posted on January 31, 2005 12:33:34 PM new
Just heard Hillary is in Buffalo NY giving a speech and collapsed. Something about a stomach disorder?? Didnt hear anything else.
oh here is news:
Hillary Clinton collapses during appearance in Buffalo
Monday, January 31, 2005
BUFFALO, N.Y. - Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton collapsed Monday during a speech on Social Security, moments after complaining about a stomach virus.
"She fainted after not feeling well, got medical attention and is proceeding with her planned schedule," according to a statement released by her office in Washington.
Colleen DiPirro, president of the Amherst Chamber of Commerce, told WBEN-AM radio that Clinton told the crowd she was feeling weak and had had a stomach virus. Clinton started to speak then collapsed, DiPirro told the radio station.
Clinton, 57, was smiling when she walked out of the private club where she had collapsed, the club's general manager said.
"I saw her walk out the door by herself, she smiled and said 'thank you'," said Saturn Club general manager Vincent Tracy.
Later Monday, she arrived at a Catholic college where she was to speak about health care. Several hundred people were waiting to hear that address. There were also dozens of anti-abortion protesters waiting at the college.
In September, Clinton's 58-year-old husband underwent quadruple bypass surgery.
During an earlier editorial board meeting Monday at The Buffalo News, Clinton complained about suffering from a flu-like bug that affected several of her staff members during a weekend retreat in Westchester County, where she lives.
posted on January 31, 2005 12:55:54 PM new
It's probably the recent metamorphosis she's going though in her political positions....too much change in her positions all at once and her system couldn't take it.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Four More Years....YES!!!
posted on January 31, 2005 01:06:02 PM new
I'm so glad Hillary is able to think, discuss, compromise to avoid gridlocks and impede progress , allow new ideas to come into her life, listen to others, take sound advice, LEARN. She knows no ONE person is always right all the time, everybody has equally valuable contributions.
Unlike bush's Hitler like dictatorship which allows for no thinking whatsoever. Just repeat, repeat, repeat, goosestep, goosestep, goosestep............
And if you start chanting know how I scare you away with my looooooonnnnngggg list of bush's flip-flops !!!!!!!
[ edited by crowfarm on Jan 31, 2005 01:14 PM ]
posted on January 31, 2005 01:20:12 PM new
Yes, the dems are copiers...when the republicans start using a term such as flip-flopper, in no time at all, the dems are reversing it and using it themselves. That pretty much was what kerry did too. Most anything the President was already doing...kerry would announce that's what he planned to do - like he was the first to have thought of it.
If in the years to come, anyone remembers anything about kerry's's going to be the flip-flopper nick-name he got stuck with. Not so for this President.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Four More Years....YES!!!
posted on January 31, 2005 01:25:38 PM new If in the years to come, anyone remembers anything about kerry's's going to be the flip-flopper nick-name he got stuck with. Not so for this President.
I have to disagree with you, Linda.. I think Bush Chimp has made it's mark too, with War Monger a close second.
posted on January 31, 2005 01:40:30 PM new
Really, maggie? I [how about] NEVER read that anywhere but on these threads here. Was the NYT's and the other left media calling him that in print? Or just some blogger somewhere. Flip-flopper got a TON of print.
I think this President is going down in history as another great leader who made major changes in our world. And one who generations to come will be learning about in our schools texts as the one who had the will and the guts and the 'stick-to-it-ness', even with so many in disagreement with let terrorists, around the world know we won't be putting up with their attacks nor threats on our country.
He's a "DO IT" kind of guy....gets the job done...not a talker like most dem leaders - who talk and talk and talk, but do nothing.
Four More Years....YES!!!
[ edited by Linda_K on Jan 31, 2005 01:43 PM ]
posted on January 31, 2005 02:19:23 PM new
No flip flopping from Bush, nope. Not on the marriage amendment, not on abortion. Nope. No flip flopping there.
Dick Cheney: "I have not suggested there's a connection between Iraq and 9/11..."
posted on January 31, 2005 02:26:03 PM newWas the NYT's and the other left media calling him that in print? Or just some blogger somewhere. Flip-flopper got a TON of print.
