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posted on November 17, 2002 01:35:25 PM new
The US has began tracking people, in case we go to war with Iraq.


We were told not to discriminate or profile people.What do you call this?

posted on November 17, 2002 01:40:16 PM new
What can you expect from liars? Honesty? Integrity?

"If President Bush takes military action against Iraq, the operation could be expanded"

yummy! Soon it'll be me and you!

posted on November 17, 2002 02:33:14 PM new

What a civil liberties nightmare! Can you imagine the reaction of this news release here and in the mideast? This is terrorism by the United States. I suppose students will be rounded up as suspected terrorists?

The only difference between terrorism by America and terrorism by al Qaida is that the latter is puny by comparison.


posted on November 17, 2002 02:39:38 PM new
Would you rather they be left free to plan & participate in more terrorist activities?

I call it self preservation.
[ edited by bear1949 on Nov 17, 2002 02:43 PM ]
posted on November 17, 2002 03:35:46 PM new
"Would you rather they be left free to plan & participate in more terrorist activities?"

There is no way that you can determine based only on the country of origin of any US citizen that they are participating in terrorist activities.

Freedom is a principle that this country was founded on...remember? B.B. (Before Bush)


[ edited by Helenjw on Nov 17, 2002 05:19 PM ]
posted on November 17, 2002 05:04:01 PM new
>Would you rather they be left free to plan & participate in more terrorist activities?

Bear, if there is some crediable evidence that any of these people are planning to harm us - then by all means -- let's send them back to Iraq! If there is no evidence, then STOP ACTING LIKE A POLICE STATE!

In the mantime, American does NOT have to become a Police State! You DO NOT become MORE SECURE by giving up your Rights to the State! History of the World, from ancient Egypt to the Taliban in Afghanistan has ALWAYS shown that giving up your rights to the State ALWAYS ends up the same way! Anyone who believes that giving up any of their rights to the state makes them feel safer is wrong and ignorant and possibly, purely stupid.

Never, EVER give up ANY of your Rights to the State!

As Supreme Court Justice William O. Douglas famous quote goes: "As nightfall does not come at once,neither does oppression. It is in such twilight that we all must be aware of change in the air - however slight- lest we become victims of the darkness."

You would do well for yourself and your family to think about it!

posted on November 17, 2002 05:33:42 PM new
More power to them. I'm sick of listening to elaborately weaved tapestries about how tracking illegals, etc leads to little Jimmy informing on his US citizen parents.

Clinton's admin almost single-handedly crippled the INS. An INS agent calling into a local radio station here says they are REQUIRED to let an illegal go if he touches American soil. You fill out a form, tell him to appear NEXT YEAR, and let him go. That's where our sniper's little buddy came from. His lawyers are filing complaints that his mattress is too thin (I kid you not.) and he isn't getting the proper vegetarian meals.

I must admit, however, that 650 of the bunch rounded up after 9/11 that many posters here were worrying about their "rights" being violated HAVE disappeared. They "store" them around here and they just sent back 650. And again you all were right. They weren't terrorists. It was credit card fraud.

The big sniper snare makes police stop 2 white panel trucks and oops finds illegal aliens. We are hip deep in these people because we're an easy mark.

It isn't just Iraqi's who should be watched. No alien should be allowed to "disappear". "One-way" tourist visas should be investigated immediately and people with more permanent status should have to report periodically. You know, just like most of the world works.
posted on November 17, 2002 05:43:40 PM new
Never, EVER give up ANY of your Rights to the State!

Like the 2nd Amendment?

They'll get my guns when they pry them from my COLD DEAD hands.

posted on November 17, 2002 06:38:02 PM new
>Like the 2nd Amendment?

Like NONE of the Amendments!

Bear, your mind is twisted on thinking that I am a Democrat or that I support them! Why you can't uderstand what I write? Instead, you pick out what you don't like and form your opinions from there on that alone and that sort of one-sided analysis is beyond understanding!

I am a: Conservative! The REAL kind - not a damned Nazi which passes for "conservatives" these days! A REAL American Conservative harkens back towards the signing of the Declaration of Independance, the United States Constitution, the Bill of Rights - and is willing to pay in blood to protect them! What's YOUR excuse?

I am an: Independant - Not Democrat OR Republican! Neither one represtents 66 pecent of Americans - including ME! They don't support Americans or America - NEITHER PARTY DOES! What makes everyone so stupid as to not see that?

