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posted on April 8, 2001 04:50:15 AM new
Wow, another new lovely room! Ok gang, after a slight pause we now resume the party in full swing!

Just to get us started off on the right foot, I brought some supplies along. Lemme see what I've got in the ole party box...

Here's the gang!
Can't forget my trademark party horns!
How about some dancers?
Can't forget the party animals:
How about some ice cream?
And a little bunny for Easter

Let's have some good fun with some good friends and terrible jokes!

~^~ Hippy wannabe ~^~
posted on April 8, 2001 04:53:27 AM new
Hey!!! Who's jokes are you calling terrible???

A farmer rings up the vet and says "two of me chickens have stopped laying'"

The vet says "really, how do you know?"

The farmer says "I just ran over the bastards in me tractor."

posted on April 8, 2001 04:53:49 AM new
Oh for Heaven's sake, I forgot the bouncing crew!

~^~ Hippy wannabe ~^~
posted on April 8, 2001 04:54:09 AM new
Yeeha, I just love a good party. Hi Mouse is this party swinging along or what.

Would you like some fruit.

posted on April 8, 2001 04:55:02 AM new
LOL, surely not yours Pharlap!

~^~ Hippy wannabe ~^~
posted on April 8, 2001 04:59:03 AM new
Now all I need is DSL, an optical mouse (remember the cat hair problem ) and my printers and scanner hooked up! Oh, and a Sony Mavica would be nice too Anyone have one they want to donate??

~^~ Hippy wannabe ~^~
posted on April 8, 2001 05:00:08 AM new
Hi Pharlap, how are you doing.

Is this a lovely party venue or what, I think that we are getting better at picking the beauty spot to hold our parties in, every new place we find is just that little bit better than the last. LOL

posted on April 8, 2001 05:02:25 AM new
Hi you two!

I'm doing ok but can't stay long tonight. Just wanted to drop in here and enjoy the feel of the new carpet between my toes!

posted on April 8, 2001 05:03:06 AM new
You know what Mouse, I did have a digital camera that I sold recently. But I got a deadbeat buyer, so I sold it to the next highest bidder. This guy has bid on two other cameras' and has not paid for any of them so far. He is now -3 feedback. Good start isn't it. LOL I think he just likes to bid and never carries through with the deal.

posted on April 8, 2001 05:06:10 AM new
Well I am not in for much longer myself. It is almost time for bed.

I wonder how Bob is doing with his Possums'.

The carpet is just lovely isn't it, and look we have 2 loos' boy we have moved up in the world. LOL

posted on April 8, 2001 05:12:44 AM new
ARRRRGGGG! That's it, I don't care how much pain I'm in tomorrow, I'm getting a new mouse! I'd forgotten how bad this one had become.

Wow, we have 2 loos now? WOOHOO!

I'm not in for much longer myself, I'm getting very sleepy...

~^~ Hippy wannabe ~^~
posted on April 8, 2001 05:15:28 AM new

Time to roll out the music machine. Anyone have a request for a song?

[ edited by nettak on Apr 8, 2001 05:16 AM ]
posted on April 8, 2001 05:18:56 AM new
Well I am really ready to call it a night, it has taken it out of me what with all this moving the furniture and painting the walls. ROTF haha

Goodnight all. See you tomorrow.

I hope everyone enjoys our new party hall, and don't forget to turn out the lights on the way out. LOL

posted on April 8, 2001 05:20:50 AM new
Thanks for starting a fresh thread, mouse

Now someone be sure to email the link to Rocker so she can find her way when she gets a reprieve from the adoring crowds and has time to visit again.....

Have fun, folks!

posted on April 8, 2001 05:22:57 AM new
Already done Michelle thanks.

How is baby G tonight?

posted on April 8, 2001 05:25:36 AM new

posted on April 8, 2001 05:27:23 AM new
No problem Michelle! Sorry to hear baby is giving you a hard time

I think I will call it a night as well. My eyes are very heavy...Nighters!

