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posted on June 18, 2004 05:14:36 PM new
Taxi drivers blast convention voucher plan

By Associated Press, 6/17/2004 10:34

BOSTON (AP) Boston taxi drivers are angry over a city proposal that they accept vouchers from delegates to the Democratic National Convention instead of using their meters for rides to and from Logan International Airport.

The city first offered vouchers worth $8, then raised the amount to $10, taxi drivers said.

''If you take one person to town, it's usually about $30, and I'm going to take one person for $10?'' said 45-year-old Jean Abrahm, a cabbie for 16 years. ''And I have to pay the toll, too? With gas now up, this is just a rip-off.''

The vouchers, combined with convention traffic and road closings, could mean they would lose money going to and from the airport, the drivers said.

Cab drivers and city officials are expected to meet at noon Friday at police headquarters to discuss the proposal, but the drivers already are raising the possibility of taking the week off during the convention, scheduled for July 26 to 29 at the FleetCenter.

''If the city won't go up to at least $45 to take three passengers, we'll go on strike,'' said Balwinder Gill, 37, a 10-year veteran driver from Everett. ''We're just not going to take it. We're going to lose money.''

The voucher proposal is not final, but Carol Brennan, director of external affairs for the Massachusetts Port Authority, said representatives of Massport, the police department's Hackney Unit, and the convention host committee are discussing ways taxi drivers can get a share of the business in transporting the 5,000 convention delegates.

She said conventions historically have moved the business to private contractors. City officials have the taxi industry's ''best interests at heart,'' Brennan said, in proposing the vouchers.

Karen Grant, a spokeswoman for Boston 2004, the host committee, said convention organizers are also looking at using the airport's existing shuttle system or hiring a private carrier to ferry delegates between Logan and downtown Boston.

Cab drivers said the city's proposal includes some incentives, such as allowing drivers who accept vouchers to move to the front of the airport taxi pool line and waiving the $1.75 Massport fee paid whenever a cab takes a fare into the city. Drivers would still pay the $4.50 commercial toll, however.


posted on June 18, 2004 06:13:47 PM new
Funnny Bear but the only place I see the DNC mentioned is ... shockingly... in your inflamatory title. This level of desperation to smear is sooooo unatrractive my brawny conservative friend.

~~~ • ~~~ • ~~~ • ~~~ • ~~~
If it's really "common" sense, why do so few people actually have it?
posted on June 18, 2004 06:46:11 PM new
Well lets see who will attend the DNC. You do know what the DNC is, don't you? How about the DEMOCRATIC NATIONAL CONVENTION, That would mean it would be DEMOCRATS that were to be issued the vouchers.

Sure won't be any Republicans using the vouchers to rip the cabbies off for cheap rides......

posted on June 18, 2004 07:12:57 PM new
Hey....I thought the dems were the party FOR the working man. I've read kerry was tight with a nickel but I didn't think their whole party followed suit.

bear - I really like your new sig lines. After all the sexual preference threads we've had here....I'm glad to see someone supports heterosexuals.

Re-elect President Bush!!
posted on June 18, 2004 07:22:26 PM new
You guys are sad. Seriously. I'm starting to feel real pity for you. The City of Boston tries to float a proposal and when cab drivers scoff you blame the DNC?

I guess your selective reading capabilities missed the the part of the article where city officials stated that the committees usually use private services

Is it only in election years that this spotty literacy hits or is it a permanent side effect of conservatism?

~~~ • ~~~ • ~~~ • ~~~ • ~~~
If it's really "common" sense, why do so few people actually have it?
posted on June 18, 2004 07:33:38 PM new
Hope the doctor got to read THIS one!
The city of Boston proposes vouchers and the Twisted Sisters see this as the DNC against the working "man"....they still haven't discovered that women work, too! Or that it was the city of Boston who proposed vouchers....if I type slower will you guys get it?

posted on June 18, 2004 07:36:39 PM new
What's the matter, fenix - you think Mass is a conservative state?

If kerry's not promoting it he should be protecting the 'average Joe' he claims he represents. He should be there screaming from the roof-tops "GIVE THOSE HARD WORKING PEOPLE THEIR FAIR SHARE of all the money coming into this town for the DNC."

I think bunni's right....it's the heat.

Re-elect President Bush!!
posted on June 18, 2004 07:40:42 PM new
I should have added

I'm sure if the taxi drivers think they're not getting paid well enough for this and go on strike as they threaten to do....

