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posted on February 13, 2001 04:05:02 AM new

Here's a few people Clinton didn't have to Pardon.

1. James McDougal - Clinton's convicted Whitewater partner died of an
apparent heart attack, while in solitary confinement. He was a key witness
in Ken Starr's investigation.

2. Mary Mahoney - A former White House intern was murdered July 1997 at a
Starbucks Coffee Shop in Georgetown. The murder happened just after she was
to go public with her story of sexual harassment in the White House.

3. Vince Foster - Former white House councilor, and colleague of Hillary
Clinton at Little Rock's Rose Law firm. Died of a gunshot wound to the
head, ruled a suicide.

4. Ron Brown - Secretary of Commerce and former DNC Chairman. Reported to
have died by impact in a plane crash. A pathologist close to the
investigation reported that there was a hole in the top of Brown's skull
resembling a gunshot wound. At the time of his death Brown was being
investigated, and spoke publicly of his willingness to cut a deal with

5. C. Victor Raiser II - & - Montgomery Raiser, Major players in the
Clinton fund raising organization died in a private plane crash in July

6. Paul Tulley - Democratic National Committee Political Director found
dead in a hotel room in Little Rock, September 1992. Described by Clinton
as a "Dear friend and trusted advisor".

7. Ed Willey - Clinton fund raiser, found dead November 1993 deep in the
woods in VA of a gunshot wound to the head. Ruled a suicide. Ed Willey died
on the same day his wife Kathleen Willey claimed Bill Clinton groped her in
the oval office in the White House. Ed Willey was involved in several
Clinton fund raising events.

8. Jerry Parks - Head of Clinton's gubernatorial security team in Little
Rock. Gunned down in his car at a deserted intersection outside Little
Rock. Park's son said his father was building a dossier on Clinton. He
allegedly threatened to reveal this information. After he died the files
were mysteriously removed from his house.

9. James Bunch - Died from a gunshot suicide. It was reported that he had
a"Black Book" of people which contained names of influential people who
visited prostitutes in Texas and Arkansas.

10. James Wilson - Was found dead in May 1993 from an apparent hanging
suicide. He was reported to have ties to Whitewater.

11. Kathy Ferguson, ex-wife of Arkansas Trooper Danny Ferguson, was found
dead in May 1994, in her living room with a gunshot to her head. It was
ruled a suicide even though there were several packed suitcases, as if she
were going somewhere. Danny Ferguson was a co-defendant along with Bill
clinton in the Paula Jones lawsuit. Kathy Ferguson was a possible
corroborating witness for Paula Jones.

12. Bill Shelton - Arkansas State Trooper and fiancée of Kathy Ferguson.
Critical of the suicide ruling of his fiancée, he was found dead in
June, 1994 of a gunshot wound also ruled a suicide at the grave site of his

13. Gandy Baugh - Attorney for Clinton's friend Dan Lassater, died by
jumping out a window of a tall building January, 1994. His client was a
convicted drug distributor.

Florence Martin - Accountant & sub-contractor for the CIA, was related to
the Barry Seal Mena Airport drug smuggling case. He died of three gunshot

14. Suzanne Coleman - Reportedly had an affair with Clinton when he was
Arkansas Attorney General. Died of a gunshot wound to the back of the head,
ruled a suicide. Was pregnant at the time of her death.

15. Paula Grober - Clinton's speech interpreter for the deaf from 1978 until
her death December 9, 1992. She died in a one car accident.

16. Danny Casolaro - Investigative reporter. Investigating Mena Airport and
Arkansas Development Finance Authority. He slit his wrists, apparently, in
the middle of his investigation.

17. Paul Wilcher - Attorney investigating corruption at Mena Airport with
Casolaro and the 1980 "October Surprise" was found dead on a toilet June
22,1993 in his Washington DC apartment. Had delivered a report to Janet
Reno 3 weeks before his death.

18. Jon Parnell Walker - Whitewater investigator for Resolution TrustCorp.
Jumped to his death from his Arlington, Virginia apartment balcony
August15, 1993. He was investigating the Morgan Guarantee scandal.

