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posted on November 16, 2002 10:09:38 AM new
Nov. 16, 2002, 9:55AM

Saddam: I accepted U.N. resolution to avoid war Associated Press

BAGHDAD -- President Saddam Hussein said today the United States and Israel had shown their "claws and teeth" and declared unilateral war on the Iraqi people, leaving him no choice but to accept the tough new U.N. security council resolution.

In an open letter to members of Iraq's parliament, he said he hoped the return of U.N. weapons inspectors would allow the Security Council "to see the truth as it really is about Iraq being completely free of weapons of mass destruction."

Saddam said he accepted the resolution "because your enemy, the alliance between Zionism and the American administration and their satanic lackeys...after showing its claws and teeth, decided to wage war unilaterally against our people."

The Revolutionary Command Council headed by Saddam decided on Wednesday to accept the resolution after the rubber-stamp Parliament had recommended rejecting it -- while leaving the final decision to the Iraqi leader.

Addressing the legislators as "esteemed brothers and comrades," he also warned that Iraq could still be subjected to a U.S.-led attack but said the country would withstand the assault.

"If the unjust persist in their wrongdoing, then you know that the potentials and obligations that we carry from our revolution to withstand all injustice will ensure their defeat," he said.

The advance team of about 25 inspectors is to arrive in Baghdad on Monday after an absence of nearly four years. The team will begin preliminary inspections of suspected weapons sites on Nov. 27.

A government newspaper today urged the arms experts to resist U.S. pressure and not create pretexts that could open the way for an attack on Iraq.

"The inspectors should not mix up the cards, creating a crisis and fabricating pretexts that aim to harm the people of Iraq," the daily Al-Jumhuriya said in a front-page editorial.

"They should adopt an honest, objective and professional attitude to their work and not to bend to U.S. pressure," it said.

American officials have said Iraqi obstruction of the inspectors could prompt a military attack under the resolution's promise of "serious consequence" for infractions.

The inspectors are returning to Iraq under a U.N. Security Council resolution that strengthens their mandate, granting them unrestricted access to presidential compounds as well as any other location in Iraqi at any time.

Iraq denies it possesses weapons of mass destruction. After the inspectors left in 1998, ahead of U.S.-British airstrikes, Baghdad refused to readmit the monitors. It accused them of being American spies and said they could only return after U.N. trade sanctions had been lifted.

Under Security Council resolutions passed after Iraq's 1990 invasion of Kuwait, the sanctions can be lifted only when Iraq proves to the inspectors that it has eliminated its weapons of mass destruction and long-range missiles.

posted on November 16, 2002 10:46:45 AM new
Wanna bet the US inspectors find the right evidence, even if they have to plant it themselves.

I live in my own little world, but it is Okay...They know me here.
posted on November 16, 2002 10:57:50 AM new

With George Bush threatening to destroy his country, what kind of idiot would invite the enemy in to inspect the battlefield.

The "inspection" will give Saddam, his family and buddies time to escape, leaving the civilians of Iraq there to suffer the war that is bound to follow, no matter what the results of the search.


posted on November 16, 2002 11:07:11 AM new

Then there is also some fear among Iraquis that the inspectors will be used to create a crisis and justification for immediate war by the US.


posted on November 16, 2002 12:18:09 PM new
Wanna bet the US inspectors find the right evidence, even if they have to plant it themselves.

But not all the weapon inspectors will be Americans. In an attempt to remain partial, inspectors are to be from 45 different nationalities.

The Chief U.N. weapons inspector is Hans Blix, a Swede, so you can bet he has the best interest of the U.S. and Israel in mind to prove Saadan has weapons of mass distruction so Sweden can join in the insuing spoils of war.

posted on November 16, 2002 03:09:36 PM new
Yes. HOwever, that isn't likely to be any hurdle for this adminsitration iun forging whatever "evidence" they deem necessary. I mean, this isn't an honest organization we're talking about, after all!

posted on November 16, 2002 03:59:37 PM new
Do you mean the U.N. isn't a humanatarian orginization?

Gee with all the help they provide world wide I thought they were doing SOOOOO Gooood.

posted on November 16, 2002 04:17:14 PM new
I see he's preparing for inspections by attacking British & American aircraft in the Southern no-fly zone. We're pounding those missile batteries now.

This "acceptance" is such a sham, I'm thinking it would be just to get the inspectors in to hold them hostage to gain even more time. But that's not going to work.
posted on November 16, 2002 04:36:09 PM new

George Bush has no interest in the UN. His world is to be ruled by force...not diplomacy.

The UN began as an instrument of US policy. Now, the US is trying to destroy it.


posted on November 16, 2002 04:51:03 PM new
I am surprized at Sadaam taking such risks. It is his Play to see just how serious his opponents are by taunting them. To launch missles on the eve of his acceptance of UN resolutions is very tricky. Personally, I'd have waited a week or so before doing that.