SOMEONE here will blame President Bush for it. LOL

Re-elect President Bush!!
posted on June 18, 2004 07:43:12 PM new
No, Linda, we're much too busy blaming him for all the really bad things he's done. The list is so long and we only have 24 hours in a day.
And you were awful fast to blame Kerry for this. With no proof.
[ edited by crowfarm on Jun 18, 2004 07:44 PM ]
posted on June 18, 2004 07:46:24 PM new
Hey bear. You wanna talk about the socialist that's working in kerry's campaign? LOL I thought....why am I not surprised.

Re-elect President Bush!!
posted on June 18, 2004 08:20:51 PM new
I'm sure that if the cab drivers go on strike the only people who will give a damn are the people of Boston as the DNC will undoubtedly charted busses from the airport for their deleggates just as the RNC will be doing for their delegates in NYC.
~~~ • ~~~ • ~~~ • ~~~ • ~~~
If it's really "common" sense, why do so few people actually have it?
posted on June 18, 2004 08:55:17 PM new
Well fenix - That just tells me the dems thought they were too good to use busses and thought they deserved the luxury of a cab instead....

.....at the expense of the poor cab drivers income.

I'm out-of-here.... nite.
Re-elect President Bush!!
posted on June 18, 2004 10:35:31 PM new
I give up - you are bound and determined to believe that all democrats are bad. I guess I could use your logic and state that that republicans will b e using privately cartered busses in order to deny the largely immigrant demographic of New York cab drivers the benefit of their tax protected income.

~~~ • ~~~ • ~~~ • ~~~ • ~~~
If it's really "common" sense, why do so few people actually have it?
posted on June 19, 2004 05:25:17 AM new
In reading this article, the whole idea was that of the City of Boston, not the members of the DNC. Let's put the blame where the blame lies. I can't imagine what would be in it for the city, but I'm sure there's got to be something. To lay claim that an entire city is run by all democrats and this is the fault of the democrats is really stretching it.

Whoever is at fault (and I'm sure it's a good variety of people), it's a shame. However, cabbies are independent contractors and are free to pick up whomever they wish. They aren't being forced, as far as I can tell.


No, Harry will not be reading this. I think he's about had it with the attitude and finger pointing on the other thread. It's gotten to be much too childish for his taste - on both sides of the fence.

posted on June 19, 2004 06:03:24 AM new

"It's gotten to be much too childish for his taste - on both sides of the fence."

That statement is offensive to me. One side ot the fence was making a valiant effort to make the point that everyone has the right to invite their friends to read without a formal invitation or notification How can you or your friend call that side childish?


posted on June 19, 2004 06:16:38 AM new

So, Fence straddlers piss me off.

BTW...Nearthesea, You asked on another thread about my meaning when I used "obsequious" and "fawn" in a sentence.

I was making an effort to say "suck up" in a nice way. I shouldn't have tried to do that. Suck up's also piss me off.

posted on June 19, 2004 06:22:43 AM new

And by the way, NTS, I wasn't referring to you.

posted on June 19, 2004 06:26:23 AM new
Probably helen, because they can see you are as big an insulter as you claim everyone else to be...

GO on strike? now that would be an interesting thought considering the afl-cio is backing the demos this year...

Even if the city is doing this without democrats backing, then the DNC should step in and say "No, this is not how we want it."
I don't see that happening.


Gay marriage is wrong!
posted on June 19, 2004 06:52:42 AM new

You missed the point entirely, twelvepole. Of course, I can handle an insult. Even you can do that with an occssional vacation.

The point is that after going to bat for Cheryl and her friend, I, along with those people on her side are termed childish. As cheryl says, "too childish for his taste".

posted on June 19, 2004 06:58:24 AM new
Sorry, Helen, you misunderstood. I'm referring to the argument between Linda and I and trying not to say it outright - it was getting childish (she's on one side of the fence, I'm on the other). Nothing to do with you at all.

Edited to add: It might interest you to know, twelve, Harry has far more respect for people such as Helen who don't attempt to goad others into meaningless arguments. He probably thinks you are full of hot air as do most of the rest of us. No offense, twelve. I'm just guessing.

[ edited by cblev65252 on Jun 19, 2004 07:01 AM ]
posted on June 19, 2004 07:04:50 AM new
Here's a little something Harry can kiss for all I care...

Nice spin though Cheryl... didn't want to piss off one of your supporters here... I am sure you have won Helen back...


Gay marriage is wrong!
posted on June 19, 2004 07:10:03 AM new

If you will read what was going on between Linda and I, it was indeed childish on both our parts. I take part of the blame. Neither of us were will to nip in it in the bud. Harry doesn't have the time or the patience for the tit for tats that were going on between Linda and I.

AND, as I said, I was just guessing on Harry. That was my comment, not his. One thing everyone needs to understand is this is a man who is not only an MD, but a PhD as well. For the most part, he's a very serious individual and we have to goad him into making any kind of joke about anything. In other words, he has a dry sense of humor. I, on the other hand, am just the opposite.

