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posted on September 2, 2004 01:17:51 PM new
We could only hope...

A monster truck rally would at least require the intelligence of engineers. So far, all I have heard are lies, ignorant comments, and childish tirades at this years RNC by most of the girly man speakers. I thought we would see more mullets at this years convention considering the level of intelligence of each speaker so far. The master of stupidity is tonight, and I cannot wait to hear his rhetoric, doublespeak, and lies as well.

I've been listening to everything, and I among others have noticed no mention of Osama Bin Laden in the RNC. Hmmm. That sounds pretty fishy if you ask me. Over 3000 Americans die at the hands of the worst attack on American soil since the Civil War and not one mention of Osama. They do make a point to mention 9/11, wasn't that the day that George W. Bush sat in a classroom for 7 minutes pondering what he was going to have for lunch at the cafeteria? Yet no mention of Osama... As I have said before, this administration is in the wallets of the Saudi's. Now, if you neo-cons would simply open your eyes and realize this.

There are gaping holes in our homeland security. Anyone could steer a huge boat to the shoreline of any state along the coastline without being questioned. We drove 400 miles of coastline between Washington and Oregon last weekend, and we saw 1 police officer the entire trip. He was talking to some kids on bicycles in Astoria, OR. Of course, this doesn't mean there aren't a handful in each town. How do we expect to be safe with such few officers? The city or Gresham, OR has a ballot referendum this election to completely nix their fire department because of budget cuts. This isn't much news because it is happening across the United States. How can we expect to be prepared when the President doesn't even believe his own words. He doesn't even believe we can win this war. Wow, If I was a soldier I would be absolutely perplexed as to why I was in harms way if we can't win this war against Terror. Perhaps, the truth of the matter is that George Bush is creating terror, and his very own arrogance is showing once again. He actually thinks American cannot defeat the terror created by his administration. Well... only time will tell.

posted on September 2, 2004 01:20:27 PM new
Wait until his acceptance speach tonight; I would imagine he will speak on many things other speakers have only touched on.

In Christ,

Acts 1:2

"I am trying here to prevent anyone saying the really foolish thing that people often say about Him: "I'm ready to accept Jesus as a great moral teacher, but I do not accept His claim to be God." That is one thing we must not say. A man who was merely a man and said the sort of things Jesus said would not be a great moral teacher. He would either be a lunatic....or else he would be the devil of Hell. You must make your choice. Either this man was, and is, the Son of God: or else a madman or something worse. You can shut Him up for a fool, you can spit at Him and kill Him as a demon; or you can fall at His feet and call Him Lord and God. But let us not come with any patronizing nonsense about His being a great human teacher. He has not left that open to us. He did not intend to."
C.S. Lewis: "Mere Christianity"
posted on September 2, 2004 01:56:21 PM new
wait until his speech tonight? really??? what do you think Bush is going to talk about tonight that is so different than what we have heard so far at the RNC and the campaign he has been in so far?

Bush has nothing to run on whatsoever. He has ruined the economy, killed tens of thousands of innocent people, lost a million american jobs, have left just about every child behind, has left gaping holes in our homeland security, and has yet to come close to capturing or killing Public Enemy #1. So, instead, what I plan to hear him speak about tonight is.... nothing. He will attack Kerry, he will talk about 9/11, and he will talk about Hussein. He may crack a joke, but I assure you, it will be nothing more than a farce.

posted on September 2, 2004 02:20:52 PM new
Seems like the "Lefties" have there face glued to the tube watching the RNC. Could it be that they know whats going to happen come November? I think they can read the handwriting on the wall after an outstanding Convention thus far. Wait till tonight when Bush speaks, it will be a night to remember!!

posted on September 2, 2004 02:30:51 PM new
bootclan- did you watch the DNC?

posted on September 2, 2004 02:52:02 PM new
Tried to, nothing but empty, hollow, stories about the VietNam War. Went to bed most nights out of total boredom. Even my dog wouldn't stay in the TV room.

posted on September 2, 2004 03:46:18 PM new
that's pretty much what I figured. You're ever so willing to chastise Democrats for educating themselves on both sides of the coin while people like yourself have attention deficit disorder and only want one side of the story. I could never imagine being so shallow minded as neo-cons like yourself who are quick to jump in without anything to back your false claims and deceptions.

The truth is that Bush has yet to produce one net job, the Republicans claim to have made health care more affordable, but to whom? Huge Corporations, I would guess. I certainly cannot afford health insurance right now, as can the hundreds of thousands who have lost health coverage altogether over the last 3 years. How about that "No Child Left Behind?" School sizes are getting larger, less teachers, and guess who feels the pinch the most??? Definately not the schools in wealthy neighborhoods who still have tons of programs being funded. Nope, it is the schools located in lower class neighborhoods. How about manufacturing jobs? Hundreds of thousands are gone. Where to? Overseas. Thanks to George W. Bush and his raping of America. Saddam Hussein a threat to the USA? Nope. North Korea a threat? Yep. Who did we attack? Oh, it was Iraq and the tens of thousands of innocent civilians and US personnel who lost their lives. 9/11??? Bush squandered the opportunity to be a uniter. Instead, he has been the most obvious divider in world history since, oh, guess who.... Hitler. At least Hitler had some intelligence in his head. The evil bastard was very intelligent. I can hear the rocks rattle in Bush's head. Let's see... Oh, I almost forgot. Bush is a felon. Yep, remember that DUI down in Texas? Oh, and lets not forget the drug abuse. And all these things I mention, this is only your leader. Those around him have a history of crime that would make the mafia jealous.
[ edited by rustygumbo on Sep 2, 2004 03:48 PM ]
posted on September 2, 2004 04:08:51 PM new
It does not take the Kerry long to give the average American "Attention Deficit Disorder". Millions of us are suffering from the same thing.

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