posted on July 16, 2004 09:39:50 AM new
Total sell-thru dropped from 40% down to almost 20% in two days. Anybody know why ? Is it just the summer lull or a glitch ?
It' the biggest drop since after xmas.
posted on July 16, 2004 09:48:45 AM new
Reamond, I don't know what's wrong when I visit the link you gave. I see the page, the bottom part scrolls with text, the top left box allows one to pick daily, weekly, monthly, but no stats are shown anywhere on the page. The range of dates is upper right. No actual sell-through stats show up.
Any idea what I need to do to see them? There seems to be no place for them to display.
posted on July 16, 2004 09:50:43 AM new
I would bet it is because all of the 10 cent FP listings ended yesterday. The after Christmas dive was probably caused by FLD. Everybody, including myself, threw about all they could out sell through was higher than 20% though
Sig files are too much trouble!
posted on July 16, 2004 10:36:57 AM new
To use the link, once at the site choose the category, in this case chhose all.
Next choose monthly, and then click the month.
posted on July 16, 2004 10:45:18 AM new
I would bet it is because all of the 10 cent FP listings ended yesterday.
I would agree except the 40% ST held all through the 10 cent FP. Generally when eBay has listing incentives and the listings soar, ST goes down a little immediately. But once all the listings drop off the ST actually goes back to 40% or rises slightly. There is a reverse correlation with listings and ST-- the more listings the lower the sell thru -- but the fluuation is only a small % at most, certainly not a 20% drop as listings actually fall - the opposite should have happend- a slight rise in sell thru percentage should have occurred.
But this has been the biggest plunge since after xmas.
It may just be a glitch in the reporting system.
posted on July 16, 2004 10:45:49 AM new
posted on July 16, 2004 11:06:23 AM new
I know that my ST looked great on all the other days of the FP auction duration...lots of "Solds" figured in each day and no unsolds..but then on Thursday the SH** hit the fan! Most of my sales were earlier in the week and I had 500 unsolds showing on Thursday and only 38 sales..I can't be the only one this happened to!
I would have to say that FP sales don't fit into the "normal way" things behave during an ebay promotion because probably the highest sales are made at the onset of the listing period when people snatch up the "good stuff" on a BIN.
Sig files are too much trouble!
[ edited by NEGLUS on Jul 16, 2004 11:08 AM ]
posted on July 16, 2004 11:17:33 AM new
I wonder if there was some sort of outage or something ? But I would think a lot of people would have noticed it.
Remember too that the 40% figure is overal sell thru rates, some categories have higher normal ST rates, such as coins, but all the categories I have perused show a similar steep decline in sell thru rates.
I guess we'll wait and see.
posted on July 16, 2004 11:34:27 AM new
We noticed it also. We have been keeping records since 1998 and this is our worst so far. Yep 40% sell thru is about it for our catagory we sell in. But noticed it is starting to drop now too. This week has been bad. Doing about 22% to 25% daily this week so far.
posted on July 16, 2004 11:53:00 AM new
My thursday auctions ended at about 35% ST which is my norm, but the week as a whole is terrible. I have one bid on 135 auctions scheduled to end on Sunday. Horrible. To make matters worse, I'm filing more NPB and FVF's too.
posted on July 16, 2004 11:54:28 AM new
My sell through rate seems to be holding pretty good. I thought that when I doubled the number of listings, that my sell through rate would drop. It only went down 2% over last month. My sell through rate is at 81%.
posted on July 16, 2004 12:14:33 PM new
I listed 72 FP listings sold 22 Listed 33 Regular auctions sold 31. I have 20 auctions running now only 2 items bid in so far. I've got another new load to start with Monday so I think I'll rest for the weekend. Money wise I was ticked to death with the results.
posted on July 16, 2004 12:40:17 PM new
Mine seem to go in spurts with the higher end items selling the quickest. Right now I have 27 items up and only two have bids, but the bids are $55+ because I have one higher end auction. What I find odd is, I sell items as individual items - no bids. I sell the same items in lots (no difference in total price, mind you) and I get bids. I guess people think that if you are selling things in lots they are getting a great deal. This is especially true with items I'm closing out. Who am I to complain? Shipping out a bunch of items in one box at one time is terribly convenient. LOL!
posted on July 16, 2004 10:18:21 PM new
The rate is still heading down. I dunno what's going on.
posted on July 16, 2004 10:41:58 PM new
It might have to do with the font changes caused by eBay. There was a post with a graph showing a dramatic drop on the eBay Technical Issues board.
As in, if people can't read the auction because the fonts are so small they're not going to bid.
Just a thought...
Edited to add a link to the thread.
[ edited by OhMsLucy on Jul 16, 2004 10:56 PM ]
posted on July 17, 2004 08:22:55 AM new
I still think it is the effect of the end of the FP listing sale coupled with the summer doldrums..some people may have listed 10 day FP auctions which would extend the dip to the 18th. If you look at the yearly 2004 charts, there were 3 ST dips: Jan 2 (following FLD), June 17 (following the FP listing sale), July 15 ( following the FP listing sale).
Sig files are too much trouble!
posted on July 17, 2004 08:52:13 AM new
I generally ignore the various eBay promotions because of the affect on the sell thru rate.
Business is a bit soft however. I used to close in the 90%'s now I'm generally in the 60's. I believe it's due to a shrinking middle class with less discretionary income (in simpler terms they're credit cards are maxed out and they're broke).
posted on July 18, 2004 10:06:22 AM new
It's Summer. People are on vacations or outside doing other things besides sit in front of their computers.
Enough said.
posted on July 18, 2004 11:09:10 AM new
I think Lucy hit the nail on the head.
Many sellers, including myself, have been going nuts over this small font issue the past week. I had to revise each and every auction in order to change the font back to a larger size. Another eBay "improvement" we can live without!
posted on July 23, 2004 10:02:00 AM new
Fonts I checked my auctions, and I’ve noticed no change in the size of my fonts. I create all of my auctions in Microsoft FrontPage 1998, and post only in html.
I’ll keep an eye on them, but I haven’t seen any change at all.
My Boss Is A Jewish Carpenter!
posted on July 23, 2004 11:01:38 AM new
I found this posted, by camerajim, on the eBay discussion Board thread linked by OhMsLucy. It is tooooo good not to share.
"Please, oh, please, Google - take the money from your IPO and go into the online auction business!"
Sellers are begging for competent alternative auction sites. I feel sooooo vindicated.
Hebrews 13:8
posted on July 23, 2004 05:48:30 PM new
camerajim isn't the first person that occurred to.
There is local household speculation that Google already has plans for this...and that Froogle was just the first step. Froogle is still in Beta, after all.
Google auctions. It just makes good sense.