It was easy to find. Just type Bush +flip flopper in google and presto
Absolute faith has been shown, consistently, to breed intolerance. And intolerance, history teaches us, again and again, begets violence.
---------------------------------- "Give it up for George W. Bush, the best friend international jihad ever had."
posted on January 31, 2005 02:26:14 PM new
Boy...I must have missed President Bush saying he wouldn't support a marraige amendment if Congress put's it on his desk. And I haven't read him saying he wouldn't sign leglislation on abortion either. Please direct me to where I can see his reversals on these two subject.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Four More Years....YES!!!
posted on January 31, 2005 02:33:09 PM new
I read your link, logansdad, and just as I thought. They don't show him actually reversing anything ...except maybe his position on HLS. Which is because it was changed from the way it was originally proposed.
But the rest aren't reversals at all....they're complaints from the dems that he didn't get to all he had plan on. Gee...I wonder if dealing with two wars might have taken time away from those issues. Yep...probably did.
edited to add I had asked maggie about the 'monkey' reference in print...not Bush's supposed flip-flops.
Four More Years....YES!!!
[ edited by Linda_K on Jan 31, 2005 02:34 PM ]
posted on January 31, 2005 02:44:35 PM new
Home > Features > The Bush Top 10 Flip Fops
The Bush Top 10 Lists
Four years ago, George W. Bush accepted the Republican nomination for President, and famously set the moral tone - and expectations for his presidency:
"So when I put my hand on the Bible, I will swear to not only uphold the laws of our land, I will swear to uphold the honor and dignity of the office to which I have been elected, so help me God."
It has not, of course, worked out that way. As we pointed out long ago, the Bush administration has been the most secretive, paranoid, deceitful and vengeful since the Nixon White House. To illustrate his sad record of deception, cowardice and vindictiveness, Perrspectives regretfully offers the "Bush Top 10 Flip-Flops" below:
Bush Top 10 Flip-Flops
1. Creation of 9/11 Commission Opposed it.
Unlike Presidents Roosevelt and Johnson, Bush opposed an independent commission inquiry into the national disaster on his watch, 9/11.
"President Bush took a few minutes during his trip to Europe Thursday to voice his opposition to establishing a special commission to probe how the government dealt with terror warnings before Sept. 11."
- CBS News, "Bush Opposes 9/11 Query Panel " (5/23/02)
Supported it.
Again, Bush's political cowardice was overcome by the demands of public opinion. It is worth noting that his initial choice for panel head was Henry Kissinger, architect of the unconstitutional invasion of Cambodia in 1970.
"President Bush said today he now supports establishing an independent commission to investigate the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks."
The Bush administration initially refused calls to establish and independent commission to investigate the pre-war intelligence and claims surrounding Iraqi weapons of mass destruction.
"The White House immediately turned aside the calls from Kay and many Democrats for an immediate outside investigation, seeking to head off any new wide-ranging election-year inquiry that might go beyond reports already being assembled by congressional committees and the Central Intelligence Agency."
- NY Times (1/28/04)
Supported it.
Seeing the opportunity to deflect blame for his disastrous Iraq decision making, Bush backed a neutered WMD panel led by right-wing stalwart Laurence Silberman. Silberman, who as a judge reversed Oliver North's Iran-Contra conviction, will not deliver the panel's findings until after the 2004 election.
"Today, by executive order, I am creating an independent commission, chaired by Governor and former Senator Chuck Robb, Judge Laurence Silberman, to look at American intelligence capabilities, especially our intelligence about weapons of mass destruction."
- President Bush (2/6/04)
3. Creation of Homeland Security Department Opposed it.
In the aftermath of 9/11, Democratic Senator Joseph Lieberman took the lead in proposing the creation of a unified Homeland Security Department. President Bush was staunchly opposed to such an expansion of the federal bureaucracy.
"So, creating a Cabinet office doesn't solve the problem. You still will have agencies within the federal government that have to be coordinated. So the answer is that creating a Cabinet post doesn't solve anything."
- White House Press Secretary Ari Fleischer (3/19/02)
Supported it.