I am not so much a patriotic American as I am an American Patriot! There's a BIG difference! I don't wrap myself up in the flag and bash others with it, I don't blindly salute it - I'm there to PROTECT IT -- something these darft-dodging Republicans in Congress don't know a damned thing about -- and you think that it's YOUR DUTY to protect them with "Equal Time" by bashing Clinton? What planet are you from?

The Democrats attack the Second Amendment!

The Republicans attack all of the first Ten Amendments, then go on after overturning several of the others! Tell me Bear, which ones are worse? Which ones are now in Power? Which ones can DO AS THEY PLEASE? H-E-L-L-O! This is REALITY! This is NOW!

Now, if that doesn't sink into your mind and stay there Bear, I'm going to have a serious diminshment of your opinions and your intellect!

posted on November 17, 2002 06:42:07 PM new
>More power to them. I'm sick of listening to elaborately weaved tapestries about how tracking illegals, etc leads to little Jimmy informing on his US citizen parents.

You're right, DeSquirrel - it's been explained to you on any number of occasions; clearly, concisely, with references both historical and current. At first you made your protestations, I thought you were merely sticking your head in the sand. But I've come to see that it is otherwise. Most people on here do as well. All I can tell you is that if the topic is beyond your ability to fathom it, don't keep coming on here complaining about your inabilities. We can't help you.

posted on November 17, 2002 06:44:19 PM new
"with references both historical and current"

Really, which?

(another unanswered question coming)
posted on November 17, 2002 08:52:36 PM new

A one sided opinion of any situation never tells all of the story.

Wasn't it you that previously stated

"Never, EVER give up ANY of your Rights to the State"

Isn't it a fact that in history, one of the first steps to control people is to confiscate their firearms.

As to bashing the Clintonites, I was led to believe this was a open forum. Not limited to Bush bashing.

Or are your now advocating the limiting of freedon of speach.

I am tired of reading all of the Bad things Bush has done & is doing.

I am trying to remind everyone of all the immoralities & injustices of the previous administrations.

What Bush is doing will never be acceptable to any democrat.

What Clinton did will never be acceptable to any republican.

Republicans have ALWAYS had a better foreign policy than a domestic policy, just as democrats a better domestic policy that foreign.

Like you I am neither Democratic, Republican, Libertian or of ANY party. Does that make me an independent? Possibly.

Never in the history of America has a president been forced to face such a mass murder of innocent citizens on American soil.

Pearl Harbor was a military base & I will never believe that that Roosevelt did not KNOW of the pending attack.

It was his way of getting the U.S. public behind going to war to help Britan

How do you think a democratic administration would handle the situation that President Bush is dealing with now?

I'll give you an example of the typical democratic foreign action.

Remember Pres Carter, remember Iran.

Only days before leaving office did he authorize the use of force to rescue the American hostages. Ans what a disaster that turned out to be.

Heven forbid if he was to offend any foreigh governments to help any American.

Ross Perot did more to rescue his empolyees that Carter did at any time.

I've said it before & I'll say it again...the American public gets what it pays for....if you don't like the current administration, get off your asses & vote.

If you don't vote & the elections don't go your way...don't #*!@ about it. You have no one to plame but yourselves.

[ edited by bear1949 on Nov 17, 2002 08:56 PM ]
posted on November 17, 2002 10:46:12 PM new
Bear, that's fine. Or rather, most of it. The focus is no Bush for several reasons:

1) Bush is the President NOW.
2) Bush became the President without a vote.
3) Bush has a stated "hands-off" policy when it comes to running this country - particularily this economy!
4) Bush repeatedly puts the worst industry offenders in charge of the federal agencies that are meant to provide judicial and investigative oversight.
5) 1-1/2 years before the election, Bush & Cheney were quoted in magazine inteerviews about "the need" to raise oil prices by OPEC and the efforts that they actually were undertamking to make it happen. Therefore, our economy was DELIBERTLY SABOTAGED by the very people who are now running this country (see #4)

6) Bush's inept foreign policies most likely caused Al-Queda to attack us on 9-11.
7) Questions about What Bush knew and When concerning 9-11 have been repeatedly squashed, including any investigations. Why?

Bear, if this doesn't paint a picture of what you ought to be doing, instead of trying to give "equal time" for Clinton Bashing - as if anyone cares about Clinton anymore, then I say that you're not a real American, because you aren't stupid.

