thank YOU racing! Ya done GOOD!!!!! I hope she took good notes and Forwards them to the app. channels....YES!!!!!!! Thnaks from ALL of US......

1.Please !.BEFORE Bidding.
2.NPB's. No rights,Posting. BLOCKED by e bay.(they Ain't)Upon final filing NPB. Hoops.
3.Naru's. Goodbye after 3,DIFFERENT, Sellers, file NPB's. Negs do nothing. filing 4 PARTIAL fees DOES.
4.NEGATIVE feedback!!! Oops. Try giving Neg/Nuets. AGAIN in 3, BUSINESS days. And an e mail is sent to seller from e bay someone is attempting to give a less than positive.
5.E bay,Show bidders STATE during auction for those NON ers, NO SHIPPING! Seller in Calif. Bidder in N.Y.?? KILL Bid And BLOCKED!
If you agree WRITE e bay. If you don't ,one of these will surely bite you RIGHT in the,,,,,
posted on March 25, 2004 07:59:06 PM new
Love the graphics.....

You should have asked for a free trip to New Orleans. Maybe just Maybe you can change eBay with that one phone call. Now go get your depends.......

posted on March 25, 2004 08:04:29 PM new
Gosh, Wrights, I do hope she sends the suggestions on to somebody who can help.


P.S. Cross your finners (and your legs???)

posted on March 26, 2004 04:21:29 AM new

Not quite...

I heartedly disagree with the CC thing... eBay will lose ALOT of bidders.

and have sent in that suggestion to them...


posted on March 26, 2004 05:28:06 PM new
Yeah alot of deadbeat bidders...No credit card, No bidding,(actually time and money waster for the sellers),Seller have to post a CC why not the bidders? If there for REAL they won't have ANY problem, if they're flakes,, Sellers DON'T need them anyway.....the Few that don't, have a CC who cares, they need to get into the 21st Century....This is becoming a Cashless society,,,Electronics. Some flake bids up auctions never pays and has NO liability. at least,, the Threat! could illiminate many losers from wasting sellers time....No credit card,,,,Go someplace else....place yer bets , bid in Las Vegas, they ONLY take CASH!

posted on March 26, 2004 05:45:50 PM new
Wish they'd call me...I'd tell them the same thing...especially re: feedback!

posted on March 26, 2004 06:07:00 PM new
Yeah well time will tell, maybe they will maybe they won't

I know I have sent my email in saying what an assinine idea that is...

If they are reading the boards...



posted on March 26, 2004 06:12:48 PM new
Don't you have a CC? Seems to me that would be the only reason not to put one on e bay....you use a CC for everything on the internet as far as I know,,,Well, then there are things like hot mail,,,,shoot I think i may have had to give even them one,,,I don't have them anymore but, I did sign up once......what's the Big deal with giving a cc number....It's just business.....

posted on March 26, 2004 06:25:20 PM new
I am as frustrated as anyone with non-paying bidders, but I have to agree with twelve on this.

In theory it sounds nice, but it would be a lot of extra bookkeeping/tracking on eBay's part...which would mean another (!) increase in fees for sellers.

I can see it as a way to verify a buyer in order to cut down on suspended users creating a new account; however, I think the charging the CC idea is too far-fetched. And I would feel pretty safe to bet what you are suggesting is not legal...AND chargebacks out the wazoo. If a bidder doesn't want to pay or cannot pay, you can't make them pay. Can't get blood from a turnip

Non-paying bidders are definitely a pain, I agree - but you have no legal leg to stand on when they don't. I just file and move on - throw it over the fence and call it a day

"I have neither the time nor the inclination to explain myself to the people who sleep under the very blanket of freedom I provide, and then question the manner in which I provide it." - A Few Good Men
posted on March 26, 2004 06:32:18 PM new
I,,,,,,,,,am ,,,,,,,,,,Outta here,,,,,poof. You can chat on this board I'll,,,,,,,go right to e bay and that's,,,where I WILL continue to do my bidding...here,,,,,,everything turns in to a battle, I,,,,,for one, don't need it......I am sure 1000's of people give their thoughts and ideas to e bay and they don't have to deal with the at ends people....


posted on March 26, 2004 06:47:13 PM new
WOW - I guess I was mistaken in thinking that everyone is entitled to his/her own opinion and was free to state it here.

A battle?! Because someone doesn't share your opinion you have to turn it into a battle?!

