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posted on March 21, 2003 04:43:08 AM new
Going through the posted messages I realize that some American's (may or may not be US citizens) Hate America.

So here's your chance to tell us just what country or type of government you would like to live in.

This thread is Open to all other's too. Leave your comment.

Reverend Colin

posted on March 21, 2003 05:23:51 AM new
The USA of course. The country that offers the most to all people. This includes the right to vote for out representitives, and be free of any sort of dictatorship. The country that will protect it's people with a strong military. Go USA!!!

posted on March 21, 2003 06:01:42 AM new
Having lived for 10 years in Europe and the South Pacific, I would have to say USA...cold milk! If you were raised on US milk, you have a hard time drinking it in Spain or Portugal. I remember going in to a store in England to buy milk, it is not refrigerated but in a cardboard container on the shelf. OOOOOHHHH. But I would consider retiring to New Zealand or Fiji.

posted on March 21, 2003 06:03:45 AM new
In a representative democracy that doesn't juggle the ballots, namely Australia.

Don’t worry John Howard will be out next election, regardless of the outcome of this invasion.

posted on March 21, 2003 06:10:41 AM new
First choice? USA, of course, I was born and raised here and couldn't picture my self anywhere else if I had a choice. My second choice, should all you Round Tabler's kick me out of the country for agreeing with Helen so much (LOL), would have to be Scotland. That's where my family originates from. I'm third generation American. My grandfather's parents immigrated from Scotland to Canada and then to America in the late 1800's. Now I notice that there are MacDonald's everywhere!


posted on March 21, 2003 07:57:55 AM new

posted on March 21, 2003 08:03:36 AM new
Having travelled to quite a few other countries... Nothing beats the USA!
posted on March 21, 2003 08:14:39 AM new
I don't recall any posts here that were written by someone who specifically said they "hate America"...could you refresh my memory with a few links please Colin? I have seen quite a few posts where those with other than pro-war pro-Bush sentiments were ACCUSED of hating America, maybe that's what you meant. At any rate, staying on topic...I'm a dual citizen. I carry two passports. I own property and have investments in two countries. I have the legal right to vote in two presidential elections. My very first and most important allegiance is to my immediate and extended family, and to the lands we have nurtured for 300 years, on both sides of the US/Mexico border.I have chosen to live my life and raise my children in the US, because it offers them the greatest choices, the most opportunities, and the best education. It also offers them the most secure place to speak their mind about issues they feel are important without fear of recrimination. At least until recently. American citizens with the temerity to speak their minds in times of crisis have suffered through other periods of screaming intolerance. "Love it or leave it" is a tedious old saw that will once again pass away like it always has.

posted on March 21, 2003 09:07:30 AM new
Although I have nothing against the USA (and agree with Prof - I have seen many accusation of American hating but no declarations) my current plans include a move to Mexico possibly this year. I have also looked into the possibility of Japan.

posted on March 21, 2003 09:19:46 AM new
my current plans include a move to Mexico possibly this year. I have also looked into the possibility of Japan.

Why Mexico? Sooner or later we are going to have to "annex" them into the US, enough illegals crawl over here time after time...

Japan I could see, intelligent hard working, law abiding citizens...

posted on March 21, 2003 09:41:54 AM new
The United States of America, of course. I've traveled and each time I have literally kneeled down and kissed my had and put it on the floor when I reach our soils (or terminals) of the USA.

Like Colin, I have gotten the impression that some people on here hate America. I don't think it is anything specific anyone has said just impressions from what they have had to say. Maybe they are just unhappy people who don't like anything.

Anyway, go USA.


posted on March 21, 2003 09:43:54 AM new
Twelve, that's about as racist a statement as I have heard in a long time. Are you implying that Mexican people are not hardworking? That they are not intelligent? Or just that they are all criminals?

I am planning to move to Mexico for a number of reasons. Some dealing with business, some personal but one of the things has has always been in the plus side of the debate is the people. In my travels thru Mexico I have found the people to be nothing less than amazing. They are kind, hardworking, and have a strong sense of family and community. I have felt more welcomed and accepted by people whose language I barely speak than I in numerous communities I have lived in here. I have been invited to spend holidays with people that barely knew me for no reason other than the fact that they knew I would otherwise spend them alone.