19. Barbara Wise - Commerce Department staffer. Worked closely with Ron
Brownand John Huang. Cause of death unknown. Died November 29, 1996. Her
bruised nude body was found locked in her office at the Department of

20. Charles Meissner - Assistant Secretary of Commerce who gave John Huang
special security clearance, died shortly thereafter in a small plane crash.

21. Dr. Stanley Heard - Chairman of the National Chiropractic Health
CareAdvisory Committee died with his attorney Steve Dickson in a small
plane crash. Dr. Heard, in addition to serving on Clinton's advisory
council personally treated Clinton's mother, stepfather and brother.

22. Barry Seal - Drug running pilot out of Mena Arkansas, Death was no

23. Johnny Lawhorn Jr. - Mechanic, found a check made out to Bill Clinton
in the trunk of a car left at his repair shop. He was found dead after his
car had hit a utility pole.

24. Stanley Huggins - Investigated Madison Guarantee. His death was a
purported suicide and his report was never released.

25. Hershell Friday - Attorney and Clinton fund raiser died March 1, 1994
when his plane exploded.

26. Kevin Ives & Don Henry - Known as "The boys on the track" case. Reports
say the boys may have stumbled upon the Mena Arkansas airport drug
operation. A controversial case, the initial report of death said, due to
falling asleep on railroad tracks. Later reports claim the 2 boys had been
slain before being placed on the tracks. Many linked to the case died
before their testimony could come before a Grand Jury.


27. Keith Coney - Died when his motorcycle slammed into the back of a
truck, 7/88.

28. Keith McMaskle - Died stabbed 113 times, Nov, 1988

29. Gregory Collins - Died from a gunshot wound January 1989.

30. Jeff Rhodes - He was shot, mutilated and found burned in a trash dump
in April 1989.

31. James Milan - Found decapitated. However, the Coroner ruled his death
was due to "natural causes".

32. Jordan Kettleson - Was found shot to death in the front seat of his
pickup truck in June 1990.

33. Richard Winters - A suspect in the Ives / Henry deaths. He was killed
in a set-up robbery July 1989


34. Major William S. Barkley Jr.
35. Captain Scott J. Reynolds
36. Sgt. Brian Hanley
37. Sgt. Tim Sabel
38. Major General William Robertson
39. Col. William Densberger
40. Col. Robert Kelly
41. Spec. Gary Rhodes
42. Steve Willis
43. Robert Williams
44. Conway LeBleu
45. Todd McKeehan

Quite an impressive list! Pass this on. Let the public become aware of what
happens to friends of the Clinton's!

posted on February 13, 2001 06:29:28 AM new
WOW!!! I've heard speculation here and there about things that have happened to some of the people around Hillary and Bill. It sure makes one wonder why so many of their friends and associates have died when there has been controversy surrounding them (the Clintons).

There are also people who have made accusations that Clinton has used the IRS against his foes. But somehow that never has stuck either.

I often wonder if this is why almost half of the voters in America don't vote. So many dishonest politicians, and who knows what to believe. Very discouraging.

posted on February 13, 2001 07:04:49 AM new
As much as I enjoy a good conspiracy theory, it sounds a lot like 6 degrees of Bacon (Clinton) to me.
How many of us can make a bizarre chain of odd occurances in our own lives?
I know mine reads like a bad soap opera. I've known suicides and murderers, been impacted by early deaths and tragic accidents, and my friends have had these things happen to their friends and family too. Unless I'm some sort of a Jonah, I think it's more likely that the longer you live, the more people you come into contact with, the larger their circle of friends, the more likely it is that strange/bad things can be connected to you.

And when you are rich and political, you know and meet thousands of people (and they have friends, and so on).

posted on February 13, 2001 07:16:12 AM new

46. My Aunt Milly - Voted for Clinton but never, ever donated a penny to a Clinton fund raising organization. They found her, suffocated, with her checkbook stuffed down her throat.

Poor Aunt Milly.

posted on February 13, 2001 07:19:14 AM new
LOL... I suppose he was responsible for the death of Uncle Milty, and the Oklahoma city bombing as well...

After all, they happened over the last fifteen years also.

opps, forgot to ask...does Bill own a White Bronco?