Edited to add: BTW, Helen and I are allowed to disagree with one another. That doesn't mean I'd have any less respect for her or her points of view.

[ edited by cblev65252 on Jun 19, 2004 07:12 AM ]
posted on June 19, 2004 11:29:14 AM new
Linda, thanks. I know it's politically incorrect to avow your hetrosexual status, but I really don't give a dam about being PC.
Not that I have first hand experience but I have been told that being a deviant sexual really sucks......

cab drivers scoff you blame the DNC?

So Fenix, you really believe the conventioners (READ DEMOCRATS HERE) would not avail themselves for the cheap fares?

Do you think the City of Boston came up with the idea all by themselves?

I doubt it. Most likely the idea was presented by a little DNC bird wanting to get a price break since the construction costs have soared.

In case you haven't read of THAT, read below.


Convention going $10m over budget
Construction, production costs blamed

By Ric Klein and Andrea Estes, Globe Staff | June 16, 2004

Soaring production and construction costs are pushing the Democratic National Convention well above its $64.5 million budget, with staging, building, and readying the FleetCenter for television expected to cost $10 million more than initial estimates.

According to convention organizers, construction is expected to cost $13.9 million, nearly twice the $7.2 million estimated by local and national planners in 2002. And this week organizers signed off on a production budget of $9.1 million for Ricky Kirshner Productions, up from the $6 million in the Democratic National Committee's original agreement with the host committee.

The full scope of the construction and production projects is still being finalized by convention planners, in conjunction with Senator John F. Kerry's campaign. But according to several planners, the items driving costs skyward include several that Kerry aides and Democratic Party officials want in order to give the convention a different look: Two side podiums in addition to the main stage, for example, and plans to pipe in live coverage of remote appearances around the country during the convention.

In addition, new steel beams must be installed on the FleetCenter ceiling to support a state-of-the-art lighting system that the Kerry campaign's producers want to use. New rigging for lights, sound, and video must be suspended from the ceiling because national Democrats want the main stage in the middle of the arena, not at one end, as in most concerts held at the FleetCenter.

The question of added costs has produced some unease between national and local convention planners, who may have to wrangle over who will pay for extras when convention bills come due and each gives different explanations for the sources of the larger price tag.

David A. Passafaro -- president of Boston 2004, the convention host committee -- said that much of the added costs are related to the Democrats' desire to produce a flashier convention to showcase their candidate.

''They're driven by the [Democratic National Campaign Committee]'s desire to have a better production, their drive to attract additional and new voters to the process, and their hope that they can best show their candidate to the public," he said.

While the host committee and national Democrats crafted the original budget in 2002, the first draft contained few specifics. Since Kerry locked up the party's nomination in March, his aides have become more closely involved with convention planning.

Michael Meehan, a Kerry campaign spokesman, said costs have increased not because of added features, but because of higher-than-anticipated costs for labor and because upgrading the electrical network near the FleetCenter and providing enough space for the news media have proved costlier than expected when the convention budget was written in 2002.

Meehan said the Kerry campaign is working to raise money in conjunction with the host committtee so that those obstacles can be overcome without affecting the production. ''We're interested in putting Boston's best face forward on the national stage," Meehan said. ''It's obviously important to our campaign."

Convention officials say they now believe that the convention budget will be about $70 million. That's because they expect about half of the $10 million in added construction and production costs to be offset by savings elsewhere in the budget, where costs will be lower than anticipated. In addition, the final construction costs could be lower than $13.9 million, according to the host committee.

The increased price tag, combined with the host committee's inability thus far to fulfill its $39.5 million fund-raising commitment, has spurred organizers in Boston and Washington into action. Yesterday, Mayor Thomas M. Menino enlisted three top Boston business leaders to help the host committee's fund-raising efforts.

At a private breakfast at the Parkman House, Menino asked the chief executive officers of three of the city's most prominent businesses -- David F. D'Alessandro of John Hancock Financial Services, Alan Leventhal of Beacon Capital Partners, and Jack Connors Jr. of Hill, Holliday, Connors, Cosmopulos -- to help tap their friends in the business community. Leventhal and Connors are two of the host committee's cochairmen; the third is Carol Bolling Fulp, who is vice president of community relations for John Hancock.

''They've been helpful in the past on the fund-raising, and they will be helpful as we continue to move forward," Menino said. ''It's going fairly well, and we're making progress every day."

John Hancock, Beacon Capital, and Hill Holliday have all already given at least $100,000 each to the host committee, and Menino said he is not asking them to give more themselves. Yesterday's meeting was also attended by Passafaro, and the mayor said the business leaders were updated on planning progress as well.