Luckily, we have G. Bush allowing us to be the Wold's Policemen! We get to Go Enforce the Law wherever there is Oil in the world!

Why haven't Bush's daughters joined the millitary? Are they afraid that they'll be Deserters just like their old man is?

posted on November 16, 2002 06:15:02 PM new
And Bill "the zipper" Clinton served with pride"

Retired Col. Eugene Holmes, then the commander of the Army ROTC program at the University of Arkansas, was quoted in Thursday's Wall Street Journal as saying that Clinton, then a Rhodes Scholar at Oxford University in England, "was able to manipulate things" so that he was not conscripted in the fall of 1969. He told the paper that Clinton had misled him into thinking he would be returning to Arkansas within a couple of months, rather than spending the entire academic year in England.

Clinton, disagreeing, says he does not know why Holmes, now 75, would make such a statement. He says the ROTC commander had encouraged him to go back for his second year at Oxford, since he could not attend ROTC training camp until the following summer.

Both men agree that during the summer of 1969, Clinton told Holmes he intended to enroll at the Arkansas law school and wanted to join the ROTC program there. Instead, Clinton went to Yale Law School and never joined ROTC.

As a result of his oral commitment to join the ROTC, Clinton got a draft deferment for September and October 1969, the two months he had been told that he was likely to be called up.

In September or October 1969, he says he changed his mind and decided not to join the ROTC unit, and was classified as draft-eligible on Oct. 30, 1969.

At the time Clinton backed out of his commitment to join the ROTC, which would have required him to go on active duty after finishing law school, the Selective Service system was in turmoil, as President Nixon struggled to ease anti-war sentiment on college campuses.

George didn't do anything that Bill had not already set a prescient for.

posted on November 16, 2002 09:58:29 PM new
Who's Clinton?

posted on November 16, 2002 10:27:54 PM new
"George didn't do anything that Bill had not already set a prescient for. "

You probably meant "precident"....

what does what Clinton did have to do with Bush? Unless of course he's no different...

GWB: "I ditched my Military Reserve duty because I heard President Clinton was a draft dodger"....uh huh....

posted on November 16, 2002 10:41:32 PM new
Oh! You mean ex-President Clinton, our last lawfully elected Predient? The one that ran that *HUGE* robust economy and did so many good things for Americans? That one? What's he got to do with George Bush being a full-blown DESERTER?

posted on November 17, 2002 11:03:03 AM new
Oh! You mean ex-President Clinton, our last lawfully elected Predient?

If you have a problem with the way George was elected, blame it on the Flordia democrats what didn't get off their butts to go vote. Or the democrats that couldn't read the ballots.

The rebublican voters went out, read the ballots & voted.

Or blame the Flordia Libertians who pulled over 7,000 black voters away from their traditional democratic canidates.

Yes, Clinto is the is the one I was refering to. The one that confused the Oval Office with a whore house. I guess he forgot he was the president & thought he was at home in Arkansas, just playing with the rest of his relatives.

Clinton's method to DODGE the Draft was just a more underhanded, lying preview of his immoral personal behavior.

At least current PRESIDENT Bush didn't run off to another COUNRTY to avoid serving. Clinton may have as well gone north to Canada like so many other draft dodgers.

Read & TRY to understand his rambling, incoherent thought process in his letter to Col. Eugene Holmes, Director of the ROTC program at the University of Arkansas 3 December 1969.


This is the same Clinton that after a lifetime of public housing and surviving off the backs of taxpayers, is living high on the hog is charging $100,000 per hour, and will bite his lip, wag his finger or feel your pain if you’re crazy enough to sit through an encore of the last eight years.

Now his taxpayer-funded exile in Harlem, Clinton lives the good life of a deposed monarch. His wife has been installed in the U.S. Senate, his bagman, Terry McAuliffe, runs the Democratic National Committee, and publishers offering millions for his memoirs chronicling his adultererious lifestyle.

posted on November 17, 2002 11:33:27 AM new
>The rebublican voters went out, read the ballots & voted.

And stuffed the ballot boxes! That helped too!

Boy! If we could ALL only be back in those Good Ole' Days, back when the WORST THING we had to worry about was whether or not the lawfully elected President was getting a mere blowjob on duty! The economy was robust and sound, everyone had jobs - so many jobs that they couldn't be filled, even with illegal immigration! We were creating Peace and Stability around the world and our President received a Nobel Peace Prize for it! What an Honor that was! Crime was down to the lowest levels ever recorded for ALL sections monitored by the FBI! People had money, and they spent it or invested it in a sure thing - like the Stock Market. It's easy to forgive a mere blowjob when everything is going so well - right?