Maybe OJ WAS framed...hmmmm

[ edited by Pocono on Feb 13, 2001 07:24 AM ]
posted on February 13, 2001 09:41:56 AM new
Linda_K: I agree with you. This is very discouraging to hear.

I feel sorry for those families.
What a cold hearted, evil person(s) would do or plot such an evil act.
Perhaps, they don't believe that God sees ALL.

I do not know for certainty if Clinton is responsible for all or any one of the above, but I do know, that God knows.

Some of the families have publicly stated, they believe Clinton was behind the killings.

Peoples life's were taken from them. They were murdered. I am sorry some of you think this is a joking matter.

posted on February 13, 2001 10:02:08 AM new
Maybe you should call Oliver Stone with this story lol.

femme- LOL that was a good story!

posted on February 13, 2001 10:49:08 AM new
Poor Aunt Milly.

I hope that you've chosen the responsible course of action and reported the incident to the RNC for prolonged investigative study.

posted on February 13, 2001 11:05:41 AM new

"I do not know for certainty if Clinton is responsible for all or any one of the above, but I do know, that God knows"

No, you don't, but that doesn't stop you.

But you do know that you support Ashcroft's resolve to end research using human embryonic materials so that all of the diabetics and Alzhiemer sufferers can continue to die as Jesus the King meant them to, right?

posted on February 13, 2001 11:07:07 AM new
By the way, what do you think about Ashcroft annointing himself with Pam before he leaves for work each day?

posted on February 13, 2001 11:19:42 AM new

Congresswoman Pat called President Reagan the "Teflon" President for a reason...nothing could stick to him i.e. the Iran/Contra scandal.

not bobbysoxer on eBay

[email protected]

posted on February 13, 2001 11:24:42 AM new
God may know, and HE may pass judgement, but remember..YOU AINT GOD!

I think that anyone who claims to be a follower of Jesus, and then condems someone else without proof, is guilty of the same things that put Jesus on the cross.

Don't thump your bible to THIS Christian, if you are going to be a hipocrit.

If there were any validity to your post, I would think that in nearly FIFTY cases that you accuse Mr Clinton of being involved in, that at least ONE minute bit of evidence would have shown up over the 15 year period you mention.

But after all, Republican spin and hype cannot be proved, for it is as real as the Grand and Powerful Wizard of Oz...

posted on February 13, 2001 11:29:28 AM new

I think psalm139 put 45 more nails into Jesus.


not bobbysoxer on eBay
[email protected]

[ edited by bobbysoxer on Feb 13, 2001 11:31 AM ]
posted on February 13, 2001 12:42:47 PM new

Not to mention all of the hit men involved in this conspiracy. Imagine, not one of them going to the press and looking for his/her 15 minutes of fame.

Or, writing a tell-all book, making mega bucks, with appearances on Oprah and Larry King.

Even some of the mob's hit men weren't able to keep their mouths shut.

Unless, of course, Clinton was the lone perpetrator.

Are we gullible, or what? We actually believed Clinton when he said he was going to Camp David all those weekends.

posted on February 13, 2001 12:53:11 PM new

(Whispering here)

Pssst Pocono, I believe Uncle Milty (Berle) is still alive.

posted on February 13, 2001 12:54:13 PM new
psalms139 and Linda_K

Does God know who's next?


posted on February 13, 2001 01:03:03 PM new

Although I've come to believe Clinton is completely amoral, and capable of doing anything at all that suits his purpose...even I don't believe he's far enough round the bend to off this humongous group of folks...

posted on February 13, 2001 01:10:13 PM new
There are a few still around -- Linda Tripp and Monica Lewinsky come to mind. Paula Jones was still around the last I heard.

It is true that some of those deaths came at a very opportune time for Clinton, and occured under very odd circumstances.

However, without proof, they have to be viewed as a combination of coincidences which just happened to permanently close the mouths of people who might or might not have been able to incriminate Clinton.


posted on February 13, 2001 01:43:17 PM new
This has been making the email rounds for several years.

I have friends and family members who have passed away in the past few years, but I certainly haven't had any die of gunshot wounds to the head or should I say 'apparent suicides.'