Personally, I do what I have to do with NPB and move on - would much rather devote my energy in listing and not dwelling on something beyond my control. That's just me

What a very dull world this would be if everyone were alike.
"I have neither the time nor the inclination to explain myself to the people who sleep under the very blanket of freedom I provide, and then question the manner in which I provide it." - A Few Good Men
posted on March 26, 2004 06:56:38 PM new
State on,,,,,who said you could'nt?

My thoughts however go directly to ebay.

Have fun, play safe AND be careful,, what you say here,,,,some ,,,,are Unforgiving....

Not me, I care less....Have a GREAT day.....

The ememy lurks within these threads,,,,

posted on March 26, 2004 07:02:13 PM new
Hi all,

I'd like to see more accountability on the part of a person registering to bid on eBay. A credit card would be an easy way to verify they are who they say they are. Address, etc. I don't remember if they asked me for a CC when I registered 5 years ago. Maybe they do now...

As far as charging the card if they NPB, I don't see that happening. What if an unscrupulous seller filed NPB when the person had paid by check or MO? As Wrights said, feedback is for buyers who pay and sellers who deliver. The seller in an NPB situation hasn't delivered.

I think both parties, buyer AND seller, should be restricted from leaving feedback once an NPB has been filed. There are two sides to every situation. How many bidders have been given retaliatory negs?

Hopefully Wrights suggestions will reach someone who can sort it out and perhaps do something to minimize the NPB's.



posted on March 26, 2004 07:05:14 PM new
Hoooooooooooyahhhhhhhh Lucy, A, seller Who understands what going on......

posted on March 26, 2004 07:49:34 PM new
Lucy I agree with the feedback... I have said that before...

I do think the feedback issue would be easy for eBay to handle, however the idea of charging someones cc because the bidder didn't pay? Who would get the money? the seller? eBay? Yeah do you know how long it would take for all the "honest" sellers to start filing npb's just to get that extra cash and the bidder will be left explaining that they did pay...

...and as wgm pointed out... chargebacks... that would be a nightmare in the making...

quote: It's just business

Yes it is and as wgm said... vent and move on...


posted on March 26, 2004 08:03:06 PM new
Without giving ANY thing,,,,,as in......like Ah,,,never mind.....Wait!!!!!!,,,,,Go ahead,,,,Give the buyer the PINK slip to your car,,,we're buddies,,,,I'll pay you in full, I just need to register it in MY name and you'll be out out the loop. It'll be safer for you. I have your BEST interest at heart,,,,,He,,,,,,,now has the bargaining table in HIS favor and YOU have,,,,,,what,,,,,Nothing.....the PINK slip and a CC are kind of like the same.....Hell,, i dunno, I am tired and beat up,,Long day,,,,,,,,,another day,,,,,,,,,,Gn.

Wait! ah, never mind,,,,,,GN.....

posted on March 26, 2004 08:19:27 PM new
I suspect the biggest can of worms in the universe would open up if eBay even started to begin to think about charging a bidder's CC solely on the strength of a seller claiming NPB.

What if it were you, the bidder, who had sent a check or MO to the seller? There are still some sellers from the dark ages who don't take PayPal... They claim it wasn't received, file an NPB and your bid amount goes on your card?

First I'd have the biggest hissie fit of all time and then my lawyer would be on eBay's case in a flash!


posted on March 26, 2004 09:37:22 PM new
There are still some sellers from the dark ages who don't take PayPal.

If you can train your buyers to send checks and not use PayPal, wouldn't it make sense to save the fees?

Sure it would.

I guess the corollary of Ms. Lucy's statement would be

There are still some buyers from the dark ages who don't use PayPal.

My second-best customer (spends about $500 a month with me) refuses to use PayPal.

For sellers of new merchandise, try this experiment and see how it goes for you.

Set up two eBay seller accounts, one that has a PayPal business account, and another that doesn't accept PayPal. Have them list the same merchandise. (Oh, you can vary the pix and descriptions if you want.) According to popular theory, the PayPal seller should way outsell the non-PayPal seller.

But I have not found this to be the case with my business. I'll be curious to see what other peoples' results are.

"The word 'aerobics' came about when the gym instructors got together and said: `If we're going to charge $10 an hour, we can't call it Jumping Up and Down.'" -- Rita Rudner

[ edited by fluffythewondercat on Mar 26, 2004 09:38 PM ]
posted on March 26, 2004 10:06:39 PM new
There are still some sellers from the dark ages who don't take PayPal.

Or there are many sellers that have been screwed over by PayPal and absolutely refuse to accept it.

posted on March 26, 2004 10:22:18 PM new
It wouldn't do a lot of good for ebay to charge a npb's credit card since they could just call the CC company and have it reversed.

posted on March 26, 2004 11:22:25 PM new
Hi all,

Well, the fees aren't a big issue with me. It's built into my starting price, along with eBay & Vendio fees. I don't like fiddling with checks and money orders. The time spent vs the fees saved just doesn't pencil out.