It remains unclear how much, if any, local organizers would be required to raise to cover larger costs. The Kerry campaign has said it would pay for any extras it asks for. But fund-raising for the convention is technically handled by the local host committee, a fact that has raised speculation that it could be stuck with part of the bill.

Boston 2004 host committee officials point out that under its contract with the Democratic National Committee, the host committee is only responsible for bringing in $39.5 million in private donations.

The host committee is within $3 million of its $39.5 million target, and Menino has told associates that he wants to close the book on his portion of fund-raising by the end of this month, so he can concentrate on logistical planning for the convention. The Democrats will convene at the FleetCenter July 26-29.

Kerry fund-raisers have begun raising money for the host committee to cover cost overruns. Three of the Kerry's top fund-raisers, Robert Farmer, Lou Susman, and Elizabeth Frawley Bagley, are heading up those efforts.


Get your head out of the clouds.

[ edited by Bear1949 on Jun 19, 2004 12:27 PM ]
posted on June 19, 2004 12:25:09 PM new
If you think the DNC isn't involved in the rate cut, read on.


Meter's running on deal between cabbies, DNC
By Jules Crittenden
Friday, June 18, 2004

Boston police and Democratic National Convention officials say they just want to give cabbies some DNC business, but taxi drivers are crying no fare!

Both sides will meet today at Boston Police Headquarters to see if they can hash out a deal on discounts for Dems going to and from the airport.

BPD hackney honcho Mark Cohen said he wants a flat rate that will get cabs to the airport, but stay within the DNC's travel budget. ``Somewhere out there is a figure that will make everyone happy,'' said Cohen, who acknowledged a reported rate of $8 per rider is too low. He said the flat rate will apply to all individual airport-hotel fares, riding in groups of three.

Karen Grant of the DNC Host Committee said organizers committed to giving 5,000 delegates a ride. She would not say how much is budgeted, but said instead of hiring shuttle buses, the voucher plan gives cabs a shot at airport fares.

Cabbies, already angry about DNC road closures, say the city's ability to unilaterally set fares is playing them against shuttle buses. Charles Marckinson, president of Boston Cab Drivers United, said any discounted rate will mean a drastic cut to the usual multiple-rider rate, where each passenger pays $2 less than the meter total. He is concerned about setting a precedent.

``We work with our meters,'' said Marckinson. ``We're just going to boycott the airport.''

``It's forcing us to help subsidize the Democratic convention, which is illegal,'' said cabbie Bill Ford. ``I'm taking their advice: `If you can, take the week off.' ''

But Larry Meister of the Independent Taxi Operators Association said a flat rate of at least $10 might work. But he said, ``Are you going to be able to get three people with luggage into a cab?''


posted on June 19, 2004 07:12:58 PM new
For God's sake! Some of you guys need to get a hobby. Talk about reachhhhhhhhhhhhhhing. Every city's convention center directors work all sorts of deals with conventions coming to town to sweeten the deal for them. Room rate discounts, restaurant vouchers, the works. Why should cabbies not be in on the fun?

PLEASE find something substantial to get worked up about. This is getting funny.
As I've matured, I've learned . .

#2. . . that the people you care most about in life are taken from you too soon and all the less important ones just never go away. And the real pains in the butt are permanent.
posted on June 19, 2004 08:05:35 PM new
Calm down Road...It will be alright in the morning. We all understand you've had a long hard day. Go get a glass of wine, take a long hot bath with plenty of bubbles.

It will all look better in the morning.

posted on June 20, 2004 03:41:45 PM new
fenix - you are bound and determined to believe that all democrats are bad.

No, I don't think that at all. I have the ability to separate the person and their actions, from their political beliefs....

.....no matter how misguided they are.

I'm also aware that there are many reasonable democrats and that while I may not agree with their positions they appear to me to have ability, that the extremists lack, to debate/discuss an issue and stick with the topic of discussion.


cheryl - I'd really appreciate it if you would ONLY speak for yourself and not my feelings. I did not think I was acting childish and I resent you say so for me. Thank you.

Re-elect President Bush!!
posted on June 20, 2004 04:35:55 PM new

Quit reading crap into what I say. I said I think, I didn't say that you think. You may think it was perfectly fine adult behavior. I don't. I didn't speak for you, I spoke for ME, which as far as I know is still perfectly legal in this country. Let's leave it at that. Let it go.

posted on June 20, 2004 05:12:15 PM new
cheryl - Please n
ote the fact that it was YOU who mentioned we both were acting childish. It wasn't me who again brought this subject up. I just responded to your statement with my own opinion of it being brought up again.

Re-elect President Bush!! edited to add an 'e' to not.

[ edited by Linda_K on Jun 20, 2004 05:18 PM ]
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