As for Monica, Paula, and Linda, well, I think that could be explained by the fact that they were very much in the public, and their deaths would be hard to cover up.

I'm certainly not saying that Mr. Clinton killed all these people, I'm also not saying that he ordered all of them killed. I do think this list is intriguing though.

HJW, According to my beliefs, God does know who's next. I believe God is onmiscient, omnipresent, and omnipotent. And I believe that, while I do not support the Clintons, and I do not agree with what they do/have done, it is not my place to judge them. Only God can judge them. On the other hand, I am human, and it is difficult to not form some kind of thoughts about a list like this.

I also think it is sad that this thread has turned into a place for jokes. 45 people have died, from various causes, some highly suspicious, some not, and we are making jokes?

posted on February 13, 2001 01:49:47 PM new
Just to point out the obvious, has anyone even bothered to confirm that these 45 names are of people who have even existed, let alone had a Clinton connection, let alone died? And if so, what exactly does this prove; that everyone will in fact die eventually?
posted on February 13, 2001 03:02:41 PM new

It's luducrous and irresponsible to post
this list with the inference that because
these people were friends of Clinton (if they
were friends of Clinton) that he was responsible for their death (if they are in
fact dead)

I believe that the entire post should be deleted.
I can't call a poster a pain in the ass but
you can post crap like this?

And then you bring up God to justify it.
I don't believe that
anybody's concept of God would approve of
this. Maybe you should say a little prayer
and delete this post.

What a piece of trash!


posted on February 13, 2001 04:02:52 PM new
femme: LOL...that was the joke...

People are always saying that "Uncle Milty" and "Abe Vigoda" are dead...

I was going to aquit Clinton on those charges anyway...LMAO

posted on February 13, 2001 04:39:31 PM new
Abe Vigoda's DEAD?
..oh. Nevermind.

I have trouble believing that anyone capable of doing something as mentally demanding as posting to a chatboard could also believe tripe like that contained in the initial post of this thread.


...hit "Inbox Rebellion", page down to:

President Clinton has been quietly ordering the murders of those who oppose him.

...I realize that a fair and factual analysis is unlikely to interest you, psalms, but there it is in any case.

posted on February 13, 2001 04:53:42 PM new

Paul Wilcher
His partially decomposed body was found in his home, still seated on the toilet. According
to the Washington Times, "...he was investigating the theory of an 'October Surprise'
conspiracy during the 1980 federal election campaign. He had been interviewing
an inmate who claimed to have piloted George Bush to Paris so he could secretly
seek to delay the release of 52 American hostages in Iran."

Sid Adger
Mr. Adger, a Houston oil supply company executive and Bush family friend, died in 1996 of
unknown causes. Adger was the mysterious businessman who approached General
James Rose and asked him to help George W. Bush avoid Vietnam by recommending him
for a pilot position with the National Guard.

General James Rose
General Rose recommended George W. Bush for a pilot position with the Texas National
Guard. He died of unknown causes in 1993. He was immediately buried and no autopsy
was performed.

Orlando Letelier
He was torn to bits by a car bomb on the streets of Washington DC just before he was to
testify against the Chilean dictator Pinochet. After the bombing, CIA Director George H. W.
Bush told the FBI that there had been no Chilean involvement whatsoever. In 1991 the
post-Pinochet Chilean Supreme Court asked George H. W. Bush if he would submit to
questioning. BUSH REFUSED.

Ronni Moffit
She was Letelier's assistant. She and her husband were riding in the car with Letelier when
the bomb exploded. Mr. Moffit survived. Ronni didn't.

Amiram Nir
He was a former Israeli agent who was in Jerusalem with George Bush during Iran Contra.
He went under the assumed name of Pat Weber. Nir was scheduled to testify to the Senate
subcommittee and it was feared he would reveal the truth. He perished when his aircraft
was shot down with missiles from the helicopter of a man called Gene Tatum, 25-year CIA
deep cover agent.

Senator John Tower
He was appointed by the Reagan/Bush Administration to chair the bipartisan committee to
investigate the Iran/Contra scandals. He directed the Tower Report and had all the Iran
Contra documents that told the real story. He was killed in an airplane crash later in
Georgia in 1991. Also killed was his daughter, Marian.