~^~ Hippy wannabe ~^~
posted on April 8, 2001 06:27:30 AM new
oooh that fruit looks delicious nettak.

the party thread tradition continues

have a lovely day everyone

posted on April 8, 2001 10:32:13 AM new
WHOOOO HOOOOOOOO!!!!!!! Two loos, wall to wall carpet, and a new little Baby Moderator on the way!?!?!? Does it get any better than this?!?!?!? WOW WOW WOW you guys have all done wonders with this place, very impressive!! HOW IS EVERYONE?!?! Fill me in on the scoop, I missed you all terribly!!!

Rocker [ edited by nycrocker on Apr 8, 2001 10:33 AM ]
posted on April 8, 2001 02:33:52 PM new
Hi honey, welcome home Rocker. LOL

Well we are still here in the newest venue, kinda cool don't ya think. Isn't the carpet, just to die for, and both of our toilets flush. ROTF

Everyone is still coming and going. We have all missed you like crazy and boy am I glad that you are back, even though I know it is just for a very short while. You just come back whenever you have the time, in between rehersals and the like. We all know how busy you are.

Bob has been in his glory, because he has had all the lovely ladies to himself. LOL haha Last night he could not stay, because he had possums' in his belfry. I hope he caught those pesky little (or not so little) varmits.

Mouse was cheerleader this time around and started the new party, but as you can see we decided to keep the same stage name. We thought that was the best thing to do.

posted on April 8, 2001 02:35:51 PM new
Hi Enchanted it is good to see you.

posted on April 8, 2001 04:44:22 PM new
I was up in the middle of the night but too bummed out to talk. See you tonight. I got laid off from my part time job that was real nice. I picked up $150 to $300 every week and when things went well the guy was quick to give you a little bonus. Well he has no work in sight for a couple months. The economy is really in the PITS.

posted on April 8, 2001 08:54:11 PM new
Hello all you good folk, this looks like a really great place to get down and boogy...

Great to see we will be all getting together
in Netta's freshly painted room.
RockerGlad to see you stopped by, I'll
bet your little kitties are lonely with you
working so hard...hope all is well, ya'll come back and see us ya heah? Mouseslayer I like the welcome mat you have out front, hope some of our old buddies will drop into the new place. Xardon we could sure use a Philycheesesteak!! wid!
Pharlap you are such a nut....I love your jokes and one liners...Gentle my ar$e!!
Ya, I know you thought I wasn't lookin!! Woo Hoo, Bob you better be careful with that possum, why is the rascal digging the tile off the roof...is he looking for something or just being a pest? Gravid sorry to hear about your job going south, truly hope something opens up for you
quickly. What type of work was it, if you don't mind my asking?

Oh in the pursuit of learning more about our
Aussie mates and their environs, how about that Julia Creek Dunnart? No bigger than a grain of rice when born, its muscles are not strong enough to pump oxygen into its lungs so it absorbs the oxygen thruough its skin for the first few weeks of life. They only discovered this fact in 1998....a little slow
eh? Netta are you anywhere close to Julia Creek? (this is where the little Dunnart got its name)

[ edited by zilvy on Apr 8, 2001 08:56 PM ]
posted on April 8, 2001 09:52:25 PM new
Rocker my pal! I'm glad you dropped in on the first page of our new party room! Things just aren't the same without ya my dear I tried to open our new hall with the same enthusiasm as you my friend, did I do good?

Enchanted, nice to see you! Welcome, pull up a bean bag and enjoy the Lava Lamps. What, I forgot the Lava Lamps?!? Oh for Pete's sake! Who's got the Lava Lamps? Can't be a Hippy party without them!

Zilvy my friend, nice of you to chime in We miss you too!

Bob, did ya get the little varmint??

Gravid, speaking from experience there are plenty of good shoulders around here. Come on in and share what you'd like to, we like to listen (and help when we can!) I may be facing the lay-off blues myself before long, so I know the worry

Michelle you lovely moderator you, thanks for closing our old room. It just wouldn't be the same if someone else did it!