Once again, Bush snatched victory from the jaws of defeat. Not only did he flip-flop and support the new DHS, but brilliantly included a poison-pill ending civil service protections for DHS employees. When Democrats balked, the GOP used this as a pivotal national security issue to bury the Dems in the 2002 mid-term elections.
"So tonight, I ask the Congress to join me in creating a single, permanent department with an overriding and urgent mission: securing the homeland of America and protecting the American people."
- President Bush (6/6/02)
4. Prescription Benefit in Medicare Opposed it.
President Bush's initially opposed the inclusion of a prescription drug benefit in Medicare; his proposed legislation specifically required seniors to opt out of Medicare in order to get drug coverage through private insurers.
"According to The New York Times, a recent description of the proposal in government documents envisions "no prescription drug coverage" for people in traditional fee-for-service Medicare."
- CBS News (1/24/03)
Signed it into law.
Facing overwhelming public support for the drug benefit in Medicare, Bush caved and signed the legislation. He did, however, extract a price: the Medicare reform calls for privatization tests starting in 2006. Worse still, the Bush administration sold the bill to Congress by lying about its true $550 billion (and not $395 billion) price tag.
"It's a good thing that Medicare pays when seniors get sick. Now, you see, we're taking this a step further -- Medicare will pay for prescription drugs, so that fewer seniors will get sick in the first place."
- President Bush (12/8/03)
5. Steel Tariffs Supported them.
Bush, who campaigned as a free trade advocate, imposed protective steel tariffs of 30%.
"This relief will help steelworkers, communities that depend upon steel, and the steel industry adjust without harming our economy."
- President Bush (3/5/02)
Opposed them.
Facing sanctions from the WTO, the Bush administration quickly back-pedaled, and reversed the steel tariff regime.
"The Bush administration has decided to repeal most of its 20-month-old tariffs on imported steel to head off a trade war that would have included foreign retaliation against products exported from politically crucial states."
- Washington Post (12/1/03)
6. Engagement with North Korea Opposed it.
Upon assuming office President Bush opposed negotiations with the North, including the 1994 Clinton deal, the South Korean "Sunshine" policy and U.S. economic incentives. Bush added that he "loathed Kim Jung Il." His rebuke of the Clinton policy occurred the very day of South Korean President Kim Dae Jung's visit to the White House, and helped lead to Kim's reelection defeat.
"We look forward to at some point in the future having a dialogue with the North Koreans but ... any negotiation would require complete verification."
- President Bush (3/7/01)
Supported it.
With North Korean nuclear weapons a fait accompli and U.S. forces overcommitted in Iraq, Bush now supports incentives to end North Korean economic and political isolation.
"Well, we will work to take steps to ease their political and economic isolation. So there would be -- what you would see would be some provisional or temporary proposals that would only lead to lasting benefit after North Korea dismantles its nuclear programs. So there would be some provisional or temporary efforts of that nature."
- White House Press Secretary Scott McClellan (6/23/04)
7. Engagement in Middle East Peace Process Opposed it.
Upon taking office, Bush refused to continue the engagement of the Clinton administration in the Israeli-Palestinian peace process. Claiming that Clinton's failed diplomacy led to a new intifada, Bush refused to put his personal prestige on the line.
"Well, we've tried summits in the past, as you may remember. It wasn't all that long ago where a summit was called and nothing happened, and as a result we had significant intifada in the area."
- President Bush (4/5/02)
Supported it.
With undeniable chaos and mounting bloodshed in Israel and the occupied territories, the administration grudgingly made halting efforts to broker a deal. Its "Road Map" was dead on arrival.
"If a meeting advances progress toward two states living side by side in peace, I will strongly consider such a meeting," Mr. Bush said. "I'm committed to working toward peace in the Middle East."
- President Bush (5/24/03)
8. Carbon Dioxide Emissions Caps Supported them.
During the 2000 campaign, candidate George W. Bush advocated caps on carbon dioxide emissions in the United States. His campaign 2000 pledge offered legislation that would require electric utilities to:
"...reduce emissions and significantly improve air quality... [and meet] mandatory reduction targets for emissions of four main pollutants: sulfur dioxide, nitrogen oxide, mercury and carbon dioxide."