Mario Ruiz Massieu
An apparent suicide, Massieu was facing charges that he laundered money for the
cocaine cartels. A Houston, Texas jury had found that $8 million in his bank accounts was
paid to him by cocaine cartels.

Steve Kangas
His web site, Liberalism Resurgent, was meticulously researched and presented such a
problem to the "real boss" of George Bush, Richard Scaife, that he hired a private detective
to look into Kangas' past. Steve Kangas was found in a 39th-floor bathroom outside of
Scaife's offices at One Oxford Centre, in Pittsburgh, an apparent suicide. Mr. Kangas, a
very prolific writer, left no note. He had brought a fully-packed suitcase of clothes with him
to Pittsburgh. He bought a burglar alarm shortly before he left for Pittsburgh. Why did he
need a burglar alarm if he was going to commit suicide? An avowed advocate of gun
control, he nevertheless bought a gun. What was he afraid of? Why did he go to
Pittsburgh? After his death, his computer was sold for $150 and its hard drive wiped clean.
Everything in his apartment was thrown away.

Mohammed Zia al-huk
Dictator of Pakistan, and knew all about Iran/Contra, the training, funding, and arming of
narco-terrorists like Osama bin Laden. In August 1988, the same day George Bush got the
Republican nomination, his plane crashed into the ground with all engines running. The
Pakistanis kept the bodies around (in violation of Islamic custom) for weeks, awaiting US
experts. They showed up three weeks later and never checked the bodies. Why?

Malcolm Baldridge
Commerce Secretary May 1987. Baldridge was familiar with the Bush family ties to the
Communist Chinese. He died in a mysterious horseback riding accident.

Karla Faye Tucker
She was executed in spite of enormous protest from the public, even those religious groups
that advocate the death penalty. Even Pat Robertson thought that Karla was truly
repentant and asked George W. Bush to spare her life. He refused. Afterward, in a Talk
Magazine interview, this stalwart of the Republican Party made fun of the woman
whose death warrant he had sanctioned. How compassionate!

John Fitzgerald Kennedy
An internal FBI memo reported that on November 22 a reputed businessman named
George H. W. Bush reported hearsay that a certain Young Republican had been talking of
killing the President when he came to Houston. The Young Republican was nowhere near
Dallas on that date. According to a 1988 story in The Nation, J. Edgar Hoover said in a
memo that Mr. George Bush of the CIA had been briefed on November 23rd, 1963 about
the reaction of anti-Castro Cuban exiles in Miami to the assassination of President
Kennedy. George H. W. Bush has denied this, although he was in Texas and cannot
account for his whereabouts at the time.

Hale Boggs
He sat on the Warren Commission, which concluded that President Kennedy was slain by a
lone assassin. Later, in 1971 and '72, Boggs said that the Warren Report was false and
that J. Edgar Hoover's FBI not only helped cover up the JFK murder but blackmailed
Congress with massive wire-tapping and spying. He named Warren Commission staff
member Arlen Specter as a major cover-up artist. Congressman Boggs' plane disappeared
on a flight to Alaska in 1972. The press, the military, and the CIA publicly proclaimed the
plane could not be located. Investigators later said that was a lie, that the plane had been

George de Mohrenschildt
A rich Russian oilman, he was described with his wife as being the two people friendliest to
Oswald at the time of the assassination. De Mohrenschildt was the man who moved Oswald
to Dallas. In the late 1970's, shortly before the first meeting of the House Select Committee
on Assassinations, de Mohrenschildt started seeing a new doctor in town. He quickly
became mentally unstable, at which time his wife convinced him to stop seeing the doctor.
They moved away and left a false forwarding address. On the same day that the Committee
tried to contact him about testifying, he was found dead of a gunshot wound. In his
personal address book was the entry Bush, George H.W. (Poppy) and Zapata Petroleum
Midland (the oil company owned by George H.W. Bush).