Compared to these dark days of War and Pestilence, of an unlawfuly appointed President bullies foreign nations while stuffing his own pockets with taxpayer cash! Crime is UP in all sectors as employment has been reversed back to pre-Clinton times! The economy is a shambles. The Cowardly Deserter in the White House has a stated "hands-off" policy to running this nation and it is careering and crashing everywhere, leaderless, because he refuses to take the helm. A stupid man, who wants to pour Social Security into the Sotck Market where it can all vanish, all except the lucrative Handling Fees given to his corrupt Good Buddies, like Enron. This less than a man has a wife who ran a stop sign and killed a person and didn't even get arrested for it, let lone see her insurance rates go up for inviluntary manslaughter. And drunken daughters who likely will live up to their father's legacy of cocain abuse, but will not hang out in gay bars like Georgie used to back in Texas in those "wild days" of his. Eletist scum that iss willing to kill millions of innocents, just to enrich himself and his buddies - not his voters who stupidly suport him. Bush SH1TS on his supporters and they REVEL in his filth and cheer him on to go do more evil in this world!

>PAH!< Go suck up to him if he's your kind.

[ edited by Borillar on Nov 17, 2002 11:45 AM ]
posted on November 17, 2002 12:03:35 PM new
borillar's comments are sick, sick, sick.

posted on November 17, 2002 12:10:41 PM new
And stuffed the ballot boxes.

At least they could FIND the ballot boxes to stuff.

The honor of the most obvious case of ballot box stuffing is awarded to Lyndon Baines Johnson, you remember him? Maybe not, he served after JFK and also was a democrat. He bought all of several south Texas counties to elect him to the U.S. senate on his way to the presidency.


It is like the most recient election. The only ones to blame for the results are the losers, the democrats.

Get over it & get a life,
[ edited by bear1949 on Nov 17, 2002 12:24 PM ]
posted on November 17, 2002 12:19:26 PM new
It seems that without a boogeyman, the far right just doesn't know what to do with itself. You'd think that now
that they have Saddam-the-Boogeyman, they'd forget about Bill-the-Boogeyman...but no...I guess they're just green with envy over how much dough people are willing to pay him!

[ edited by profe51 on Nov 17, 2002 12:21 PM ]
[ edited by profe51 on Nov 17, 2002 12:22 PM ]
posted on November 17, 2002 12:23:07 PM new
>borillar's comments are sick, sick, sick.

But they are the TRUTH! I'm not saying anything that hasn't come out already in the press, each and every day. Oh, except that Bush is a Cowardly Deserter! I don't have a bit of sympathy for him! I did my four year tour in the '70's and I am a non-War vet with an Honorable Discharge and an RER1 reenlistment code - the highest and a Good Conduct Medal for OBEYING and STICKING TO WHAT I HAD SWORN AN OATH TO DO, but still I risked my life like the rest. Except Bush. Veterans everywhere should be *ASHAMED* to have him as Command-in-Chief! How can we expect him to live up to his Oath of Office of the President of the United States when he can't even live up to his Oath to Serve in the millitary? You can't and you shouldn't!

posted on November 17, 2002 12:28:23 PM new
Veterans everywhere should be *ASHAMED* to have him as Command-in-Chief!

So are we to presume vets are proud of a whoremungering, unscruplious, DRAFT DODGER, Clinton?

[ edited by bear1949 on Nov 17, 2002 12:35 PM ]
[ edited by bear1949 on Nov 17, 2002 01:12 PM ]
posted on November 17, 2002 12:41:30 PM new
Poor ole Saddam,had to send 3 1/2 billions of dollars to K-Daffy in case Saddam,his family,and top military leaders had to move there, in case of war with the US.
All the former Presidents rake in big bucks as speakers,some more then others.I saw the list a couple of years ago,Bush senior was the highest paid.I believe it was 175,000.00 or 200,000.00 His price may have gone up since then.

posted on November 17, 2002 12:54:50 PM new

The correct word, bear is warmongering and that's exactly what we have.
Why don't you let George Bush stand on his own laurels. What are they???

When Clinton left office, the country experienced eight years of the strongest economy in history
Compare his record with Bush's Record

I'm sorry that you are having a zipper obsession, Bear, especially if you are still preoccupied with the dress also A big bear like you should get over such trivial stuff.


posted on November 17, 2002 01:09:32 PM new

I used the whoremonger in refrence to clinton, I wouldn't dare compare him to a warmonger. Hillary would'nt have allowed him the use of his testicles in promoting an upscale military force & intelligence services.