I think everyone has to decide what works best for them. Although I do fairly often have people win multiple auctions, I don't have frequent repeat buyers because I'm not selling the same type of merchandise all the time the way some of you are.

Yes, there are buyers who don't want or aren't signed up to use PayPal. I found that out a few weeks ago. I listed a week's worth of auctions with PayPal as the only payment method, just to see how it went. I got emails from several people inquiring if I would take checks/money orders. I said I would and they bid and won the items. So I took out the PayPal only stuff.

Seems best to offer as many options as will work, as opposed to limiting payment choices. I've seen auctions where sellers won't take PayPal credit card payments - only account balance ones. To me this just doesn't make sense. I could be wrong but I think one big reason people use PayPal in the first place (besides the cost saving) is so it will go on their card.

I like your experiment idea, Fluffy. Could be very interesting. Say, how's the new place coming along? You must be so excited! Good for you!


posted on March 27, 2004 04:48:21 AM new
Yes Lucy I have those auctions too... I avoid those auctions...

I do use a CC not only for the convience but for my protection... no buyer protection if paying straight from an account.


posted on March 27, 2004 06:23:24 AM new
All I know is I do file alot of NBPN's.Why do I have alot ????
It may be due to what I sell, Collectible new items.Some items, you might find in your area, some you may not.

I think "some" bidders think it is a game and bid as such.. we all get them.

Is there a fix ??? hopefully ebay will come up with something to help the problem.Until then, I will keep filing for my fee's.
posted on March 27, 2004 07:01:57 AM new

I don't know what you sell but the age range of your buyers could have something to do with the deadbeat ratio. Kids?

Yes, I agree - there are people out there who bid just because it's fun. I had a pretty 14K ladies ring that went around the NPB block 3 times before it sold. One of the NPB's said "My daughter got into my account, blah, blah blah... Yeah, sure.

As far as a fix, I don't know what it would be. I don't have a huge number of deadbeats and I do file on every single one. That's about all we can do at the moment.


posted on March 27, 2004 07:18:41 AM new
Say, how's the new place coming along?

We're about half moved-in. DSL hasn't been installed yet, so I'm still using the trusty cable modem at home. We've been haunting the estate sales for furniture; found a seven foot goose down-filled sofa, perfect for those afternoon catnaps. Already have workbenches, a drafting table and lots of those roll-around wire racks. Next, a desk. Fry's had some inexpensive ones with matching bookcases. Ideally I'd like one whole wall of my private office to be floor-to-ceiling bookcases, so I can finally shelve the piles of reference books stacked here, there and in storage.


"The word 'aerobics' came about when the gym instructors got together and said: `If we're going to charge $10 an hour, we can't call it Jumping Up and Down.'" -- Rita Rudner
posted on March 27, 2004 07:23:29 AM new
Fluffy, that's wonderful! Good for you!

Oh, I know! You could mosey on down to the Santa Margarita Auction and spend a million bucks on antique stacking lawyer bookcases, the kind with the glass doors.


posted on March 27, 2004 07:43:14 AM new
The last time I looked, the four shelf lawyer's units still only went for about $800-$900 around here, sometimes less.

Nah, I want open shelves. I might have to go to (shudder) IKEA. I have managed to avoid that so far.

Our house has been so stuffed full of furniture for so long that it is fun to buy things for a new space. It's almost like that fantasy I used to have of having a studio apartment not too far away with high ceilings, crown moldings and hardwood floors, fitted out exactly the way I wanted it in English country decor a la Laura Ashley. Everything would be perfectly neat, clean, dusted or vacuumed, courtesy of the once-a-week maid service. A rosewood secretary would hold monogrammed writing paper, fountain pens and my collection of classic English literature. From time to time I would share my bed with a handsome male who would leave the bathroom as spotless as he found it, and the toilet seat down.

Now, you *know* that's a fantasy.


"The word 'aerobics' came about when the gym instructors got together and said: `If we're going to charge $10 an hour, we can't call it Jumping Up and Down.'" -- Rita Rudner
posted on March 27, 2004 08:21:59 AM new
Seems about right on the bookcases. Last time they had some at SMAB they sold in that range.

IKEA??? Ugh... I have those white vinyl-coated industrial-looking things from BedBath. They work very well. I bought an extra set so I can have more shelves.

I like your fantasy!


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