- Candidate George Bush (cited 3/13/01)
Opposed them.
In 2001, President George W. Bush reversed course and staunchly opposed the imposition of CO2 limits.
"I do not believe, however, that the government should impose on power plants mandatory emissions reductions for carbon dioxide, which is not a 'pollutant' under the Clean Air Act."
- President Bush (3/13/01)
9. Condoleezza Rice 9/11 Testimony Opposed it.
In XYZ, President Bush and Vice President Cheney refused to allow National Security Advisor Rice to testify before the 9/11 Commission. They claimed that important issues of executive privilege were involved, despite past testimony from NSAs including Clinton aide Sandy Berger.
"Again, this is not her personal preference; this goes back to a matter of principle. There is a separation of powers issue involved here. Historically, White House staffers do not testify before legislative bodies. So it's a matter of principle, not a matter of preference."
- White House Press Secretary Scott McClellan (3/9/04)
Supported it.
Bush once again courageously caved to public pressure, especially after Richard Clarke's damning testimony. Rice appeared before the commission as part of what Bush advisor Karen Hughes called part of the President's "full cooperation" with the panel.
"Today I have informed the Commission on Terrorist Attacks Against the United States that my National Security Advisor, Dr. Condoleezza Rice, will provide public testimony."
- President Bush (3/30/04)
10. Assault Weapons Ban Supported it.
During the 2000 campaign, Bush said he would seek renew of the Assault Weapons Ban, which was due to expire in fall 2004.
"It makes no sense for assault weapons to be around our society."
- Candidate George Bush (8/12/99)
"It is my understanding that the president-elect of the United States has indicated his clear support for extending the assault weapons ban, and I will be pleased to move forward with that position."
- Testimony of AG Nominee John Ashcroft (1/17/01)
Opposed it.
Bush followed the lead of Congressional leaders Frist and Delay, and letting the ban die on the vine.
"The President's position is very well-known on the assault weapons ban. Well, keep in mind that the Congress is the one that sets the legislative timetable, and Congress has made clear that it's not going to be coming up. I think you've had leaders in Congress state that."
- White House Press Secretary Scott McClellan (9/13/04)
Bush Flip-Flop Dishonorable Mentions
11. Identity of Person Who Outed CIA Agent Valerie Plame Said would never be known.
Bush brushed off the seriousness of his White House breaking the law and jeopardizing the lives of a CIA operative and her contacts
"I don't know if we're going to find out the senior administration official. I don't have any idea."
- President Bush (10/07/03)
Supported investigation.
Facing an overwhelming public outcry, Bush half-heartedly supported an investigation:
"The President has made it clear that he wants to get to the bottom of this investigation. The leaking of classified information is a very serious matter. The President directed everybody at the White House to cooperate fully in the investigation."
- White House Press Secretary Scott McClellan (2/10/04)
12. Creation of TSA, Federal Airport Screeners Opposed it.
As with DHS, Bush and the Republicans in Congress balked at the creation of the TSA and the take-over of private airport screeners by the federal government.
"The White House, however, opposes such a large expansion of the federal work force and has threatened to impose new aviation security measures by executive order."
- CNN, "Airport Security Debate Focuses on Government Role" (11/01)
Supported it.
Ever the political coward, George Bush concluded that discretion is the better part of valor. Public opinion once again overcame his principled conservative opposition to the expansion of government.
"The law I will sign should give all Americans greater confidence when they fly...For the first time, airport security will become a direct federal responsibility."
- President Bush (11/19/01)
13. Release of Bush's National Guard Records Opposed release.
The Bush administration opposed release of his Texas Air National Guard records. First, the claim was that this was an old issue that had been vetted in the 2000 campaign. Then, the White House claimed the records were destroyed. Even as late as February 2004, White House spokesman insisted that the issue was settled:
"These documents outline the days on which he was paid. That means he served. And these documents also show he met his requirements. And it's just really a shame that people are continuing to bring this up."
- White House Press Secretary Scott McClellan (2/11/04)
Supported release, sort of.