Barry Seal
He was supposedly murdered by Medellin cartel members, but a 6-month investigation by
Sam Dalton, attorney for three of the accused murderers, into Mr. Seal's life and death
uncovered some interesting points. The accused's cartel connections were well known,
but not their association with Oliver North's enterprise. Mr. Seal was a drug smuggler, up to
his armpits in smuggling cocaine for - guess who? - the CIA. During the penalty phase of
the Columbians' trial, testimony by one government witness on the activities of Mr. Seal was
so damaging to the government that 2 of the jurors wanted to change their verdict to "not
guilty". The personal telephone number of George H. W. Bush was found in the trunk of Mr.
Seal's car.

William Colby
This former CIA director disappeared in an apparent boating accident, and a body was
later discovered (minus the life jacket Colby's friends insisted he always wore while
boating) and buried promptly. John DeCamp, a lawyer from Lincoln, Nebraska, and Colby's
close friend and confidant, said Colby's death was not an accident. He stated that Colby
was prepared to disclose that missing P.O.W.'s were working for a dope smuggling
operation orchestrated by General Colin Powell, Pentagon official Richard Armitage, and
George H. W. Bush.

Mrs. E. Howard Hunt
In December 1972, while George H. W. Bush was at the Republican National Convention, a
United Airlines flight carrying Mrs. Dorothy Hunt, CIA operative and wife of Howard Hunt,
(CIA operative and suspect in the Kennedy assassination) crashed. Believed to be carrying
$25,000 in "hush money", she died in this crash.

Vince Foster
It has been conjectured that Mr. Foster was killed by Republican operatives for George
Bush after he found evidence of Bush involvement in the death of Mrs. E. Howard Hunt
when reviewing the White House Travel Office files.

Danny Casolaro
He was working on a book that tied together the scandals surrounding the presidency of
George H. W. Bush. He told his friends he was going to "bring back" the head of the
Octopus. Instead, his body was found in a hotel in Martinsburg, West Virginia, on August
10, 1991, an apparent suicide.

Don McCoy
Mr. McCoy had agreed the day before to turn state's evidence in an FBI investigation that
threatened some of El Paso's most prominent business leaders. On February 19, 1988, he
took off from El Paso International Airport, banked to the right and headed southwest for
approximately 2 ½ miles before his plane slammed into the I-10 right-of-way and exploded.
With him was his secretary and her 11-year old son. All three were killed.

Olof Palme
He was the prime minister of Sweden, assassinated in 1986. Oliver North, the golden boy of
the Bush/Reagan machine, had met with Mr. Palme to discuss the possibility of obtaining
false end-user certificates for the plethora of weapons that were being purchased, so that
they would seem to have come from a country other than the U.S. Mr. Palme refused to
participate, after the plan was presented to him. He was dead within weeks.

Archbishop Oscar Romero
Archbishop Romero was a true hero, speaking out against atrocities by a
Bush/Reagan-backed fascist government. He refused to appear in public with any army or
government personnel, and was a voice for the thousands of tortured, slaughtered and
oppressed in El Salvador. He was shot in the back while preparing Mass. The death of
Archbishop Romero is one among many. There is not enough space to list the hundreds of
thousands who died under Reagan/Bush-backed, right-wing governments.

David Wayne Spence
David Wayne Spence was executed in Texas in 1997 in spite of compelling evidence of his
innocence. Two of the State's witnesses were co-defendants who testified to avoid the
death penalty, one of whom changed his story three times in response to discrepancies. He
later testified that D.A. Simons encouraged him to alter his testimony. Two other witnesses
for the State were jailhouse snitches who recanted later and stated that Simons offered
them favors in exchange for testimony. All of this and more was supposedly reviewed by
Governor George W. Bush, but Bush refused to commute his sentence, and did not
order the Board of Pardons and Paroles to review his request for clemency. It is a myth
that a Texas Governor can do nothing to stop executions; the Board will almost always
go with his recommendation. Bush washed his hands of the matter and did nothing.
Reasonable doubt is not a factor in Texas justice.