When all of the war talk is over, I will gladly engage you in a conversation regarding Americas interest in keeping the mexican economy weak thus assisiting in the creation of its immigration problems.

[ edited by neonmania on Mar 21, 2003 09:45 AM ]
posted on March 21, 2003 09:50:23 AM new

I love America!

But there are a lot of other countries that I would love too.

I prefer to live in this country because all of my family and friends are here.


posted on March 21, 2003 11:07:59 AM new
I would have to say that the Mexican people are hardworking illiterates who tend to gravitate toward crime...

NAFTA has done nothing to improve their situations in life, their own government has done nothing to improve their lives...

The only viable solution is to annex the country and make them part of the US... then, wow! no more illegals...at least from Mexico

If expecting that people who come to this country do so LEGALLY, then yeah I am a racist in that respect and PROUD of it.

When all of the war talk is over, I will gladly engage you in a conversation regarding Americas interest in keeping the mexican economy weak thus assisiting in the creation of its immigration problems.

That would be an interesting commentary...considering that the US gets b*tched at for interfereing and you are saying we need to do more...

AIN'T LIFE GRAND... [ edited by Twelvepole on Mar 21, 2003 11:11 AM ]
posted on March 21, 2003 11:21:49 AM new
::That would be an interesting commentary...considering that the US gets b*tched at for interfereing and you are saying we need to do more... ::

Reamond? Is that you? When did I say that they need to do more? I know that I am not be a man with 5 decades of experience in this world, but I do a pretty good job of forming my own opinions and have no need for you gentlemen start feeding me yours.

I especially do not need to be credited with opinions of someone capable of such a disgusting staments as the one you started your post with. I'll just chalk that one up to ignorance.

Get out behind the keyboard, learn a little about the people before you buy into stereotypes and bigotry. It's not quite as easy, but real life can be a wonderful experience.

[ edited by neonmania on Mar 21, 2003 11:56 AM ]
posted on March 21, 2003 11:24:54 AM new
::If expecting that people who come to this country do so LEGALLY, then yeah I am a racist in that respect and PROUD of it. ::

What does immigration have to do with the personality attributes you have painted an entire nation wih?

posted on March 21, 2003 11:50:52 AM new
I would have to say that the Mexican people are hardworking illiterates who tend to gravitate toward crime..

Ignorance knows no national borders, as certainly evidenced by your post that I quoted, Twelvepole.

You have the right to an informed opinion
-Harlan Ellison
posted on March 21, 2003 12:17:32 PM new
"Love it or leave it," is just one of the phrases used instead of actually listening and making a reasoned reply. I haven't heard "Make love not war," lately. Is that a no-no post AIDS? Emotional people are so easy to manipulate.

posted on March 21, 2003 12:50:51 PM new
I would never want to live in Texas. (well maybe in Austin) I would much rather prefer to live in Vermont, Hawaii, California, or just about any other state.

posted on March 21, 2003 02:26:00 PM new
Living along the border for seven years, taught me enough neonmania...

Your own statments illicits that it is the US's fault for Mexico's problems, which in turn causes more illegal immigration to this country...

That is how immigration comes into play... better get back to learning, apparently you haven't done enough studying...

posted on March 21, 2003 02:47:10 PM new
::Your own statments illicits that it is the US's fault for Mexico's problems, which in turn causes more illegal immigration to this country... ::

Actually I stated that it is in the best interest of Amerca (specificlly American Industry) for the Mexican economy to remain depressed and that it is that depression that causes the immigration problems.

::That is how immigration comes into play... better get back to learning, apparently you haven't done enough studying... ::

I'll go back to learning once you start working on YOU eading comprehension skills (are you SURE you are not Reamond). You see you have once again switched the arguement to fit your response.

The question was.... What does immigration have to do with your portrayal of Mexicans as "hardworking illiterates who tend to gravitate toward crime".