Despite claiming repeatedly that all records involved in this "old" and "parsed" story had been released, documents continue to surface. In addition to the White House's own releases of documents, more information has become public as a result of an Associated Press Freedom of Information Act suit.
"In 1999, Bush spokesman Dan Bartlett told the Washington Post that Bush finished his six-year commitment at a Boston area Air Force Reserve unit after he left Houston. Not so, Bartlett now concedes. 'I must have misspoke,' Bartlett, who is now the White House communications director, said in a recent interview."
- Boston Globe, "Bush Fell Short on Guard Duty" (9/8/04)
14. Extension of 9/11 Commission Opposed it.
The 9/11 panel's mandate was set to expire at the end of May 2004. Chairman Kean made it clear that additional time would be needed, especially as the administration initially withheld critical documents. The Bush White House opposed his call for the extension, wanting the final report delivered well before election day.
"President Bush and House Speaker J. Dennis Hastert (R-Ill.) have decided to oppose granting more time to an independent commission investigating the Sept. 11, 2001, attacks."
- Washington Post, "9/11 Panel Unlikely to Get Later Deadline " (1/19/04)
Supported it.
With a building public outcry, the administration caved once again. House Speaker Hastert took the heat for the initial opposition.
"The White House announced Wednesday its support for a request from the commission investigating the September 11, 2001 attacks for more time to complete its work."
- CNN, "White House Backs 9/11 Commission's Plea for More Time" " (2/4/04)
15. Bush's Own Testimony at 9/11 Commission Time Limit of One Hour.
At first, Bush bravely said he would "talk" with the commission for an hour.
"President Bush and Vice President Dick Cheney have placed strict limits on the private interviews they will grant to the federal commission investigating the Sept. 11 attacks, saying that they will meet only with the panel's top two officials and that Mr. Bush will submit to only a single hour of questioning, commission members said Wednesday."
- New York Times, "Bush to Limit Testimony Before 9/11 Panel " (2/26/04)
No Limit on Time on Bush's Appearance as Cheney's Sock Puppet.
Facing growing public disgust, Bush decided instead to appear for three hours, but only in tandem with VP Cheney and not under oath.
"The president's going to answer all of the questions they want to raise. Nobody's watching the clock."
posted on January 31, 2005 03:56:56 PM new
Oh, I forgot, the list of bush's flip-flops acts like garlic to linduhvampire......won't see her for awhile.....
posted on January 31, 2005 04:10:09 PM new
LOL - No need to rehash that guy won re-election. Your guy didn't....kerry's flip-flops must have made a much bigger impression on the voters.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Four More Years....YES!!!
posted on January 31, 2005 04:12:50 PM new
OH, no NEED to re-hash bush's flip-flops? Didn't he win? Shouldn't HIS flip-flopping be VERY important since he is your president?
posted on January 31, 2005 05:38:13 PM newI knew you wouldn't want to talk about it....oh but you'd be wrong again. I have talked about them, over and over and over...there's just no point in rehashing it again. Obviously it wasn't important to enough I've also stated before.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Four More Years....YES!!!
posted on January 31, 2005 06:02:20 PM new
Bush's supporters are pissed over his backing away from the very issues they voted for. If that's not flip flopping, I don't know what is. His "religious" voters are going to realize what utter chumps they've been played for.
posted on January 31, 2005 06:07:18 PM new
But yet you wanted to talk about Hillary....."""....too much change in her positions all at once and her system couldn't take it. """""
Here's one giant lie:
""oh but you'd be wrong again. I have talked about them, over and over and over...there's just no point in rehashing it again""
No, linduh, every time I ever posted bush's flip-flops you disappeared. I used to do that just to get rid of you
posted on January 31, 2005 06:12:01 PM newBoy...I must have missed President Bush saying he wouldn't support a marraige amendment if Congress put's it on his desk. And I haven't read him saying he wouldn't sign leglislation on abortion either. Please direct me to where I can see his reversals on these two subject.
See Prof's post. LOL! This was all over MSN the other day. The religious right is mad and threatening to take action by not supporting the SS measure if he does back down on abortion and the Constitutional amendment, which he is. Linda, you need to read more(I mean really read and not skim).