Gary Graham
Gary Graham was convicted of the robbery and murder of a white man in 1981. Nearly two
weeks after the crime, the state's prime witness could not pick Gary's picture out of a
photo line-up. Mr. Graham was arrested with a 22 caliber pistol. The victim had been killed
with a 22, but the police firearms examiner determined that Mr. Graham's gun DID NOT
fire the fatal bullet. Four witnesses said Gary Graham was with them, miles away from the
convenience store, when the murder occured. All four took and passed polygraph tests.
George W. Bush, predictably, expressed his faith in the Texas judicial system and allowed
Mr. Graham to be put to death. Mr. Graham maintained his innocence to the end.

William Casey
William Casey was CIA Director during the Reagan/Bush Administration. He died 2 days
before he was to testify about his and others' involvement in the Iran/Contra scandal.

Lt. Colonel William Harris, Jr.
Lt. Col. William Harris was one of two commanding officers who could not perform George
W. Bush's annual evaluation covering the year from May 1, 1972 to April 30, 1973. They
stated in their filing that "Lt. Bush has not been observed at this unit during the period
of this report." Fortunately for George W. Bush, Lt. Col. Harris is not here to verify his
1973 statement. He's dead.

Lt. Colonel Jerry B. Killian
Lt. Col. Jerry B. Killian was another of George W. Bush's commanding officers. He cannot
testify in a court of law as to George W. Bush's dereliction of his sworn duty. Lt. Col. Killian
is dead.

Edmond J. Safra
Banker Edmond J. Safra died mysteriously when a fire swept his Monaco penthouse
apartment. His banks had been used for laundering money by the Bush Iran/Contra

Charles Ruff
Attorney Charles Ruff successfully defended President Bill Clinton against the smear
campaign by the reich wing Bush machine. He died of an accident in his home. Details of
the accident are unknown. Ruff had been assisting Vice President Al Gore's legal team
during the recount proceedings in Florida, where a battle for the right to know the will of the
people is raging.

Lars Erik Nelson
Lars-Erik Nelson was a reporter for the New York Daily News and a constant critic of
George Bush throughout the 2000 Presidential campaign. He wrote a series of articles on
how Bush was trying to steal the Florida election. Found dead in his living room of an
apparent stroke on November 21, 2000, the very day that Bush lawyers were making their
arguments before the Florida Supreme Court.

Henry B. Gonzalez
Henry Gonzalez, former Congressman from Texas, was the Chairman of the House Banking
Committee during the Reagan and Bush years. He oversaw hearings on the S&L fiasco
which nailed Neil Bush, and tried to have both Reagan and George Bush impeached. In a
speech before Congress on July 27, 1992, Gonzalez revealed that George Bush signed a
top secret National Security Decision directive, known as NSD 26, ordering closer ties with
Saddam Hussein and Iraq. Henry Gonzalez died of unknown causes on November 27,

Charles M. McKee and Matthew Gannon
Charles M. McKee, ostensibly a military attache for the DIA in Beirut, Matthew Gannon, CIA
Deputy Station Chief in Beirut, and three others were on board Pan Am Flight 103, which
exploded over Lockerbie, Scotland. They were part of a counterterrorist team in Beirut
investigating the possible rescue of 9 American hostages in Lebanon. The McKee team
uncovered evidence that a rogue CIA unit called COREA, based in Wiesbaden, was doing
business with a man called Monzer Al-Kassar, a Syrian arms dealer and drug trafficker.
Al-Kassar was part of the covert network run by U.S. Lieut. Colonel Oliver North. Outraged
that the COREA unit in Wiesbaden was doing business with a Syrian who had close
terrorist connections and might endanger their chances of rescuing the hostages, the
McKee team decided to fly back to Virginia unannounced and expose the COREA unit's
secret deal with al-Kassar. They never got there. "For three years, I've had a feeling that
if Chuck hadn't been on that plane, it wouldn't have been bombed," said Beulah
McKee, 75, Charles McKee's mother, to Time Magazine. Four months after her son was
killed for his efforts to expose the CIA, Mrs. McKee received a sympathy letter from George
H. W. Bush. Mrs. McKee has never been satisfied with the government's version of events.