I've spent 12 years in California and endless amounts of time on the otherside of the border dealing with, socializing with, talking with Mexican citizens. I have found them to be much more intelligent and open minded than many on this board.

posted on March 21, 2003 03:00:57 PM new
forget it neo, twlevepole's yanking your chain, he'll be the first to call you a bigot if he sees the chance...yet finally he admits to his own racism...you'll never change his mind...he hasn't gotten over losing that choice grass cutting job to an alien last year

posted on March 21, 2003 03:33:40 PM new
ROFL Prof. That must be it. You know between that and not being top fry guy at BK life probably has been a real disappontment for him.

posted on March 21, 2003 03:34:01 PM new
Lets see Mr. Estrada is a valid candidate for Superior Court, but Nope Profe you in your infinite bigotry say no... just because he doesn't kiss his cultural ancestors a$$...

I said you can call me a racist if by not wanting people in this country illegally makes me one... but hardly fits the definition eh?

Oh yeah... I am so peeved that that "intelligent" person took my job cutting the grass...

Neonmania, you can say all you want about the US "holding" down the economy in Mexico, but then what good is their government?

Mexico has the potential of being a great country if they could get the education and standard of living up...something that needs to be addressed by their government...not the US... our responsibility is enforcing out immigration laws.

But I do agree with you neonmania...NAFTA is a failure.

posted on March 21, 2003 04:17:00 PM new
The U.S.A. No where else.

posted on March 21, 2003 04:24:39 PM new
::Neonmania, you can say all you want about the US "holding" down the economy in Mexico, but then what good is their government? ::

Once again Twelve - not me words.

::But I do agree with you neonmania...NAFTA is a failure. ::

And again. Not my words.

Any more opinions you would like to contribute to me before I get started? Just want to get them aall out of the way so that we can engage in an exchange of actual issues.

posted on March 21, 2003 04:48:50 PM new
I said you can call me a racist if by not wanting people in this country illegally makes me one... but hardly fits the definition eh?

I wouldn't call you a racist for saying that. What I'd call you a racist for is saying THIS:

I would have to say that the Mexican people are hardworking illiterates who tend to gravitate toward crime...

You made a generalization about an entire people being illiterate and having a tendency towards crime. If that's not bigotry, I don't know what is.I'm sure you MEANT only the Mexicans who come across the border, but you didn't SAY it. Slips count as far as I'm concerned.

By the way, you are the one who started this sidetrack to the original theme by challenging someone's saying they might consider living in Mexico. You did it by making a disparaging remark about illegals "crawling" over the border. Did it ever occur to you that if you really wanted to know why someone wanted to live in ANY other country, you might simply ask them why, without leading with a taunt? That might actually lead to a real discussion, instead of a shouting match that goes nowhere. On reflection, I don't suppose that did occur to you, as it wouldn't be any fun without the name calling and baiting, would it?

posted on March 21, 2003 05:02:30 PM new
What country would you live in?

hmmm thats a tough one, gotta think

Oh, I know

The U.S. of A

Art Bell Retired! George Noory is on late night coasttocoastam.com
posted on March 21, 2003 05:47:59 PM new
No I meant what I said... ALL, not just the slime that crawls across the border illegally...

The majority of Mexicans barely have 6th grade education... the moment they cross the border illegally... makes them criminals, until the Mexican govt. controls their side of the border, this problem will continue to occur or until they finally do something about the standard of living and education in Mexico.

I find it damn disgraceful that our neighbor to the south is considered 3rd world...

If those aren't your "opinions" neonmania, they should be, that tells me you don't know the difference between sh*t and apple butter... but go ahead give it shot...

I am glad you think that is a disparaging remark there profe... so you think it is ok to sneak across the border illegally? I for one don't have any compassion for it...

AIN'T LIFE GRAND... [ edited by Twelvepole on Mar 21, 2003 05:56 PM ]
posted on March 21, 2003 06:36:06 PM new
:::No I meant what I said... ALL, not just the slime that crawls across the border illegally...

The majority of Mexicans barely have 6th grade education... :::

This comment clearly establishes you as either

1) A complete azz desperately seeking attention by way of disparaging small minded and utterly ignorant comments.


2) A complete idiot who clearly has zero awareness of the world around him.

In either case, I find you rather pathetic. I also don't think that you would be capable of an intelligent exchange.

Sad thing is I really think this is actually your idea of fun which strangely makes me pity you more than I would if you really were ignorant enough to believe the crap that emerges from your keyboard.

Turn off the computer and go make some friends.

[ edited by neonmania on Mar 21, 2003 06:38 PM ]
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