Didn't I read somewhere that clinton reduced the spending on intelligence (because he had none) services & we paid for that lack on 9/11?

posted on November 17, 2002 01:15:38 PM new

The truth, Bear is that Clinton warned the Bush administration about Bin Laden and they ignored him. It took 9/11 to wake them up.

Now, instead of focusing on terrorists, they are again off course...in Iraq.


posted on November 17, 2002 01:43:23 PM new
>I'm sorry that you are having a zipper obsession, Bear, especially if you are still preoccupied with the dress also A big bear like you should get over such trivial stuff.

Yeah, I noticed that too. Bear has shown quite a bit of attention -- about Clinton's zipper.

posted on November 17, 2002 02:26:00 PM new
Yeah, I noticed that too. Bear has shown quite a bit of attention -- about Clinton's zipper.

Didn't ALL of America? Hell he showed it to everyone. Everytime it came down his IQ was reduced to negative numbers.


I presume you are refering to the bulletins that FAA officials characterized pre-Sept. 11 intelligence warnings as too broad to defend against and said they lacked a ''credible'' hijacking threat.

The same Clinton administration that debated taking the fight to al-Qaeda. It didn't happen and soon it was too late.

The same administration that took no action after the attack on the USS Cole that killed 17 naval personnel?

posted on November 17, 2002 03:00:21 PM new

What off base nonsense! I am not here to defend Clinton or his sex life. The serious question is why are we going to war with Iraq??? What is the link between the terrorism that we fear now and Iraq?

Saddam played no part in the terrorist attack on the WTC or Pentagon.

Excerpt from Robert Fisk article...http://www.counterpunch.org/fisk1115.html

Bin Laden always loathed Saddam Hussein. He hated the Iraqi leader's un-Islamic behaviour, his secularism, his use of religion to encourage loyalty to a Baath party that was co-founded by a Christian. America's attempt to link al-Qa'ida to the Baghdad regime has always been one of the most preposterous of Washington's claims. Bin Laden used to tell me how much he hated Saddam. So his two references to "the sons of Iraq" are intriguing. He makes no mention of the Baghdad government or of Saddam. But with UN sanctions still killing thousands of children--and with Iraq the target of a probable American invasion--he cannot possibly ignore it. So he talks about "Iraq's children" and about "our sons in Iraq", indicating Arab Muslim men who happened to be Iraqi, rather than Iraqis. But not Saddam. It's not difficult to see how the US administration may try to use these two references to make another false link between Baghdad and al-Qa'ida, but Bin Laden--who is intelligent enough to be able to predict this--clearly felt that an expression of sympathy for the Arabs of Iraq outweighed any misuse Washington could make of his remarks. This has to come under the label of speculation (although near certainty might be nearer the mark).

Back in 1996, Bin Laden told me that British and French troops in Saudi Arabia were as at risk of being attacked by his followers as American forces. In 1997, he changed this target list. The British and French he now dissociated from any proposed attacks. But in the new audiotape, they are back on the hit list along with France, Canada, Italy, Germany and Australia. And Britain is at the top.

The message to us--the West--is simple and repeated three times. If we want to back George Bush, the "pharaoh of the age"--and "pharaoh" is what Anwar Sadat's killers called the Egyptian president after his murder more than two decades ago--we will pay a price. "What business do your governments have in allying themselves with the gang of criminals in the White House against Muslims...?" I have heard Bin Laden use that Arabic expression ifarbatu al-idjran twice before in conversation with me. "Gang of criminals". Which is what the West has called "al-Qa'ida".

So what comes next? A few weeks ago, I was asked by a member of an American university audience where I thought the next blow would come. The two words I thought of were "oil tanker". This came under the label "total speculation". But I didn't want to give anyone any ideas. So I said nothing. The following week, al-Qa'ida struck the supertanker Limburg off Yemen. Now I search my mind for worse thoughts. And I prefer to end my story.

posted on November 17, 2002 03:27:14 PM new
Has the U.S. formally declared war against Saadam? I haven't seen a presidential proclimation, the senate hasn't passed a declaration of war.

So far on the U.N. has a resolution forcing Saadam to yield to weapons inspectors. He yields, the inspectors inspect. No problems.

Saadam has funded terrorism world wide and is as bad a Ghadaffi. Have you forgotten Saadam's planned assignation of former President Bush, George's father.

IT WAS IRAQ THAT RECRUITED OSAMA BIN LADEN -- who gets his money from his rich Saudi daddy -- and accomplices to carry out the World Trade Center disaster, according to Israeli intellegence, reports WorldTribune.com.

posted on November 17, 2002 03:45:28 PM new

We are already at war with Iraq. The inspection is a charade and no matter what the results, we will be bombing Iraq in a few weeks. That's my opinion, Bear.

Your news that Iraq recruited Osama Bin Laden is bogus in my opinion.

I have a head ache.



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