"No drug, not even alcohol, causes the fundamental ills of society. If we're looking for the source of our troubles, we shouldn't test people for drugs, we should test them for stupidity, ignorance, greed and love of power." ~ P.J. O'Rourke
posted on January 31, 2005 06:21:24 PM newincluding an unprecedented number of African-Americans, Latinos and Catholics who broke with tradition and supported the president solely because of this issue.”
Interesting article... I don't see backing away from and according to the gays, they were not an issue... LOL
posted on January 31, 2005 06:25:14 PM new
Cheryl, you know you'll just get a "there's just no point in rehashing it again" linduhspeak for , "Boy, was I wrong"
posted on January 31, 2005 06:25:17 PM new
Oh, Linda, here are a few quotes for you:
On Aug. 15, in an interview with CNN's Larry King, the president was talking about his support for a federal marriage amendment when King asked him, "What about the union of gays?"
Mr. Bush said, "Well, that's up to the states, you know. If states choose to do that, in other words, if they want to provide legal protections for gays, that's great! That's fine!"
Here's another:
"I don't think we should deny people rights to a civil union, a legal arrangement, if that's what a state chooses to do," the president stated. "[S]tates ought to be able to have the right to pass ... laws that enable people to, you know, be able to have rights, like others."
Doesn't sound like a Constitutional ban is in the works to me.
Here's a Headliner for you:
I'm sure there are tons more, but I'm too sick to look for them.
"No drug, not even alcohol, causes the fundamental ills of society. If we're looking for the source of our troubles, we shouldn't test people for drugs, we should test them for stupidity, ignorance, greed and love of power." ~ P.J. O'Rourke
posted on February 1, 2005 01:36:25 AM new
crowfarm - Because I don't discuss them with you doesn't mean I haven't done so with others. You have never 'run' me off because of any question you've asked.
I'm still laughing at the posts from the liberals on the supposed flip flops.
profe...the article says: "White House officials quickly sought to clarify Bush?s remarks to the Post, saying the president continues to strongly support such an amendment and would urge Congress to pass it.
That's not a flip-flop he's still holding his SAME position. Unlike kerry who kept change his position. The first vote just recently took place....and he's right in being smart enough to see that there wasn't enough support for the bill to pass right now. No words from him he's changed his mind on supporting the bill when it CAN make it's way to his desk.
You liberals are sometimes funny in the way you can 'twist' what's said.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Four More Years....YES!!!
posted on February 1, 2005 01:38:54 AM new
I thought N.O.W. was defunct. I think Helen Girlie Brown gave up....
I have some reservations, but it is to early to decide. I honestly don't know if the US is ready for a women President. I will hold back any comments until I hear more. Boy is that safe
posted on February 1, 2005 01:46:24 AM new
Again, I'd like to see Condi Rice run against hillary. Rice would win hands down.
She'd get a lot of the women's vote...she'd get a lot of the black vote...and she'd have the support of the republican party. ANOTHER win in 2008....I can just picture it.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Four More Years....YES!!!
posted on February 1, 2005 01:52:53 AM new
cheryl - What you posted isn't unknown.
***I*** stated/posted here that President Bush was against gay marriage but had said he's support gay unions...if the states passed them, a long time ago. In one of those hundreds of threads on gay marriage.
And guess what? The states haven't been going in that direction. Many states [13] who recently passed marriage amendments also included no gay unions...or put wording in that defines marriage as between one man and one women.
Don't worry....I'm not missing anything when I'm just think that's the case. LOLOLOLOL!!!
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Four More Years....YES!!!
posted on February 1, 2005 01:54:10 AM new
Lol Linda-cant ya feel the power? She runs you off!! ha-ha-ha! I see her hitting chest here, "I am so great and powerful!" "I run this board" Now behold more about me...derr wonderrful interesting bird - me! You peasants"
- Libra, despite what you say, somehow, if and when t he times comes, I get the feeling you wont be supporting our Senator Clinton. I also dont think it's purely because she's of the female gender that sways your influence away from her.