Finally, while there is no rule on AW that says that you can't talk about Clinton, since Clinton is irrelevant to the discussion at hand, your efforts are just to derail any discussion that you do not deem "appropriate" i.e. censorship. If you disagree with that, then stick to something relevant on a thread or go post your own Clinton-bashing threads if that's so important to you. Just STOP trying to censor everyone in other threads. OK?

posted on November 18, 2002 07:33:41 AM new
Just STOP trying to censor everyone in other threads. OK?

Never have I TRIED to censor anyone in any thread. I reply with a comment like everyone has a right to do, or are you again advocating the limiting of a persons right of free speach?

People post their opioins around here as if it was one of the ten commandments.

Someone else comes along & disputes it with their opinion. If that opinion is not agreed with it gets slammed.

1) Bush is the President NOW.

Thats is right, and ther is nothing you can do about it.

2) Bush became the President without a vote.

I seen to remember a date in November where the counrty had a national election. In the end Gore didn't have enough votes to place him in office. Hell he still cries about it today.

3) Bush has a stated "hands-off" policy when it comes to running this country - particularily this economy!

Fine, give me a example

4) Bush repeatedly puts the worst industry offenders in charge of the federal agencies that are meant to provide judicial and investigative oversight.

And Clinton's appointee Reno did a better job. Or have you forgotten "Waco"

Or the last 3 democratic heads of the Bureau of Indian Affairs, that continue to be held in contempt of court for failing to account for Billions of dollars in missing funds that were never paid to native Americans.

Where was Clintons domestic policy here?

5) 1-1/2 years before the election, Bush & Cheney were quoted in magazine inteerviews about "the need" to raise oil prices by OPEC and the efforts that they actually were undertamking to make it happen. Therefore, our economy was DELIBERTLY SABOTAGED by the very people who are now running this country (see #4)

Please provide a link to that article.

6) Bush's inept foreign policies most likely caused Al-Queda to attack us on 9-11.

Bush's foreign policy had No effect to cause the 9/11 attack. It has been shown that the planning and funding for the attack preceded Bush's administration by SEVERAL years.

7) Questions about What Bush knew and When concerning 9-11 have been repeatedly squashed, including any investigations. Why?

There is an active and ongoing investigation as to what information was passed along from the Clinton administration.

Weren't the immigration policies that allowed the terrorists to enter the counrty & train at Flordia flight schools a continuation
of the previous 8 year administration?

Who the HELL are you to question my being a REAL American. I don't know about you but my lineage has been trace to Plymoth rock. An ancestor was on the Mayflower. Family members have fought and died in every major event in U.S. history, from the revolutionary war thru Vietman. A great, great, great, great uncle died at the ALAMO.

Don't tell me about being a REAL AMERICAN. Only if your family tree is compareable to mine can you question my loyalty. How many generation has your family been in America?

But then again if anyone disagrees with you or has a differnet opinion you attempt to tell another poster what they can or cannot post. That is CENSORSHIP.

I will damm will continue to post my opinions reguardless of what ANYONE has to say.

If you don't like my attitude, wait a second, it can get worse.

[ edited by bear1949 on Nov 18, 2002 07:35 AM ]
[ edited by bear1949 on Nov 18, 2002 08:50 AM ]
posted on November 18, 2002 07:39:42 AM new
Another attack on free speech......& being Politicall Correct.

Immigration Eroding Free Speech

"A strong case can be made that the price we pay for Third World immigration
is our freedom. Consider the case of Manistee, Mich., housewife Janice
Barton, who was convicted and jailed for using the word 'spics' in a private
conversation with her mother. . . . Mrs. Barton used it when, passing a
group of Hispanics chatting in their native tongue, she expressed her wish
to her mother that these 'spics would learn to speak English.'

"...Mrs. Barton expressed an annoyance, hardly a criminal action. Yet a
Hispanic off-duty deputy sheriff overheard the private remark, noted down
her car license, and Mrs. Barton was arrested and convicted for committing a
'hate crime.'

"Something has badly gone wrong when native-born Americans cannot express
private thoughts to their own family without being put in jail.

"...On Nov. 1, a Michigan appeals court reversed Mrs. Barton's conviction.
The reversal, however, was on the very narrow grounds that Mrs. Barton was
convicted for 'conduct she could not reasonably have known was criminal.'

"Note that the appeals court did not say that in America the Constitution
guarantees free speech and that no American under any circumstances can ever
be arrested, charged and convicted for expressing their thoughts and
feelings privately to another person."

- Columnist Paul Craig Roberts

[ edited by bear1949 on Nov 18, 2002 12:21 PM ]
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