posted on July 9, 2002 01:17:03 PM new
Can someone give me the dirty on adding images here using a Mac? I read the instructions in another thread for windoze, but don't know what "right click", "copy properties" and "insert properties" means.. is it maybe copy the image to your clipboard, and put it's file name between {img} tags? thanks in advance. If somebody will give me the instructions I'll try it out with a pic of my nekkid neighbors...just kidding...
posted on July 11, 2002 02:09:24 PM new
Profe, is your image uploaded? This board uses ubb code instead of html. It works the same but just uses different tags.
[*img]image url here[*/img]
Take out the asterisks. You have the right to an informed opinion -Harlan Ellison
posted on July 11, 2002 09:05:33 PM new
I don't host my auction images here. I was thinking about occaisionally sticking a little funny or something into the discussion boards and realized I don't know how to do it...I'm guessing maybe I need to use html??? TIA
posted on July 12, 2002 05:52:46 AM new
I understand that, I keep my images in a personal ftp account that my ISP provides. What I don't know is how you insert a little graphic into a message on the discussion boards, that's all..