posted on March 5, 2004 12:59:08 PM new
We are in the process of setting up a MS Access Database to interface to SMP. We have mapped the image field in batch importer, however, when we go to SMP to view the imported auctions, the images are not attached to the listings.
The current way we save the field in MS Access is in the "image" field and we save the file as a xxx.jpg (example A100.jpg). Obviously the picture (image) we use for that listing is the same file name.
Can you help us on this one. We are trying to have this ready to go by tomorrow morning.
posted on March 5, 2004 06:14:49 PM new
The listings don't have files or images attached. The images are stored in your Image Hosting section of the website.
You'll need to look at the source code (of the listing) or use the file name for the referenced image. Then go to that spot (this will be in your image hosting section of your account) and then attach that file.
posted on March 5, 2004 07:44:46 PM new
As far as I can tell, even though there is a field to match they do not attach as a bulk process of sm pro, and fiddling with them after they are in pending means perhaps undoing the launch and a risk that somewhere in the process the images or other elements of the listing will acquire errors.
I find it's easier to batch upload into sm pro, validate each item by attaching the image auction by auction (very quick in sm pro if they are already uploaded and sync'd), confirm the previews and then launch the batch --easier than than it is to bulk upload images, sync the batch without images and try to attach them online via image hosting instead of the sm pro add image process.
posted on March 5, 2004 10:13:05 PM new
To DarinCS,
As far as I can tell the answer I got has nothing to do with the batch importer option in SMP.
I am very aware that the Image Hosting holds pictures, we have done over 12,000 auctions.
This is a very large project we are working on and need very specific information regarding the "image" mapping field in the batch importer.
If the field is there what are its properties and how does it relate to what SMP is looking for once the field is mapped.
If the picture already has been uploaded to Image Hosting, then the batch importer input whatever image is as associated with the mapped image field. If you are not familar with batch importer please find someone that is.
Have you uploaded the images into SMPro? You are putting in the images correctly in the Image field. As long as you upload the image into the image bar in Pro exactly as you've named it in your file, and you import the file, when you check the batch the image should be attached to it. If you uploaded them all online already, try synchronizing prior to importing your Access file. Let me know how this goes for you.
posted on March 8, 2004 10:17:08 PM new
We did everything you said but the images are not showing up in the imported auctions. An example of one of the auctions is that the file name "X535.jpg" has been put in the "image" batch import field and properly mapped. The picture has been uploaded into SMP with the same file name, "X535.JPG"...but no picture is attached to the auction. Is it possible that SMP would be case sensitive to ".jpg" vs ".JPG"? I really don't beleive that is the issue and it must be something else. Please advise.
posted on March 8, 2004 11:13:19 PM new
As far as I know immages cannot be batch imported. You batch import your items then you attach the images one item at the time in Pro.
Another way is to upload your images through Image Hosting, sync PRO and then attach images manually to each product.
posted on March 9, 2004 02:02:06 AM new
Hello Immages,
Actually, SM Pro is case-sensitive about image names, so please do adjust the names in your import database. Please let us know if the resulting batches still do not have their images attached.
posted on March 10, 2004 07:43:34 PM new
Hi Immages--if you ever find out how to batch attach--please post here and let the rest of us know how to make it work. Thanks.
posted on March 12, 2004 09:34:09 PM new
It indeed was case sensitive between jpg vs JPG. We have a profile set up to have a gallery picture, however when we batch import all auctions are yellow and show that gallery image is not set. Why wouldn't the image that is mapped also be mapped to image gallery? Please help.
If you want to attach a gallery picture to your imported listings, you need to select both the gallery option and the gallery picture in the Profile; all imported listings will thus use the selected picture.
posted on March 15, 2004 09:42:56 AM new
Since each one of our imported auctions are different, they each have their own JPG. If you just click on the Gallery Image radio button there is no way to select a picture because it will put that picture in for the gallery image all the imported auctions which will be obviously the wrong image for all the auctions. Again, I do not see why if the gallery image radio button is selected why SMP would not import the same image into the gallery area. Please help.
Unfortunately, the current Pro version does not allow you to choose the gallery image in the import file. Both gallery fields (option+picture, if one exists) are copied from the associated profile.