~^~ Hippy wannabe ~^~
posted on April 8, 2001 11:20:42 PM new
Hello oh slayer of mice - you are on the west coast aren't you? I'm starting to get the itch to move again. I have never been overseas. The surviver show made me want to see Australia. I could do a lot better at roughing it than those folks did. My Dad was a Ranger and made sure I could start a fire without matches. I suppose they were not permited to hunt the turtles or crocs as both were in plain sight. I have had alligator tail and it is not too bad. Turtle soup is wonderful. I could make a spear, hammer or bow and arrow if any of the wood was suitable. They fished with hooks. Nobody tried a spear or driving them into a channel.
You use the fish guts from the ones you catch to chum the others in and spear them. A cast net works pretty well also if you can make cord. A flat circle with stones on the edge.
When I was about 12 we used to fish with dynamite. It really is not wasteful if you do it right. Little croc tail on the barbie would be OK if you could come up with something for a sauce...wouldn't that be a party?
[ edited by gravid on Apr 8, 2001 11:24 PM ]
posted on April 8, 2001 11:22:53 PM new
Hey gang, isn't it wonderful that Rocker came in to our newest party room. She will try and come back later, if she can find the time between rehersals. Did you know she is rehersing with two bands, the first one is her own band and the second one is playing lead guitar for someone else. Anyway she can tell you when she pops back in maybe later.

Ooooooooooh Mouse those lava lamps are just the thing, wow they are truely a thing of beauty. LOL I am thinking that we need some big bright orange and purple/hot pink cushions to put around the room to sit on, what do you think?

Zilvy, Julia Creek is way out west a veeeeeeeeery long way away. You would call it almost Outback Australia.

Mostly cattle stations out that way, very isolated in most cases. Stations can be 1,000's of acres and sometimes only have radio communication with the outside world. These are the types of areas that have to call on the radio for the Flying Doctor if there is any sort of medical emergency. Have you heard about our flying doctors??

[ edited by nettak on Apr 8, 2001 11:43 PM ]
posted on April 8, 2001 11:24:16 PM new
Well, I'm close to the coast. I'm in Phoenix. I'm sure our Aussie friends would help with the party!

~^~ Hippy wannabe ~^~
posted on April 8, 2001 11:40:18 PM new

Okay this is a bit of info for Zilvy about our Royal Flying Doctor Service. To help with her thirst for knowledge.

Gravid, Crocodile meat tastes like Stringy Chicken, I am not sure what it would taste like on the BBQ. Now as for catching Turtles and Crocodiles, I think you will find that the turtles are protected and the crocodiles would kill you before you could kill them.

As for the Survivor show, it was not set in the Outback as was told, but in Tropical North Rainforest Queensland. Parts of it are rough, but certainly nothing like the barron outback. Now as for doing things off camera, yes they did do a lot of things that were not shown or reported I am sure, like the destruction of native wildlife, and as for that stabbing of the pig, that was disgusting. If it were really a feral pig, there is no way known that guy would have been able to get that close without him being in mortal danger. Those feral pigs are almost as dangerous as the crocodiles.

Okay back to nice safe party type talk.

I think the table with the pink light on it should be over against the far wall.

posted on April 8, 2001 11:45:37 PM new
If a doctor made a house call here the patient would die of shock from that happening! We had a guy have a heart attack where I worked and the doctor treated him by cell phone. He stayed in the hospital and all the vital signs were transmitted to the doc and he told the paramedic over the speaker what to do until the patient was stable and could be transported.
Phoenix - now there is a pretty hilly place.
The little town I am in is the only hilly place for a hundred miles in any direction. Years ago a big glacier pushed a big pile of rocks in front of it and this is as far south as it got before it retreated and left them here.
How is it where you are nettak? Flat - hills?
funny critters with pouches?
We are getting a LOT of wild critters in the suburbs we did not used to have. The coyotes are real pretty - size of a collie but golden coat and BIG ears. People are having a hard time believing they are a threat to pets and small children. My wife did not believe in them 'til I took her out and showed her. She learned to be quiet and I put us down wind of a pack moving in a gully and they walked within 20 feet of us before they saw us. I had a rifle so I was not too worried. They were happy to run away and I was happy to let them go. They used to have a bounty on them but it was removed a couple years ago.

posted on April 8, 2001 11:49:06 PM new
Party atmosphere? OK - I went and got a nice Evan Williams - Sour mash Kentucky Bourbon - sippin' whisky. That will put me in bed soon... Ah smooth......
[ edited by gravid on Apr 8, 2001 11:49 PM ]
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