Mae Brussel
A California housewife, she became interested in the JFK assassination after seeing the
televised shooting of Lee Harvey Oswald by Jack Ruby. After eight years of extensive
research, her conclusions were that John F. Kennedy, Robert F. Kennedy and Martin
Luther King, Jr., were all killed by the same monster - the "shadow" government formed
when our own people collaborated with top Nazi officials at the close of World War II.

Robert Kennedy
Robert Kennedy was assassinated on the eve of his election in June, 1968. According to
Mae Brussels (see above) all of the Kennedy brothers were an immense thorn in the side
of the Reich Wing.

Martin Luther King, Jr.
Probably the most beloved African-American in history, Martin Luther King, Jr., brought
hope to the disenfranchised and showed us all how peaceful demonstration and
determination can turn the tide. He was assassinated by James Earl Ray, who later
recanted his admission that he acted on his own, and implicated the Bush CIA.

posted on February 13, 2001 05:02:43 PM new
Paula Jones, at least, has been safely nuetralized by Clinton's destruction of her credibility. He did it by hypnotizing the God fearing daughter of a minister into waggling her burnished bare bottom while on all fours for the sake of her children in photos published by Penthouse magazine.

Reportedly, Monica Lewinsky will soon suffer the same fate, provided that the persuasive powers of the ex-president can first cause her miraculous reduction in sheer bulk.

However, Penthouse is unlikely to risk another boondoggie of any style following the lawsuit filed by a prisoner in a Texas state hospital complaining of the inadequate buff of Paula, notwithstanding her inflationary silicon surgical enhancements, so Monica may have to be dealt a different blow.

posted on February 13, 2001 05:25:21 PM new

posted on February 13, 2001 05:43:47 PM new

That was a great article. Here's a direct link:

[ edited by jtland on Feb 13, 2001 06:06 PM ]
posted on February 13, 2001 07:08:05 PM new
psalms139: Do not be discouraged, it happens to all of us, when we go against what most posters here wish to see/hear/read.

krs: Nothing, not even your liberal "facts", have ever stopped you.

Pocono: I do not believe psalms139 EVER claimed to be God, but you call yourself a Christian and in the same breath berate a brother? Who is being the hypocrit here? Psalms139 has stated his facts in the same way you state your own, does he not? And, by posting your "Bush Body Count", are you not doing the same thing you are accusing psalms139 of?

bobbysoxer: Nice "nails". But when we all sin, we cause him pain, as your statement should indicate.

femme: How about all the mob consperices? Has anyone been able to find facts other then what they want revieled? Do not most mobsters tend to end up in a trunk, or with cement boots, or on the 19th green after they "squeel"?

xellil: Notice the ones still around have all kept a high profile?

HJW: Amazing, you calling psalms139 "luducrous and irresponsible to post " and "I believe that the entire post should be deleted.
I can't call a poster a pain in the ass but
you can post crap like this?", and "And then you bring up God to justify it.
I don't believe that
anybody's concept of God would approve of
this. Maybe you should say a little prayer
and delete this post.

What a piece of trash!

Helen " When you started a thread called "Bush contributes to Aids Epidemic???", then ran all sorts of "pity me-ism" when your statements were unjustifiable. WOW!!

I had hoped to come back, and see some un-bashing items, and let everyone know why FAVORITES wasn't finished. After the last several days, comming in here and seeing yet again the RT AW crowd tring to destroy someone due to thier oppisite views, really sickins me almost as much as the funerals I just returned from attending. I do not know if I should finish it now, for what goes on in here, espically right now, really makes me ill.


In the begining, God created the heavens and the earth.
posted on February 13, 2001 07:16:11 PM new
Getting a little personal folks.

Subject not posters. Subject not posters. Subject not posters. Subject not posters.



posted on February 13, 2001 07:20:59 PM new
Have you ever heard of a troll post? If not, that means a post that is meant to provoke a reaction. Do you think that posting one of these circulating emails that claim something outrageous to be true (the above "list" in psalms139's post) is intended to provoke thoughtful discussion? Of what? This "list" is similar to the emails that claim Janet Reno is building concentration camps for homeschoolers or that Congress is considering taxing email. What sort of discussion should psalms139's post have resulted in?

As for God, psalms139 brought that up. Pocono's "list" merely pointed out the absurdity in psalm139's list.
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